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it's obvious women and trannies will never understand why real men like Radahn

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>it's obvious women and trannies will never understand why real men like Radahn

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Malenia won though

Margit is the real tranny filter though.

Most based character in the entire game.

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Radahn should've mating pressed Malenia

>self-hating omen who chops off his body parts and obeys an ideology that hates him
Morgott is a white liberal defending people who want him dead

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Aren't they siblings?

>Radahnlets are /r/thedonald
At the very least go all the way and genocide the niggers like Malenia does in Caelid.
>inb4 Radahn isn't a nigger

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Yes, and?

general tranndahn summary:
>can't even do his only job properly and hold "stars", Fallingstar Beasts are still everywhere, fresh craters
>after death all the "stars" fall down, but don't even damage the country, 1 tiny hole that opens path to Nokron is laughable, holds bags of harmless debris in reality
>defeated like a bitch with 0 difficulty offscreen by Morgott, but didn't die and probably ran away like a coward or spared by Morgott
>failed to protect his soldiers, his lands
>failed to protect his wholesome horserino Leonard he cared about the most in his life, probably a hardcore horsefucker
>obsessed with Godfrey, simps for him so hard he cosplays his armor, probably a hardcore faggot
>can't defeat a triple amputee blind since birth female warrior x10 smaller than him who fights with only a single sword
>Cleanrot Knights >> tranndahn toy soldiers as we can see in War-Dead Catacombs
>Finlay >>>> entire tranndahn army, also not a single soldier will ever respect tranndahn the same way Finlay respected Malenia
>by far easier boss than Malenia, a baby in comparison, even random NPCs don't afraid to fight him when summoned, only Patches chickens out for comedic effect
>completely loses his mind, his legs and turns into a mumbling nigger after a few minutes of scarlet rot exposure, Malenia literally lives with it for centuries
>eaten and digested by a joke character Alexander after death
>dies like a clown to fall damage despite being le gravity magic master
>can suicide bomb like clown into water during his phase transition
>in boss vs boss NPC battle always jobs to Malenia's 1st phase despite having a free thousands of hp damage from meteor
>much less influential than Malenia, literal who in the lore
>universally liked by redditors, by far the worst fanbase of ER, filled with underages and powerlevel spics who can't stop thinking about Malenia for some reason
>is a warmonger nigger in reality, not a "hero" redditors try to picture him as

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Attached: jobs to Malenia 1.webm (1920x1080, 2.84M)

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>>can't even do his only job properly

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>>defeated like a bitch with 0 difficulty offscreen by Morgot
Which item descriptions detail this?

Attached: Gravity mag-ACK!.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

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>malenigger having a meltdown
you love to see it lmao

Do you think that Malenia really knew that she was about to nuke the whole peninsula?

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She cute

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Based. Tranndownie redditors must be murdered.

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>trailer refers to malenia and radahn as the strongest demigods
>morgott can be seen losing the war with rykard ingame

none, radahn is canonically the strongest character in the setting

Attached: SORRY MALENIA SAMA.jpg (1200x674, 820.21K)

Someone post the ranni one too.

Putin is losing to Ukraine, but that doesn't mean Zelensky would beat him in a fist fight.

why doesn't morgott travel to the manor and kill rykard?

They will 41% themselves. Just wait. Heckin' horsefucker is already becoming pretty irrelevant.
Rot Stacey Malenia is always a hot topic.

That didn't stop him

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putin is 70 years old lol, of course he'd lose

Wake me up when people bitch about Radahn hard enough that someone named "Let Me Solo Him" goes to get internet credit for fighting him.

>morgott fags claim he beat Radahn in his prime
why doesn't he go claim his great rune while he's insane? Should be easy under the circumstances, he has time to spawn camp new tarnished so Morgott should have no problem leaving to kill Radahn.

Also why not go and help his troops vs Rykard? If he can beat "the strongest demigod" radahn, Rykard should be a joke

Has anyone done boss vs boss videos yet?

>gameplay is the same as lore
I guess rats are canonically stronger than rykard then

Can't wait for the Elden Ring anime to expose Malenia cucks and Ranni simps

>reaching this far
>all this headcanon
Downie your gay icon on the horse got clapped by Morgott. It's literally on the pic. And he was spared by Morgott cause he didn't die.
Let that sink in your caveman skull.

