Sonic origins will be digital only and will cost $44.99.
Which version will YOU be getting user?
Sonic origins will be digital only and will cost $44.99
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isn't it just genesis games?
what the fuck?
CD isn’t a Genesis game.
>digital only
No buy from me, sorry you hate money Sega. If you can't hold it or distribute it as freely as you want you don't own it.
>fill a Sega survey months ago
>questionnaire asks about DLC
>explicitly tell them not to have a million different versions of a game, only sell a standard edition with DLC being something to come months later
>this shit happens
why do they even do these surveys when they clearly don't listen?
I sincerely hope this flops.
it's literally a collection of the most influential 2d platformers of all time
you should feel privileged to even be able to play them at all
$40 is an absolute steal, they're worth far more than that
oh fuck off with that shit
They're definitely going to release a physical version but not for a while after the digital release since they know a lot of people who buy digital will also buy physical as well because they're idiots
>the most influential 2d platformers of all time
Uh... sonic did not influence a single game.
Don't kid us, you were never going to buy it in the first place piratefag
>DRM on steam
>anniversary mode forces no lives and time overs and retry special stages
>no word on sonic CD opening or sonic 3 music
>will it even be comparable to sonic mega collection in terms of presentation
I am pirating it specifically because they're pulling that edition shit.
so true
Sonic autists will defend this
i saw the leaked images and thought it was supposed to be a mania 2. so fucking lame, everything these days is games ive already played trying to be shilled to me as if i should give a shit. I never gave a shit about switch online, never cared about any single other old game collection ever released. even mania was mostly already treaded ground. I dont care for the kiddos that can experience this for the first time, if they aren't aware of emulation they live under rocks. i just dont care.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
What do coins do?
Apparently they replace lives in anniversary (wide-screen) mode.
I actually like collecting lives by keeping my rings until I get 100 so I hope I still get something.
It’s literally cancer
And why would you need 100 bonus coins for these games, they put micro transactions inside ???
Why are they so stupid and greedy, it’s unfathomable
They delayed the physical release when they saw many double dippers they had with Mania. Guaranteed there will be a physical release next year
Also wouldn't each title be about 8 dollars back on the wii eship store? So 5 games would equal 40 dollars of just the base games 15 years ago
My guess is that a lot of people responded that they like or are influenced by pre-order and early purchase bonuses, so they decided to go full in on digital games with that. Shit sucks.
I'll be pirating the digital deluxe version, not paying that much for 30 year old games
>Paying for something you can't own.
You will eat the vaxxine and be happy.
It is when it results in videotape companies becoming even greater greedy Fucks who pull shit like OP showed
Digital Deluxe obviously, I'm not poor
I have all these games already a few times different collections
Didn't they learn from the Denuvo bullshit from Mania? That said I'm still looking forward to it, but one of the things they better do is make Knuckles playable in CD and fix the music situation with CD and Sonic 3.
I know it's a copyright thing, but that shouldn't be an issue for a company like Sega.
Literally who is asking for this, the survey was posted here I'm sure a shitload of anons would've filled it
but i can play all of them on emulators
The original game doesn't work without a Genesis
What's your point faggot? Go back to playing them bitch boy.
Nobody probably, but a lot of people filling these surveys feel they need to be "honest". And they respond honestly to questions like "Has an early purchase bonus influenced your decision to pre-order a game", which more often than not is sadly yes.
The pirated Yuzu version.
I don't get it. That collection is objectively worse than the OP.
I own almost 300 physical copies of games, I'll buy something I like when it has an actual release that I can freely sell, keep offline or exchange. Maybe companies should sell games the same way they've been able to sell them for almost 50 years, by selling an actual copy and not a DRM riddled steam key.
Sega is really suckering people here, all the "extra" shit is unlockable through normal play on the basic version but marketing it as it's all exclusive to the deluxe.
>mispells sneed
>"Has an early purchase bonus influenced your decision to pre-order a game", which more often than not is sadly yes.
>why didn't they listen to ME
user you can't influence shit
The average person doesn't even fill out surveys
i already have sonic origins, why would i want to get it again?
>will it even be comparable to sonic mega collection in terms of presentation
looks good to me
He just wants attention like he got in the previous thread. It's not like real sonic fans haven't already played these games.
Wait, what? Shouldn't Sonic be on the left?
For you and me it's not, but the average consumer is a retard.
see most of the survey would've been anons here I'm pretty sure
Sonic has been adamantly anti-capitalist since his creation.
>but I can just steal them
fucking nigger
whitehead ports you can finally play with a control instead of moms tablet
How the fuck Japanese lards in suites can be THAT disconnected with their consumers? Even the way blizzard milked their retards looks gracious compared to this.
buying collectibles in the in-game museum or trading one in to retry special stages
I literally have all 4 of these games in widescreen on my switch
Nowhere near as soulful as this
>but I can just play them for free
fucking based
it will take a while because of denuvo
good thing i can download the nsp on my switch
I loved Mega Collection Plus but I can't deny this shit looks soulful
Man sonic riders was the shit
>digital only
Fucking why?
So they can release Sonic Origins Plus in a year or so.
