What games are you playing as you celebrate the best day of the year?

What games are you playing as you celebrate the best day of the year?

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Choke on a stick of dynamite you crackhead rat

Tranny drug. Do meth or ketamine, you faggot.

was gonna get stoned and play the port of glover that came out today on steam but people are saying its a bad port

maybe i should just get it anyway its fucking glover


How would someone without friends whatsoever get some weed? Asking fro a friend haha

weed is for pussies
if you want to get high get high
hit the moon
dip that shit in leak or something at least.

>national weed smoking day just so happens to be on Hitler's birthday
really makes you think

im 38 and ive never partook.

Kenshi and maybe some Baldurs gate and Elden ring

I literally have a list of games i want to play while high but always default to league arams. kinda sucks considering i can't smoke everyday since i'm a broke neet.

I'm a broke neet too! I'm learning to code on my own, I'm following the odin project, now inthe middle of the Where's waldo project, I have no fucking idea how to use Firebase tho

Hello fellow mary jane user, may I interest you in some high quality ganja? I'm not a cop by the way.

People who lay things they're going to put in their fucking body on filthy game cases, books, the floor or other similar places are savages. Get a fucking mason jar and a clean tray, for fucks sake.
Clean being the emphasized word, Josh.

Also, what a waste of keef.
And to answer you, Secret of Evermore. It has a special place in my heart around Easter.

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some Katamari would be pretty enjoyable

why is that so finely ground?

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>not a tranny drug

Asking for myself.

literally me. i asked a friend i used to smoke with to help and she got someone to deliver some of the most fire stuff I've smoked for a great price. Without her i would've had to rely on someone who lives out of town.
>I'm learning to code on my own
god i wish that were me, i'm a 25 year old lazy fuck up and that's my way out but i'm too lazy to start.

That's the crystals of thc from the weed
it will really fuck you up


Bro you can't be lazier than me I've been at it for over a year and all I "know" is html, BAD css and shitty js. I can glue a shit to-do web app together (full of bugs probably) but that's the extent of my abilities

Go to the weed store and ask the cashier for weed. You don't live in some shit hole where it's illegal, do you?

>smoke weed once
>become a lifelong schizo


>smoke weed once
>rob a liquor store

don't live in some archaic retarded red state and go into a dispensary

>tfw want to smoke but don't know where to buy

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C&C Red Alert 3 to celebrate the birthday of the Best Boy.

>smoke week
>Hear voices
>Think they're someone else's telapathicly

chill it's a plant

i live in texas faggot. some of us got bad spawn rng.

if you're a pothead you're already less than human

>says a Yea Forums poster

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You know it's a plant right?

>hurr durr how do I get a plant?

Funny, considering the red state politicians are the ones who are leaving the theater in droves to invest in it now and make bank.
Such is the world we live in. Also vidya games.


Just another day for me.

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it may be a plant, but if you smoke enough, you will permanently hear voices from random ambient sounds and im not even joking

depends on your genetics, you lost the lottery

Yeah I'm pretty extreme, I ate weed once

Elite Dangerous is a game I enjoy playing while high but at the same time massive planets or black holes give me intense anxiety so it's a game of peak comfy and peak fear

did you died?

Outriders, they respect their players time, even if they could the revenue.

Humans and beasts successfully spices up your playstyle from covershooting to mobility.

There's dual pistols literally named "RAD 69."
Along with a "exotic" shotgun that warps enemies in front of your reticle for every kill.

What can Destiny do to top that? I am going to enjoy it while it lasts.

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I'm so sick of dude posting. Weed is perfect for gamers and so much better than drinking. Stop being so gay ffs.

It's only because it kicks your imagination into overdrive and makes you overthink every little thing; The perfect storm to start talking to yourself if no one is around to converse with.
It's actually great for self reflection and "Outside-the-box" thinking, despite the stereotype, and makes playing more story related games, among others, very enjoyable. You'll be able to pick up on tons of subtleties you might miss otherwise via overthinking about inane stuff.

>You'll be able to pick up on tons of subtleties you might miss otherwise via overthinking about inane stuff
potheads are so pathetic lmao

I legitimately can't play games if I smoke or drink. Using substances that make me feel retarded are fun, until I need to do something mentally engaging

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yeah dude,I was laughung like crazy for like, 4 whole minutes and then I died, but I came back because the load was too extreme, brother

put your penis away sir

It's just brain dead NPCs repeating another meme without even thinking.

Nice false flag. You'll get some (You)s for sure.


I dropped that game randomly but it was kind of alright while I played it. Is it still on Gamepass? No way in hell I'd pay money for it but I could play it again for free.

Sounds like they smoke a lot of weed

I'm really glad weed is legal in Canada now so the stupid fucking meme subculture around it has all but died out completely.

Being a "pothead" sure, as in, one of those people who use smoking weed as some kinda personality trait, but if youre referring to just smoking weed in amd of itself youre a literal subhuman


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every single person I ever met that smokes weed falls in the "use smoking weed as some kinda personality trait" category.

You could always go with delta-8 if you can’t get a hold of real weed, just make sure you buy from someone reputable with third party labs. And get vapes, distillate, and/or gummies, most D8 flower is just dry ass hemp that’s been sprayed with D8 using toxic chemicals. I personally like 3chi, Highly Concentr8ed, and CannaClear.

You've probably met lots of people who smoke weed and don't make it their personality but you didn't know they smoke weed because they don't make it their personality.

play better games

>You've probably met lots of people who smoke weed and don't make it their personality

how would you know unless you literally asked them
Yea Forums is all about hiding your powerlevel in public, you should know how this stuff works already if you've been here for a reasonable amount of time

>You've probably met lots of juggalos who don't make it their personality but you didn't know they are juggalos because they don't make it their personality.

kys junkies

>food analogy
Pothead detected

what did he mean by this

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a juggalo/jugalette is a insane clown posse reference little sis

Smoking weed regularly is far more dangerous for most people than drinking regularly. This is the weirdest lie you burnouts tell yourselves.


a true hero

we all you know you dont know or talk to anyone

Under the farm bill, people have actually started extracting straight up delta 9, aka the real stuff, and selling it in dry or medical states the same way they do D8. My dude who is super into the legal scene buys D9 Gummies for his shop in OH. It's the same loophole as the other ones like D8, THCO, THCP, THCV etc use. But it's the real stuff. Hemp has negligible Delta 9, but add it up over a years worth of hemp and you have legal gold.

just don't have a genetic disposition for schizophrenia retard

keyword: smoking

Well how do (You) take care of the Juggalo menace in your area?


>weed thread

>adderral thread
yeah dude I played so many games

keyword: coping