>Also why not go and help his troops vs Rykard?
He was too busy hunting tarnished

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why is he small when it's post shattering? where are the horns on his helmet? why is he in leyndell when he lives in caelid? why does the trailer say radahn is mightier than morgott?

>muh lore
Lore literally says they had a draw.
Gideon when asked about Radahn says he fought to a standstill.
Gideon when asked about the unknown demigods says Malenia is undefeated.
Redmane knights item descriptions say they took off the crests on their armor after they were defeated by Malenia.

Neither one won. Saying Radahn did or Malenia did is retarded.

>more [headcanon] to protect my fav character
Jesus, tranndownie cucks are embarrassing. Always picking up fights with everyone, losing HARD and then backpedaling like this.

All joking aside, Radahnitters have a subhuman level of understanding of the lore.

when the fuck did I say that? I replied to someone who implied malenia was stronger because her fight is harder

>has no redeeming qualities of his own and is heavily aware of this, spent his entire life idolizing godfrey (who was used as a tool by marika) and radagon (tranny)
>entire personality and goals can be summed up as just trying mimic them, dresses his entire armor and hair to look like them since hes embarrassed and insecure about his own lack of accomplishments
>military weeb tries to be like muh heroes and pretends to be a general, loses in his first and only war campaign against a sewer cripple, runs all the way back to caelid
>still has the gall to call himself "general" after this
>tries to continue the civil war since the alexander the great wannabe has literally no accomplishments to his name yet
>dies again to another cripple and now spends his time shitting and eating not capable of thought

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>loved his horse since childhood
>as he grew up and became gigachad warrior, horse couldn't carry such gigachad anymore
>Radahn the absolute wholesome omegachad that he is learns gravitational spells just so his horse could carry him
>rules Caelid
>everyone is living happily ever after
>Malenia shows up
>cursed by scarlet rot since birth
>dung eater is less loathsome than this roastie
>envious of Radahns success
>wants to take his rune
>goes to war with Radahn
>Radahn is absolutely owning her because hes a gigachad warrior that trained for years and shes just a woman that didnt earn anything in life and all her power was served to her on a silver platter
>chops off her arm
>its over.jpg
>loathsome cursed roastie absolutely seething
>but she still has a dirty trick that she literally did nothing to acquire
>nukes the entire lands of Caelid with her cancer
>destroys peaceful civilians of Caelid
>the whole region is fucked
>Radahn gets a nuke dropped on top of him
>still survives
>goes insane and loses most of his powers
>still mega strong
>still rides his beloved horse
>all he ever wanted was to ride his horse
>women cant stand men that find joy and true passion in life that doesn't involve women

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That user was me, and I wasn't saying Malenia was stronger. I was saying she wasn't a pushover that would go "aieee pureasu do not hurto me radahn sama kudasai" like OP is implying.

>military weeb tries to be like muh heroes and pretends to be a general, loses in his first and only war campaign against a sewer cripple, runs all the way back to caelid

>spends his time seething about the "willful traitors"
>does nothing to kill them and mend the Elden Ring
if he was strong enough to beat Radahn his actions make no sense, in game you can fix it with 2 great runes so why the fuck doesn't he go kill Radahn and Godrick?

Morgott is actively maintaining the shitty status quo, he might be dumber than Mohg

>mend the Elden Ring
>he doesn't know about the thorns
I knew radownies were lorelets but holy shit they didn't even play the game

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We have this conversation every thread retard.

the tree is highly connected to the elden ring. it makes sense that changing the ring changes the tree's aura. so instead of "黄金 that enshrouds the heavens" you have something else. the tree is the 黄金樹 (golden tree) of the 黄金律 (golden order)

in the fia or dungboy ending you are no longer following the 黄金律 , you are following/enforcing some other new 律.

Godrick is better than both of them.

I'm not in every thread. I don't see how that's radahn when he's like 10% his size and the horns are missing

First siege was Godrick's family from the south
2nd siege was Rykard from the West, Morgott kicked his ass so bad Rykard resorted to snek to gain more power

Radahn is never mentioned attacking the Capital. Every other battle has scattered remains of the forces around, no Radahn soldiers are found around the capital

Jesus christ noone gives a fuck about your japanese

>why is he small when it's post shattering?
Not speaking in defense of anything here but I need to make the correction that the picture isn't "post shattering". The Shattering is the name of the conflict where the demigods went and started fighting each other, not the literal shattering of the elden ring.

