Saints row customization showcase


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fucking niggerts ruin everything.

Don't care until they at least mention the SR2 patch.

its not niggers lol. its women. if it wasn't for women niggers would be kinda alright and nowhere near as uppity as they are today.

looking good to bad faggots on here are going to bitch no matter what

why? that game so OLD lmao!

why are all the men dicklets

>Layered clothing is back
At least they managed to do one thing right.

you can literally make it as big as you want dumbass

oh imma make it REAL BIG

>video game showcase that only gamers will watch for a game that isn’t for gamers and hosted by someone who doesn’t play games.

who wont

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lmao JimRobs

>EGS exclusive

Dead on arrival just like the rest

I bet it'll control like a shitty console port

I had forgotten about that abomination.


Watch the stream and you’ll get it.

i am watching it fool

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they're trying to sell this game to the sims community or something.

real sisterhood moment bonding over k-pop yaaaas kween

are you the faggot in the chat spamming this retarded shit

They took Rim Jobs and Freckle Bitch's from us.
Can't have shit in 2022.

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Didn't this game come out already.

I have to reluctantly admit it looks like they at least got the customization part of the game down. This part looks great.

Evidently not

noooo you have to hate it

>censoring male nipples
Did they do that in previous games too? Seems a bit strange to me

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what are you even talking about faggot

Don't get me wrong, I still hate it. One good part does not make a game good.

umm that's a woman sweaty

no. but women get upset now that they cant pull their tits out whenever they want so they have to censor male nipples now. its so obvious that a woman designed this customization system.

how can you hate a game thats not out yet

cant watch the video right now, does it still have dick/breast slider?

they literally show them whithhout the censoring cool your ass

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i cant wait to play

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>character creation available before release

…maybe she just wants to look like a roundtree’s fruit lolly?

>you can't dislike something unless you spend $70 and put 200 hours into it
listen shill, trailers are what people use to decide whether the like something and want to play it.

don't you just love it when companies go out of their way to alienate fans of a series yet sell the game under the same name for brand recognition and easy money?


>y-y-y-y-you shill
fuck off

if you cant like or dislike something before you buy it how do you decide what to buy? metacritic reviews?


go back on your meds

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I fucking hate that faggots ruined rainbows. Used to be such a cool design and now you cant associate it without people thinking you like taking it up the ass.

look at kids trying hard to find something to hate

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Its been that way since 3.

That helped the game's image for me. I'm back to holding out hope that the "at least the gameplay is good" comments that Flippy and the other big names in the community said.

Is this game co op?

Loved playing the others with my fren :)

is it a free demo sort of thing or do I have to buy it on epic to access?

>sneeds row is fully pozzed
bowdlerized woke shit
saints row 2 was the last game in this censored dead series

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Most likely be free, maybe on epic.

driving looks pretty fun. if the story doesnt shove woke messaging in your face 24/7 it might be a pretty good game.

cool but can make them be non-tranny whites?

whats woke about the game jackass

>i run over people
>i shoot people
>i spray shit on people
>i am a criminal piece of shit who likes to set shit on fire
>oh btw - gay black trans lives matter

Are they stupid? Why would you want to associate your liberal propaganda with any of this?

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yeah but twitter will make fun of you for making a basic white dude.

Why are the nigger's nipples censored?

they literally defended the same behavior during the floyd riots. That shit is fine as long as its for some "cause."

yeah same as the 3 and 4. I wish they brought back the multiplayer of the first two games. Maybe we will get a "saints row online" later if its successful.

Ah yes, this will make people want to buy our game

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I still can't get over the lame-ass suburb-looking zoomers being the Saint gang.

I don't know I only came in this thread because i thought it was an SR1 thread.
But I remember the demo for 3 and 4 being character creation you could upload to the volition site and use when the game came out.
I've pretty much ignored as much as possible about the reboot.

There's only one thing I'm worried about with the driving. Everything they just showed was with the UI off.
The last gameplay trailer had just an annoying amount of clutter. To the point where all cars on the road had health bars for each specific part once you hit one.

is it more like serious gangster shit with a Adult Swim dash of comedy or is it more WOOOAAAAAAH WAKCY SHIT DILDI BATS LMAOOO like 3 and on?

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are you you going ot be one of those faggots bitching about this when you can make your character not look like shit?

driving looks fun to me but yeah I can see where it might get annoying if they make it a 24/7 arcadey ram-fest.

yea you could not do ridiculous over the top things in saits row 2

This is what they're showcasing numbnuts

it's saints row 3 with a brown filter to try and trick people into thinking it's more grounded.

yeah this seems right

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they showed characters looking normal you dumb shit and even if they didnt are you to fucking stupid to use your brain to make a character look how you want every game with character creator lets you do it are you faggots just looking for shit to be mad about

fuck the flying think is back

it was wacky in a good way. Not zoomer wacky. Actually funny in a good way wacky.

clean the old cum of your monitor there is no brown filter and there was nothing grounded about saits row 2