Is content reuse a valid complaint against Elden Ring?

Is content reuse a valid complaint against Elden Ring?

On one hand, it’s definitely omnipresent.
On the other, Elden Ring has objectively more unique enemies than arguably any game ever made.

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No one complained when BOTW had repeated shrines, puzzles, 6 enemy types, and the combat being shit and repetitive. I think we can easily say Elden Ring is more than acceptable.

Perhaps. But the argument can be made that BoTW has far more mechanics than just combat, while ER really is just a combat game.

Dude where have you been?

The rehashing of remembrance bosses like astel and godrick are inexcusable, and I’m saying that with astel being one of my favorite bosses in all of fromsofts catalog. Seeing it regurgitated as the end boss of yet another cookie cutter cave was incredibly disappointing. I’m torn because I love the immense size of the game but toward the end the recycled content felt like it was pushing the limit

Climbing and holding forward isnt a mechanic, nor is mediocre physics manipulation from 2004.

I would take challenge and unique content over everything that BOTW has to offer.

>a valid complaint

not an inherently bad thing tho

Every game has content reuse, shazamtroons are truly pathetic lmao

As someone who explored everything the first time I think its A O K A Y to complain about anything reused.

I kinda agree but I also wish there was an option of re-fighting enemies at higher levels and the cave bosses kinda provide just that.

Nintentards don't complain about their Nintendo games but you're retarded if you think nobody has complained about BotW being a piece of shit.

What’s mediocre about it?

You're honestly arguing that BotW has more mechanics than ER?The fuck is wrong with you people?

>objectively more unique enemies than arguably any game ever made
Are you retarded, or just underage(retarded)?

>more mechanics
You don’t play a game like that for anything else besides clearing areas of enemies to progress a story. Unless it’s a walking simulator.

This. It's somewhat annoying but it's far from a deal breaker for a game this big.

"content reuse" is not a valid complaint against Elden Ring. Go back to your discord

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You can complain about whatever you want. The catch is that people don't need to agree with you.

Yes? BOTW is a far more mechanically interesting game than Elden Ring.

Hell I’d argue even Ocarina of Time was more mechanically interesting than Elden Ring even today. And a game like Majoras Mask certainly has more interesting mechanics than Elden Ring.

At its core Elden Ring is a very basic game.

I don't mind, the content is mostly good in the first place and I play games more than once (if they're good) so it doesn't really make any difference to me.
I'll glady take four astels or ten crucible knights in a single run over unsalvageable trash like one Curse Rotted Greatwood, one Covetous Demon or one session with the Witches of Hemwick per run, any day of the week.

By the way, I didn't really see these complaints back in the days for Capra/Taurus Demon, Pinwheel or whatever DS recycled and turned into mooks on later areas, let alone most areas reusing common enemies from other areas, and DS1 doesn't have a single enemy that is half as good as the most recycled miniboss in ER.

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>objectively more unique enemies than arguably any game ever made.
theres no way thats true when jrpgs exist
idk the count in elden ring but dragon quest 11 has something like 300 unique enemies

You’re gonna have to name a single game that doesn’t reuse content because i can’t think of any.

I’m sure you’re favorite game from 1995 had tons of reused content.

Pretty much every JRPG where you grind random monsters again and again is reused content when you think about it.

People genuinely thought that Breath of the Empty World was better than Nier Automata

Pokémon has 800+ unique enemies

Checkmate, fromdrone

If pokemon counts, that shit is up to like 800 now too.

What is this from?

It’s very obvious when you spell it out like that. I wonder why nostalgiafags overrate old DS games so much, when they had far worse issues.

Old good, new bad.

>Oh no people thought this reddit game was better than this other reddit game.
Reddit automata drones should neck themselves (music was nice though). Literally meant to be "deep" when it's basic as shit.
Both games are better than Reddit ring though.

