Has Yea Forums ever convinced you into playing a shit game?

Has Yea Forums ever convinced you into playing a shit game?

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Yes, constantly. I fell for the game of the month nonstop until I gave up games and became enlightened.

Yeah, Deus Ex.

Yes, EYE.

>Has Yea Forums ever convinced you into playing a shit game?
Not once. I do the opposite of Yea Forums's consensus, and it's never steered me wrong before.

No because I actually do my research into shit I want to play and therefore typically enjoy everything I play.

The Witch's House

Far Cry 2 is a chore, there is no fun to be had.

Never has and never will. Yea Forums's taste is digshit.

A couple times

Picked up Dragons dogma from sale and I still want my 10 euros back

Yes, many times
You should have played farcry2 before Yea Forums even became a thing

>why yes I do jump over the cliff
>how did you know?

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Yes. Xenoblade 2.

Yes, Dark Souls

>why yes I do jump over the cliff
ESL please, please


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yah, dark soles

so glad this image added the wojak so i know the signal to laugh

no but i just replayed serious sam 2 to play 3 and 4 because I'm autistic about playing games in order and I fucking regret it, even though gameplay-wise it's really not bad and even good

are you gay?

Really? I was just about to play it before playing the other ones.


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Elden ring

Most Yea Forums recommendations were decent, actually
Fuck FFXIV tho

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>it has le soul and charm of the originals
>it's not that bad
>some levels are really fun
I'd stab you faggots through the screen if I could.

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most dark souls games are shit and they're just the same mechanics copypasted over and over again. Only souls like game I liked was return of the jedi and little witch nobeta. Dark souls 1 is alright.

darkest dungeon, mankind divided, bloodborne, grim dawn, tales of maj'eyal, code vein

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This. Dragon's Dogshit will always be my answer to these threads.

Yes, Rainworld. I did like the aesthetics, but god damn did I hate everything else.

not the sharpest tool in the shed arent ya?

It has quite a few, and I gave them a lot of time too, even finished most. Chrono Trigger, SoTN, Super Mario World, VtMB, FFX, Risk of Rain 2. However, for every shit game Yea Forums has recommended me and I've disliked, there has also been one that I've loved. Rain World, Rabi-Ribi, ESA, Dark Messiah, Factorio, Muv-Luv Alternative, ULTRAKILL, Noita, Ghost Trick, 999, etc. I wouldn't have even heard of most of these if it wasn't for Yea Forums, let alone played them. So thanks Yea Forums.

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Saying over can be correct

I bought a switch because Yea Forums kept raving about nintendo games, but I was very unimpressed with my experience playing them. They really are games for children and anyone that plays nintendo games by themselves is likely into regressive ageplay and probably also wears diapers.

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>grim dawn
The latest game I dropped as well. Played it because of Yea Forums, but the first 3-4 hours were so, so incredibly easy, I was falling asleep. I get that it gets difficult later on and more interesting, but I'm not forcing myself to play through shit just because the developers couldn't be bothered to try and make the early game engaging.

Yeah, the Witcher 3 and Dark Souls. I just go to other boards if I want recommendations now.

Bloodborne and Dark Souls.

>only tried 4 games on that list
>liked all 4

Spec Ops so much more enjoyable to watch then play. So is any story heavy *cinematic* game actually.

What are you, gay?

The list is solid, except maybe Berseria. The characters are top tier, but everything else is mediocre

Can someone please explain to me how to get into Warband? I've tried 3 times now, 11 hours on Steam, and I just don't get it. It's so repetittive and annoying. The combat and battles are fun, but for me only like 1/4th of my time playing was on that, the other was just bullshit like trying to get to the city my quest was for, or trying to find bandits, or some other dumb shit. I hated it.

Did you play it on pc post patch by some chance? They improved some shit there.