Make love not war

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Mohg and Miquella already take up GRRM's incest quota.

Yeah, Radhan gets obliterated.

It's his gauntlets and red plume helmet.

>all her power was served to her on a silver platter

I know this is a shitflinging thread but lol what, by all means she should be eating through a tube and having retainers carry her around in a stretcher. Imagine being twenty feet tall with two swords twice her height while mastering gravity magic and still being unable to decisively defeat a blind cripple who only has a weeb sword

Never known defeat btw

but the demigods started fighting eachother because of the shattering of the elden ring, so it's pretty obvious what I meant. the elden ring had been shattered when fighting broke out, meaning radahn was already hueg
still doesn't explain why he's so incredibly tiny, the image doesn't make any sense. the horns are also missing, and there's no logic in them even fighting because he resides in caelid

>Putin is losing to Ukraine
Fake news tho

Collapsing Stars:
>A gravitational technique mastered by the young Radahn. "I thank you for your tutelage, for now I can challenge the stars."
Gravity Well/Rock Sling:
>A gravitational technique studied by the young Radahn. His master was an Alabaster Lord with skin of stone.
>The sorcery originates from the Onyx Lords, who had skin of stone, and were called lords in reverential fear of their destructive power.
Onyx/Alabaster Lord's Greatsword
>A weapon unique to the Onyx/Alabaster Lords, a race of ancients with skin of stone who were said to have risen to life when a meteor struck long ago.
Remembrance of the Starscourge
>The Red Lion General wielded gravitational powers which he learned in Selia during his younger days. All so he would never have to abandon his beloved but scrawny steed.
Starscourge Greatsword
>Radahn earned considerable renown as the Starscourge in this youth, and it is said that it was during this time he engraved the gravity crest up these blades.
Radahn's Redmane Helm:
>Helm of the golden lion, with flowing red hair. Worn by General Radahn. Radahn inherited the furious, flaming red hair of his father Radagon, and is fond of its heroic implications.
>"I was born a champion's cub. Now I am the Lord of the Battlefield's lion."

Radahn's Lion Armor/Greaves/Gloves:
>Armor depicting the golden lion. Worn by General Radahn.
>The golden lion is said to symbolize Godfrey, the first Elden Lord, and his beast regent, Serosh. From his youngest years, Radahn was naturally captivated by the Lord of the Battlefield.

Sellen Dialogue:
>But long ago, General Radahn challenged the swirling constellations, and in a crushing victory, arrested their cycles.
Volcano manor:
>Picrel of him with human skin in Volcano Manor
>"First he hid himself amongst the womenfolk to flee the capital, then hid from Radahn in that castle.."


Attached: Radahn.png (688x949, 1.16M)

you keep mentioning that "it makes sense for someone to be away from home" when it was a fucking civil war with active troops moving around with everyone grasping at shards trying to become elden lord lol

>1st pach radhan got nerfed to the ground
>roastie never touched
1st patch showed who was really the winner

Miyazaki in and interview:
>these demigods were much closer to their original form, and maybe closer to human form back then, before the Shattering, before it all started," says Miyazaki.

In his youth, he:
>Learned Gravity magic in Selia
>Learn gravity magic from An "Alabaster Lord" which came from space.
>Engraved gravity crest in his blades and gained renown as "Starscourge"
>Challenged the stars "a long time ago" indicating he held the stars/invaders in his youth too.
>Idolizes Godfrey and Radahn as warriors

>One if not the primary motivations for doing so was for the HORSEY haha updooted
>Godrick was "hiding" from Radahn, after he fled the capital, which does seem to indicate Radahn might have attacked Leyndell.
>Whether you want to believe that intro picture is Radahn vs Morgott is up to you, he does look almost identical to him with the exception of the horns.
>Ranni, Rykard and Radahn all were seemingly humans at one point and underwent some sort of trasnformation: Ranni into a doll, Rykard into a snake, Radahn into a big boi with stone skin. Miyazaki also says as much.


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>being the strongest means you never take a hit or get hurt
Smooth brain tier.

so why is the war between these two demigods never mentioned anywhere in the lore? why is he 1/10 his actual size?

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>tfw not allowed to like radahn because someone on reddit thinks he's cool