It's shit

>it's shit

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Obviously. Postal was always shit but edgy enough to barely be playable.

First Postal was a pretty good game even without the edgy shit.

I remember really liking Postal 2 back in the mid-00s. I’ll give this a pirate later and see just how bad 4 is later.

a lot of people are saying 3 is better than 4, that's saying quite a bitaaw82

>Still hasn't left early access
>Any minute now

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>postal 3 is better than 4
now that's just mean

check steam forums lol, it's an actual opinion

No edge, no buy. Just invest in a gun to escape this shitty world.

It's just retards who've never played 2 and think it was some kind of landmark masterpiece.

Pissing on people is a good mechanic.

it's officially released today user

But not yet

i dont like the artstyle, the cartoon borders and how empty and stock everything looks. it lacks the psuedo realistic cartoony style that gave 2 that air of cynicism

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Would postal 2 hold up if I replayed it

The only games, real games, worth playing are Nioh I and II, Sekiro, and any of the Mon Huns. Everything else…. Literally everything else are just tranny inducing Jewish tricks

I feel it could have been even more offensive. Sure, they still make fun of literally everyone in the game, but it doesn't feel like they went hard enough

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I replayed it because of the upcoming release and honestly? Yes.
That said, man, loading zones everywhere combined with the natural jank of 2003 games does make it a little rough about the edges. Humor and stupidity still hits just right though.

Civvie being in the game and respawning still bothers me.
He's probably one of the reasons the game is so watered down compared to Postal 2

tbf, you can disable that cartoony effect in the options, but everyone agrees it's fucking shit and doesn't know why it's default

The only good game ever made is Halo 2.

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god i hate that faggot and his fan fags

Are you sure? The game makes fun of him as well by making him a crack dealer.

In this game, that's a compliment.

God damn it I can't stand that faggot

They are trying to recapture that late 90s early 2000s edge but since A its no longer the early 2000s it falls flat and B the game just looks like dogshit. I mean postal 2 doesn't look the greatest either but it has actual charm to it. Also I don't think running with scissors gives a shit, they are just trying to make money from the resurgence of their 19 year old game.

who's buying these games?
all of them except maybe 1 looked like shit compared to everything else coming out at the time.
they've always courted controversy but postal is a known quantity now and you know it's going to be jank and play poorly.
who's spending money for the jokes?
like go hang out on Yea Forums or /pol/ for an hour for free.

not only does it look like shit, it runs like shit too

At least Brain Damaged will probably be an incredibly good but short spin-off given Hyperstrange's track record of making extremely good but overly short games

Postal series has always been shit. Good gameplay was never the goal, shock value and pushing the envelope was the goal. People played it because it was controversial, it was rebelliously gory, explicit and obscene and there was a catharsis back then when it made sense, culturally.

Back then heavy metal & video games were being labelled as gateways to violence and school shooter mentality by almost every media outlet. Every neurotic boomer parent would be white-faced and overly pious in their outlook on videogames and what they feared would corrupt the 'poor children'. Postal worked back then, it made sense.
it doesn't work now and makes no sense. So all that is left is shitty gameplay and maybe some short lived endearing nostalgia factor. That's it.

Anyone here who played it? What's the Yea Forumserdict?

>dips to 12 FPS regularly on my 3070
literally how?

im have it in my steam library, bought it a year and a half ago and was disappointed with the EA shit, after listening to others i have little desire to see how the release is, maybe when my backlog is smaller

>i never played postal but heres my made up opinion
typical Yea Forums

I bought it when it came out years ago, haven't played it since I think Thursday update, it felt too janky and unfinished and now apparently it still is about the same as it was a year ago. with NPCs beng completely braindead and awful performance

I don't mind it being janky really but I don't want it to be nearly unplayable still, I was considering reinstalling it today since it would officially release but I think I might wait it out again

Whatever happened to postal 3

it was a rails shooter that no one liked

Why hasn't it released yet? Should've went live 50 minutes ago.

it was aways a bad game franchise, the second one was playable because they decided to copy Half-life shooting style of gameplay. but the level had 0 level design to then.
the game overcompensates with edgy cringe humor that is the funniest shit to you when you are 13.
the it doesnt hold up at all, and is only funny as as nostalgia bait and a time capsule of late 90s and early 2000s edgy humor

>i take my internalized autistic beliefs so seriously i project it onto other anons as if it were fact
typical Yea Forums

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>it's shit
As intended retard

They should have tried to be a modern form of edgy but they can't. Being edgy in 2022 is being racist or hating troons. And you can't do that in any form of published media.

can anyone recommend an "in the mind of the insane killer" game like the original Postal? i don't like funny.


it's basically the same game but even edgier

>Being edgy in 2022 is being racist or hating troons
that just shows how lame edginess has become

No, just shows how lame the material that edginess has to work with is. Troons and libs are pitiable to the point it's not even clever or takes effort to mock them.

fuck no, hatred is trash. notimportant just hates all life but the postal dude was literally going insane. hallucinations, voices and all.

And what was edgy two decades ago?

What was his name again?

most of what is in postal 2 was considered edgy then but is considered tame now like pissing everywhere and using cats for silencers

Animal abuse is still edgy, but like it's been said you can't actually be edgy anymore. You'll be deleted by the system.

if you make a whole game about making fun of tranny and saying nigger like the average Yea Forumstard would and nothing more it'd get boring fast

Didn't Civvie kill himself literally every time?

They need to do this

Nobody will want to play your obsession sim.
I agree if Postal 4 had the balls 2 did there would be at least one troon caricature and some racism but it'd need more than just that

I feel it would need to make fun of literally everyone like it usually does

They could work with it if they mocked both sides. Have ghetto-type niggers walking around next to a nazi parade which shows a banner with one ball and a swastika on it. There is a lot to mock in today's age on both sides of the fence.

this, this is what made 2 so great, it didn't lean in any particular direction, it made fun of everyone

yes agreed that's the problem with Postal 4 is it makes fun of the "safe to insult" groups whereas previously they made fun of everyone like says

i dont think we will have any actual offensive games anymore, at least for some good damn years

We don’t talk about Postal 3


well didn't they put a cunny island in p4

What's edgy about that

why did they commit to the meme 4/20 release when the game was still so buggy/unoptimized? that just made it even easier for journos to dismiss the game entirely