O&S > Elden Ring bosses

reddit reddit reddit reddit

>Is content reuse a valid complaint against Elden Ring?
yes. not reading the rest of your post. KYS if you defend it

>The rehashing of remembrance bosses like astel and godrick are inexcusable
Goddrick I agree, but astel is just one ayylmao out of fuck knows how many, nothing unique about this fag

Dragon quest

Every one of these games has reused major bosses and enemies either with variations, doubling them up, or making them common enemies.
>DeS – Phalanx, Vanguard, Red/Blue Dragons
>DS1 – 3 types of Asylum Demon, Black Knights, Moonlight Butterflies, Capras, and Taurus demons all become common respawning enemies
>DS2 – Last Giant, Ornstein, Pursuers, Sentries, Gargoyles, Sentinels, Rat Vanguards, Smelter Demon, Guardian Dragon, Dragonriders, Aava/Lud/Zallen, and the Gank Squad
>DS3 – Gundyr, Stray Demon, Champion’s Gravetender/Gravewolf, Sulyvahn’s Beast.
>Bloodborne – Cleric Beast/Laurence, Blood Starved Beast, Amygdala, Paarl, Rom, every Chalice Dungeon boss, and Chalice Dungeons in general.
>Sekiro – Genichiro, Corrupted Monk, Ape, and Owl. I’ll exclude Isshin because his two variants share zero assets as far as I can tell.
And even ignoring the precedents – there’s about 150 boss encounters to reward co-op with a clear objective for their Rune Arc.
It's unreasonable to expect 150+ unique, good bosses given the relatively short dev time comparable to its size.
So in principle, no, it's not a valid complaint unless you're going to level it against the rest of From's catalog, and basically all of vidya aside from maybe boss rush games like Furi and Shadow of the Colossus.

However, some of them are *badly* repeated. Ulcerated Tree Spirits work fine in open areas like Leyndell. In dungeon rooms they can clip like 70% of their model into the walls. Using them there was unacceptable. Astel is the most egregious example of random reuse to pad the dungeon boss count. If they wanted to let us replay them they should have brought back Bonfire Ascetics.
But that should be the argument - *how* they were reused and which ones are good and bad.

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Kek, shit taste and outright wrong

They could have made reused assets much more interesting. Double boss fights are incredibly boring.
Honestly, the would have greatly benefited from just removing bosses in the dungeons and made encounters with regular enemies much more difficult. Having layouts and enemy placements that make you think about your approach, like how they have the entrance to stormveil set up. Or in spiritcaller cave, where you can sneak through the heavy brush to get to the snails before the summons aggro to you.
Reused enemies aren't necessarily a negative. They just did it very poorly.

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>It's unreasonable to expect 150+ unique, good bosses
I would have accepted a number on par with the previous games

No, it is a retarded complain when you considere the scope of the open world and the 50+ differents bosses.
It's not like God fo War where you fight the same trolls and golems for only bosses.

>No one complained when BOTW had repeated shrines, puzzles, 6 enemy types, and the combat being shit and repetitive
what did he mean by this?

Combat is basically the same in both games, BotW has on foot and horse traveling and combat, both have crafting and farming/gathering for crafting items, both have stealth, both have fast travel. I'm actually struggling to think of things ER has over BotW. Because the latter has climbing, physics, weather/climate effects to gameplay, environment interaction ranging from chopping down trees to using metal to bait lightning strikes, gear that offers unique bonuses, proper towns and NPCs. BotW is easier but has more going on, its not mediocre combat stretched out for 100 hours though it still has a lot of the mediocre combat.

>Combat is basically the same in both games,
Get a load of this negro.

fromdrones will never get over BOTW blowing them out despite being 5 years older

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Only for the dragons because they fucking suck ass.
No other repeated bosses are as bad as the dragons.

Lock on, light and heavy attacks, dodging, blocking, jumping and jump attacks, parrying, bows, weapon classes/types, "magic". Yes, they are very similar and that is to be expected when OoT basically standardized 3D combat. Just because Souls/BB/ER/Sekiro is harder and better presented doesn't change the mechanical depth and complexity of what is going on.

I like it, they even added new moves to them sometimes

>thread about Elden Ring
>fromcuck already deflecting on BotW
The absolute STATE of fromtrannies subhuman scums

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Elden Ring is an odd example because there's so much goddamned unique content that even if they cut out every recycled boss then there'd still be far more on offer than the average Triple A game.

