Yea Forums plays Fire Emblem: Lotus King

>Elijah, a young Etrurian mage, found himself isekai'd across the continent into the donut steel country of Xsaca
>We soon learned that Elijah was trans because every single new person had to refer to him as a she. EVERYONE.
>Elijah also has the apparently magical ability to speak any language
>and is also gay
>so now we are travelling to a cult formed by the guy in Black Fang who wore pink and spoke in indian stereotype english
>also apparently Elimine is also now the Buddha
>And Chad(from FE6) is some super amazing elite assassin serving mysterious goals.


What the fuck is this?
>This is Lotus King, a sequel to the infamous hack Decay of the Fangs, which was later redone and finished as 'Black Fang'
>who gets used, who gets boosters, etc, will be decided by you

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Going to go ahead and shill Diet's recommendation list of FE ROMhacks. These are the go-tos if you want to try a ROMhack yourself.

I'd personally not recommend Sun God's Wrath, which is just bloated as hell with game mechanics.

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And in case you wanted to know, my next game after this will be Pokemon Reborn. I'll play the whole thing again over on /vp/, since the postgame has just been released.

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or just Queen?

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so now we have traps too?

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Spoilers for the postgame but somehow that medicham survives which makes that scene even stupider


What next, did the author self insert champion ALSO survive?

katawa homo.jpg

holy shit I'm audibly laughing.

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No idea but at least it seems like it'll be another wild ride.

So that optional encounter with that one Pokemon disguising as Kiki's ghost and throwing a mega medicham at you is even more pointless now.

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This would be a half-decent line in an actually good hack.

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No but you would find one in her crotch

And the good line was immediately botched. Bravo.

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I've seen these threads for years and I finally have to ask, where do I find these bad hacks so I can play them myself? I downloaded these but it looks like it only has good one. I want the retarded ones. Can you at least give me the names of a few so I can search for them?


Most of the modern bad hacks are on Fire Emblem Universe.

What does Elijah PRF does?
and what are the stats on the poison bow?


I get you're going back to Reborn but are we even going to revisit the best FE Hack

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most hacks are on Fire Emblem Universe
( ) but the community there is fucking horrendous.

If you want notably retarded hacks:

>The Last Promise : the best entry level hack IMO, it was the first fully original hack ever released.
>Gheb Emblem: 2007 internet humour encapsulated into one terrible, TERRIBLE sacred stones hack. It's probably not on FEU.
>Duo Geno Escapo: a terrible hack made by a pair of teens who didn't actually collaborate with each other. The story is retarded, and repetitive. Also not on FEU.
>Rezurrection: quarantined.
>Many Emblem: Made by one of the guys who did Grug, years ago. Writing and balance is terrible
>Fire Emblem Poop: FE meets youtube poop. Banned from FEU not due to the content, but because of drama with the dev
>Code of the Black Knights: one of the most glorious clusterfucks I've ever encountered. Available on FEU.
>Mageknight404 emblem: created by an infamous person in the community years ago, it's essentially a teenager self inserting to ship himself with his waifu. He's still active today and still cringe
>Black Dragon: Made by a guy who thinks he's god's gift to the community. It's basically "I'M BETTER THAN THE WITCHER", with child rape, fucking whores, and NIGGARDLY

Some of the hacks banned from FEU.

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Thanks this is exactly what I wanted, can't wait to play these.

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Oh god that cryptid chaser in the previous hack was right

he died. This is a blood drinking monster.

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You're just posting edited screenies, aren't you, Nigger?
There's no way this is real.

I almost always post the original before edits.

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>blood drinking monster.

Why would a mexican cryptid be harassing a country that's supposed to be not-persia

I mean...think about it. What is the chupacabra? What's it known to do?

It's almost like it's some OTHER horrific monster that doesn't belong in this world.

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Last Promise has good soundtrack

Yes I get what it's supposed to be but chupacabra is literally just spanish for "goat sucker", it should have a different name.

When I look at this guy, all I can think of is that horrific image of Gardevoir's head being sideways.

I mean sure, but the last hack had fucking references to sasquatch in a hack set in not!greece.

Chupacabra is a goat eating demon who sucks blood out of corpses. The hack writers weren't clever enough to come up with an original monster name.

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Yeah i can see it

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hey, remember how it was FUCKING RETARDED that micaiah sue could see the future because she was the avatar of Yune and the secret lost daughter of Begnion?

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>there was a prophet once upon a time

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the jokes for this one just write themselves.

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wasnt due to being a branded heron?

I mean, that was it. Every single begnion apostle was Branded, longer-lived, and could see the future and commune with 'ashera'. Sanaki wasn't legitimate because she was second born and not Branded.

Because Micaiah sue had to tick off all the snowflake boxes.

where did Micaiah touch you?

Micaiah only touches little boys

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Guys, my nipples are so hard right now.

do they look like milk duds?

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what are they talking about?


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