Game has complicated class system

>Game has complicated class system

Attached: classpects.png (600x599, 442.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:

But pic rel is aspect system, user

>game squanders all of its potential in the last major act

Sburb game mechanics were the most interesting thing about the comic. The game itself was a better villain than Bec Noir or LE and I think its absence is one of the factors (and there's a few) that are keeping me from enjoying all this EU shit. There was a catharsis in seeing how John and Co. were going to break the game next, that carried all the way up until he touched the Homestuck symbol in Act 6.

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Those are classpects... So class and aspect.

Those are actually just the aspects, there are no classes to be found in the picture.

This is a good moment to mention that this was released a week ago on steam. Currently working on fixing some of the most common bugs but it's very cool how far they are.

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There's actually a thread on /vm/ right now about it, I still haven't downloaded it, but it does look cool.

Oh really? Gonna check that out, thanks user

did they find the grey screen glitch yet

Today they posted the fix, apparently.

Did anyone ever figure out what the less well-known classes do? I remember getting Mage of Breath on some quiz back in 2012 or something and having no idea what that did.

about fucing time

I checked that out but it's so glitchy and quite barebones, but it still looks cool

breath is freedom, mobility, motion and free will
mage is someone who benefits themselves through their knowledge of their aspect, but lacks from it internally
lile a mage of heart is good with matchmaking but sucks at forming actual relationships


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We're doomed.

Sounds like I'd end up as a slave or a cripple or something, damn.

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Nobody tell him what happened to another Breath player.

I will never forgive him.

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>game has a complicated zodiac system on top of a complicated class system

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W-what happened?


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He learned to fly? That's pretty cool, makes sense, since he is a breath player and all.


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I just ignore anything past the end of act 5, the moment they stopped focusing on the game and started focusing on multiverse bullshit is the moment I lost interest.

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Oh yeah, I forgot about Tavros. And now that I think about it, lacking free will could also mean I get stuck with some turbo-cunt like Vriska bossing me around.

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Don't worry user, I'm sure you're a good guy, you'll come around eventually.

Let's just say that pupa met the pan

Turns out Homestuck's real ending is Jade comitting suicide by jumping down her balcony.

Great idea, just wait for Stockholm Syndrome to set in. Fantastic.
I never even finished Homestuck but from what I heard that's a way better ending.

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Such is a live of a page.

Can some user redpill me on this game. Is it like an MMO or something?

But I'm a mage, it couldn't be as bad, right?

Wait, are you guys talking about the Page or the Mage class? Those are completely different things.

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It's a Sburb simulator, you can setup multiplayer sessions up to 12 players, make you character, build house, alchemize shit, explore land, kill stuff.

cute pic she actually looks 13 here

I have zero clue how this shit works. password is filename

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It was for Mage, I got Mage of Breath ages ago.

>game has unique elemental properties

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Can't join, game says password is an incorrect fact

may or may not be in asscaps also fuck you

I'm joining if the mage of breath user joins in

Steam version is pretty glitchy right now but its basicly sburb the game.
You make a kid, even a house if your autistic enough and join with a bunch of other people in a session.
You find the disc in your house and put it in your computer and there on you have access to manipulate another players surroundings, bulldozing and building stuff.
Once your the person manipulating your surroundings puts down the essentials you get to go trough what the kids in the comic do as you enter the game.
There on out you get to fight enemies, alchemize weapons and ascend trough the gate onto your own planet.
Its fun as fuck.


What the fuck is a Sburb. I never read this comic.

ngl mold magic would be really fucking strong

Than you're probably fine as a breath player, Tavros was a page and everything that happened to him was because of him being page. There is nothing worst than being a page.

Can't today, I've got errands to run and don't even have the game installed. Looks cool though, if there's a thread tomorrow I'll try and join a server.

Sburb is the in-comic videogame, it's weird and unique but works surprisingly well. Can't really describe it in more detail, you should read the first acts of the comic to start to grasp it

>I'm a gemini and my gf is virgo
I have to break up with her now

>want to re-read up to act 5.2 anyway
>have to abstain because it'll distract me from work and make me depressed about getting old

do you think anything will ever recapture the energy of early HS?

Seems like it, pages are the simp class. Hell, Jake English simped so hard he turned into a fucking sun.

CANWC unironically.

Think this game will ever add non canon classpects? Or rather, support for modding your won?

what classpect did you get when taking the quiz in-game? i got pic related

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knight of doom

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Homestuck all started going wrong when the trolls were shown change my mind.

A program that sends meteors at your planet from the future trying to kill you and stop you from enterting in the first place. If you succeed you enter the "medium" where you and your fellow players are placed on you own planets from which you get to choose the path you take to becoming actual gods.
The aim of the game is to breed a giant frog in wcich resides a new universe which will be your ultimate reward for beating the game.
Thats a lot to take in but thats basicly it.


where the fuck in this image are any classes?

I think Act 5 is almost as good as the Acts before it, everything between Act 6 and now is unforgivable.

Post it, I forgot mine but it was something of heart

I wasn't around back when those acts were released. Did the trolls bring in the tumbler crowd or were they with homestuck from the beginning?

The dead of the MSPAforums brought the Tumbrl crowd, it just kinda coincided that it happened around the same time the trolls were appearing.