But at the same time, I think that not enjoying more repetitive areas like the caves or catacombs is a fair criticism to have, because even though they're completely optional the player has no way of knowing which are worth exploring until you've actually gone through them. I'd wish that there were half as many dungeons to explore if it meant that they'd be a little more unique from one another.

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It's only valid if there isn't a full game left if you were to remove the reused content.

Demons in dark souls made sense to be regular enemies.

It's completely valid.
Pic related was bad, and wouldn't be improved because you pick berries and fight hollows between each Taurus Demon, and one summons a Gaping Dragon.

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I think it's a valid complaint because the game is largely ABOUT the enemies. People keep bringing up BOTW: The enemies are just kinda whatever. They have different gimmicks, different looks, but overall the focus is how you deal with them. For ER, DS, BB, the game is all about memorizing enemy patterns so you can survive them. So a reused enemy in one of these games isn't just a reused enemy, it's an entirely repeated part of the game step for step. It's way more tedious. Fighting Crucible Knights after learning them from the Evergaol was very satisfying. But was it satisfying after the 15th or so time? Far less so. These games are all about learning and applying, and once you stop doing that you aren't really playing the game anymore.

the reuse of Astel is merely to tell you that he's just some trash mob from outer space and nothing really special. which he isn't, considering how easy he is.

>getting a bj
>she reuses the same concept of sucking my dick until I cum
>Inability to have fun
>post on v for validation

It's fine. If you had to spend a bunch of time memorizing an enemy's attack patterns just to fight it once then it would be annoying. I like that I can fight the enemy again and use what I learned. And reused enemies will often have new moves.

>Pic related was bad
No it wasn't.
Its a nice benchmark for the players showing you just how far you've come since undeadberg and getting your shit pushed in by capra and taurus demons.
It puts you in a spot where you can spank the ass of a mob of them.

>touching a woman
>posting on Yea Forums
Pick one and only one

At least with Astel, we learn that it's a species, not an individual, before even facing the Naturalborn of the Void. There are two meteorite-launching Astel enemies on the way to the Grand Cloister.

Same could be said about Leonine Misbegotten or Tree Sentinels

It makes zero sense for him to be in the snow area, lore wise

they drop from space. who cares about the biome they lend on

>I would have accepted a number on par with the previous games
Honestly even by that standard ER has the best roster in in terms of absolute number, even letting the other games pad with their DLC. In terms of what I would say the good bosses are as a whole package (mechanics and presentation)
>DeS (4) - False King Allant, Astraia, Flamelurker, Tower Knight
>DS1 (9) – Quelaag, Gaping, O&S, 4Kings, Sif, Gwyn, Artorias, Kalameet, Manus
>DS2 (7) – Looking Glass Knight, Lost Sinner, Darklurker, Sinh, Fume, Alonne, Burnt Ivory King
>BB (8) – Gascoigne, Amelia, Logarius, Gehrman, Micolash, Ludwig, Maria, Orphan of Kos
>DS3 (10) – Vordt, Abyss Watchers, Sulyvahn, Champ Gundyr, Twin Princes, Nameless King, Soul of Cinder, Friede, Midir, Gael
>Sekiro (9) - Gyoubu, Lady Butterfly, Genichiro, Guardian Ape, Owl, Divine Dragon, Demon of Hatred, Old Isshin, SSI
>ER (22) – Crucible Knight, Agheel, Margit, Godric, Tibia Mariner, Loretta, Rennala, O’Neil, Radahn, Godskin Apostle, Rykard, Ancestor Spirit, Morgott, Mohg, Malenia, Radagon, Godfrey, Mimic Tear, Astel, Dragonkin Soldier of Mokstella, Placidusax, Maliketh

Sekiro totally wins in terms of proportional number, though. No other game has over half the bosses being good, even without DLC.

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I love the samurai armor
is there a similar set but with better stats
i want to keep my weeb look but dont want to die in 2 hits