I hate how true that is.
I wonder if a lot of people said they were influenced to purchases something because of preorder bonuses, but meant it in a negative light. As in, they won't buy games with those sorts of pre-order nonsense. But SEGA took it the opposite way?
>no word on sonic CD opening
We can safely assumed that its in. Pic is from the steam page.
Then why does he still purchase shoes and fast food?
Oh wow yet another Genesis rehash collection because Sega of Japan is creatively bankrupt and fucked up SoA to even touch Sonic
Here's a better solution idiots
Hope NuSega dies and Takashi Iizuka gets publicly hanged.
>*sonic riders was shit
Uh, that's not the GameCube version, it also has the superior ending credits music.
But I didn't know the Plus version overused the History theme. Pretty depressing honestly.
You literally can't play the Sega CD without a genesis
I genuinely can't understand why they'd release an infographic that needlessly complicates things this hard. All it's really saying is that the Digital Deluxe version comes with two DLC packs that'll be released standalone later and that there's a pre-order bonus, but the way they designed it makes it look like there's five separate bundles you can buy for the same game.
$45 for a few megabytes of data? Is this pranks?
It's sad but releases like this are steadily becoming digital only. You can thank PC fags for the slow death of physical media
Sorry user but I did say I'd buy DLC everytime I did the survey
>complain about this
>meanwhile millions of you faggots bought the Mario 3d collection for 60 bucks and all of that shit was emulated
a such level of gayness should not be possible
Actually Sonic did influence platformers since The Genesis's blast processing introduced the dynamic of Speeding through stages compared to Mario where the focus was more concerned with traps and timed jumps
What survey was it then?
PCfag problems
Feels good to be a console chad
>How the fuck Japanese lards in suites can be THAT disconnected with their consumers
Plenty of other japanese companies released good collections at fair prices. This is a Sega problem.
PC fags used to have more physical releases than anybody, look at all the old big box and multi-disc PC games. It's mostly Microsoft, Apple and Steam that did digital distribution bullshit, everybody else just followed them to be trendy. Not defending them, but just wanted to point out the actual cause.
You're still going to buy it anyways aren't you.
>Noooo my piece of plastic!!!
Stop acting like your demo unpatched DLCless discs are physical, they aren't.
Eh, probably. Never played the mobile versions. And these "Challenges" might be fun.
Sonic was literally inspired by the gameplay of speeding through Mario levels and every modern platformer has precise controls, nothing handles like sonic.
I haven't played it yet, but isn't Freedom planet supposed to play just like Sonic? Surely Sonic can't be the only momentum-based 2D platformer.
Why would they care whether it was in a positive or negative light when it's apparently working? As long as they're making money out of it and there's no large attempts to boycott it or anything they've got no reason not to do it. Most people probably just grumble a bit while taking out their credit card.
>demo unpatched DLCless discs are physical, they aren't
90% of physical games aren't demos at all.
And before you cope, physical games have always had regional and build differences. No one gives a shit that they're playing Super Mario 64 with BLJ not patched out.
Does it require updates? It's a demo.
Does it require DLC? It's a demo.
No amount of cope will change these hard facts.
>Said the Tails enjoyer
>Does it require updates?
Does it require DLC?
Nope again.
My point is that the survey question is worded vaguely. Two people answering 'this will influence my purchase' could mean two different things, but SEGA just sees "Oh, people will be more inclined to buy it if it has this!".
You're right though, most boycotts don't work because we'll begrudgingly buy it anyway. I'm probably gonna get it too, if only to play 3&K in widescreen on my Switch while lying on my bed.
Well, it's the most similar thing you can get to Sonic. It started as a sonic fangame using the Worlds MMF2 engine, after all.
A big difference is that enemies do not hurt you by mere contact, they must be in an attack animation or throw you a projectile in order to hurt the player. That really changes up the way you approach the levels.
If it weren't for them putting Denuvo into it, PC would've been the way to go for me. But since Denuvo is there (for now), it'll just be the console version until Denuvo is either removed or people find out how to manually remove it.
They were so close to perfection
Hey, if it's gay to dislike bad games, then I'm a flaming homosexual.
It's basically a 1:1 small sonic indie fan game, should that even count?
That's a good Boco-kun. Remember the mantra. You're a Sonic fan forever.
What does it change if you get the console version instead?
Wrong, games are made and released with launch window and several updates scheduled accounted for. If it's not all in the disc, it's a demo and not a physical game at all.
>Nope again.
Lacking DLC is the textbook definition of an incomplete game.
Again, no cope will change these facts.
Mania Plus comes with all the DLC on disc/cart.
Some physical releases, especially those which come way after the initial digital, do contain everything you need.
Keep seething. With the clock timebomb thing fixed (since it seems it was a bug) in the PS4, my Mania Plus disc will always work. Even without internet.
I probably will be, simply because Sonic 2 was the first game I ever owned. Damn nostalgia...
Sega offers surveys for every Sega game you buy. All you have to do access the game page on your console (no idea how it works for PC fags)
Not having Denuvo, for a start
Besides that it's the exact same game except without the possibility of mods