HOLY FUCK!! What did Kojima mean by this?!?

HOLY FUCK!! What did Kojima mean by this?!?

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Hideo's not gonna like this....

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>"Fuck I'm getting old"

Take your meds

>still wearing a mask
what a faggot

his meds wont work until you take yours

You are a faggot dirty american, japanese always were masks, it fashion you monkey.

I'm almost sure japs always wear masks,polcels,also imagine being afraid of a piece of fabric LMAO

Ohhhh ai rearry wish random cereburitees were my furendos I ammu SOOO profound and sumarto

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It means that you have until 3:29 to reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

It's obviously a secret hint at his new game.

What does it all mean?

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Time to kill yourself

They abide by rules put in place and look how far ahead their country is socially compared to amerimutts

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Ewww a twitter post, ewwww

user come on, Kojima has always be the most pozzed faggot on the planet.
>Genes don't matter
>War bad because....it just is, ok?
>Nukes bad because they kill lots of people (not because they allow weaker countries to hold the world hostage)
All of this just from MGS1 alone.

The numbers.... Kojima!

>Nukes bad because they kill lots of people (not because they allow weaker countries to hold the world hostage)
What bizarro world do you live in where this is the case?

Kojima is a retard is what I'm saying, his grandpa probably got minor burns from Nagaski and all of Metal Gear and early MGS are NUKES BAD NUKES BAD JAPAN INNOCENT ITS BAD PEOPLE DIE because of it. Nukes are bad, but not for the shitty 1st grade opinion of them being WMD. Only reddit thinks nukes are hecking wholesome chungus awesomesauce with sriracha because it's allows for HECKING world effin peace to exist since there will never be a WW3.

you should try reading what you just posted out loud.

I say everything I speak out loud.

How are you in the future its April 20th

Did caramel kill xirself?

I am afraid of permanently damaging my lungs and immune system, yes. I am one of the only thin people left in my country.

I don't get what point you're trying to make here. I don't think even reddit defends nukes.

Based phone posting chad

>he's already 36
fuck man the time reallyflies

they wear masks in japan prior to covid its a norm over there but it did highten their use since it happened

Imagine being afraid of a coof

They're all clues

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>wont work
no one ever said that ever in history. thats not how herd immunity works. if 1 person in a country has the vaccine then the vaccine will work as well as it can for that 1 person, if everyone (functionally) is vaccinated then it will obviously work better. if you want to oppose something at least know what the fuck you are actually fucking opposing.



>surgeons wearing masks for 12+ hour surgeries for decades
>japs wearing masks all days for decades
>all kinds of medical staff wearing masks all day every day for decades

yep i guess all of them have permanently damaged their lungs and immune system.

imagine wanting to be sick of any kind for any reason

>he didn't buy good looking masks to compliment his wardrobe
>he hasn't introduced maskwear into his daily fashion


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Take your meds and stop believing everything Ben Shapiro tells you

Japs have worn masks for decades dumb /pol/fag

Japs have worn masks for decades dumb /pol/fag

Zoomer here. I can't read analogue (boomer) clocks. What does it say?

Kek, based


Kojima actually invented the clock, and the concept of time.

>introduced maskwear into his daily fashion

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imagine being so out of touch that you think anyone still watches that jew rat

Based nuke enjoyer

also helps with social anxiety too. i havent had covid in my area for ages but i still wear my mask because it gives me the confidence to go outside and do my job better. i hope masks just become an accepted piece of clothing regardless of the actual use of masks.

Which c list actors is he going to hire this time?

doomsday clock.

ngl this. Ever since masks have been acceptable I've been able to enter charity thrift stores without being embarrassed.

He's bigger than ever dude. He's raking in the money

That's cool but masks fuck my skin up

The US is one of the last Western countries to have mandated masks on public transport. Europe did away with all of that shit months ago for all the praise that they got for their COVID response

>i forget about federalism when it suits my argument to do so

mgs 3.5

>The US is one of the last Western countries to have mandated masks on public transport


>10 and 11 are opposites of 4 and 5
>Flip the clock around and it's 4:20
>Blaze it

I can't even fathom being this much of a faggot.