Near a Tomato
Refunded it

pic related, it's Reddit: The Game
complete trash

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thanks for the recommendations

Yep, Zomboid, and it's autistic as fuck

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Back when Undertale first came out, Yea Forums kept hyping it up based on the e celebs on youtube playing it. So I made the mistake of watching them play it, and while it seemed nice, knowing the whole story made me no longer interested in playing the game. But honestly, and strangely, this is actually the first time this has happened to me with a game, so I didn't know what went wrong, so I thought about it for a while. That's when I came to the conclusion, the gameplay isn't fun enough on its own to play the game, so if you already know the story there is nothing left to enjoy. I also realized that gameplay is the only aspect you can really get from video games only. TV, movies, books, you cannot get gameplay from any other media form except video games. So when you watch a trailer, it should make you want to play the game for yourself, not listen to it, or watch it, or listen to it, but PLAY IT. Otherwise, sorry, but its probably a game you have no real interest in.

I pre-ordered that shitty game way back then, what a royal disappointment.
Good lesson to never pre-order again tho.

nah, i usually decide for myself, and elden ring was cracked close to release

Please elaborate

>grim dawn
>code vein

fuck, not-Titan Quest and not-Dark Souls got me too

I only buy stuff Yea Forums hates


The vast majority of the games that I have played thanks to Yea Forums have been good as I usually avoid games that I obviously won't like.
The only exception are Obsidiots. Someone recommended me Tyranny and it was trash, they got me gud.
Pic unrelated.

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New Vegas.

Not even baiting it's really fucking boring.

Fallout NV
holy fuck it sucks

Not everything that's quirky or sciency is Reddit. The game has some major flaws and I almost stopped playing it, but it's more than just le reddit. Seek therapy.

Dragon's Dogma. I kind of enjoyed it but its a shit game

seething redditcel

something about the light from Grim Dawn puts me to sleep every time I play it, doesn't happen with any other game but after ~45 min in Grim Dawn I struggle to keep my head up its super weird.

Reminds me of the PS4 CP77 box opening

Yes, they tricked me into playing persona 3 and 4. Both shit, holy Jesus.


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Room temperature IQ detected

Dragons dogma being bad will always be my answer to Yea Forumslied to me threads. I didnt play it for years cause of those. God you fucks have shit taste

I actually played Undertale because it's so effortless to pirate due to its low file size.
It's gay and I got sick of the references really fast. Also, the writing isn't bad, but I think I'm too old for "power of friendship" plots.

>Your pic
It's fucking depressing this is the only way to make active threads. I blame the people who came after TOR/ME3 thinking Yea Forums was always angry, but the underage shitposters who spoke in memes and denounced sincerity ensured there was no turning back. Nothing can be played anymore unless it's "ironic" or "unironic". If you want discussion, better start with post irony bullshit and a dead krautchan meme or "what went wrong?" with a vidya cover. It's sickening.
Anyway Bioshock 2.

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Where did you purchase the Antichrist?

Yes... in Kelvin.

If it doesn't appeal to you then I wouldn't suggest you play it.
"Massive" battles were a novely at the time and what I liked to do was to work my way up from nothing and lead a massive army of elite troops around, conquering towns, castles, setting up industry, improving my fiefs and generally just being a power player.

Fighting bandits and doing town quests are just early-game. You should fight battles, get famous and then butter up a lord that gives you better quests.
I don't know if it's in the original game or a mod, but you can join a lords army and act like a regular grunt for them for a time while you level up and gain renown if you're into combat.
You get weapons, armor and gold depending on your rank and you can basically just fast-forward time between battles.

Basically, you want to become big and influential, and there are a lot of ways to get there depending on HOW you want to play.

tortanic ruined this place

Spam Swadian Knights and win every single field battle even when outnumbered 9:1. Early game trying building forces and doing Caravan Escort missions. I always spec myself to be not a fighter but pour all points into Trade, Leadership, Path-finding for speed, and trainer. The Trainer stat is overpowered as fuck, and caravan escort missions reward you with enough EXP to level up several times. Always find Jeremus early and keep him in the backline with a crossbow or something so he always stays up. Build your wealth by buying dyeworks in every city you come across. You can get money fast by doing select quests or winning tournaments and max betting. This is harder if you're not speccing into combat stats, but still doable if you're good at the game. Swadian Knights only counter is poor terrain and there are a couple better troop types for sieges. Other than that, they're the best troop in the game.