>Games set in Mexico
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Red Dead Redemption
Tomb Raider: Underworld
>Games set in Brazil
Assassin's Creed III
Lots of CoDs
Max Payne 3
>Games set in Argentina
Why? Argentina is such a vast, beautiful land
>Games set in Mexico
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Red Dead Redemption
Tomb Raider: Underworld
>Games set in Brazil
Assassin's Creed III
Lots of CoDs
Max Payne 3
>Games set in Argentina
Why? Argentina is such a vast, beautiful land
Other urls found in this thread:
Because it's a poor irrelevant shithole?
At least Mexico has pyramids and other several cool stuff
sorry argies, your country only really comes up in jokes about nazi escapees and the falklands war
Argentina is too white for crime.
that one hipster ps1 game, aconcacagua
Because Argentina sucks. It's literally on the verge of collapse. All South American countries live in the shadow of Brazil.
>connected to the Falklands
ha, you lost to a failing empire half the world away
you're nothing
Why? Everytime my culture is shown in the media it's either tango, gauchos or mate, there's nothing special about this country which is falling to pieces.
Im reminded of the first X-Men First Class movie which showed nazi refugees living in "Villa Geselle" and made it look like some kind of idyllic mountain town instead of just another regular city.
Would be cool a game about bounty hunt nazis in argentina
I want to be a bounty hunt nazi.
asjkasjkasjkas argentinos culiaos narigones judios negros viva chile mierdaaa
>another anti argentina thread made by a mexican
What's up with this inferiority complex?
nobody knows the difference between all your spic countries. If you had any brains you'd have all banded together like the USA in North America, maybe then you would have some global prominence.
the only reasons anyone has heard of argentina are the falklands war (still nobody can name an argentinian leader from this time) and diego maradona.
Why in the fuck would you want a game set in a shithole like south America.
Argentina especially. Literally some of the worst countries and people on the planet.
Blood Rayne has an Argentina level.
Lurk more next time retard.
>STILL seething over The Falkland Islands.
Can you fucking imagine this level of national butthurt?
Literally every map they map of the country they have to cope and seethe and draw some tiny patch of rocks off their coast that absolutely fucking nobody cares about and claim it's theirs.
Actual representation of the size the Falkland's occupies rent free in the Argentine brain
Projecting hard aren't you?
I hope it stays that way
we don't need schizos to misrepresent the country's culture
Based and Falklands-pilled. It’s always funny how badly they seethe about the irrelevant, comfy isles. I doubt I could find anyone irl who knows these islands exist.
Need a N64 and Saturn port
You cannot die without visiting Patagonia. I unironically encourage everyone to visit the place.
It's a national security problem. You wouldn't feel as safe if Hawaii were being occupied by China or Russia. Muttland understands this.
Falklands will be Chilean, sorry Argies.
>It's a national security problem
America doesn't seem too concerned with Bermuda or the various Caribbean islands there was basically no military on Falklands until they invaded it
What interests me about the Falklands is that the Argies thought the Brits wouldn't give a shit if they took it.
But they underestimated the fact that Brits, when they put down their tea and biscuits and stop being snobby cunts, have been a nation of violent warriors for fucking thousands of years, and every successive invasion of that isle has only made them more warlike.
Argies thought the Brits wouldn't give a shit, and the Brits didn't. They did, however, think it would be a perfect opportunity for a good fookan scrap
GTA clone basen on La Matanza when
I want to kill Peronists and Macrists
>National security
Against who? You're fucking Argentina. Nobody gives a shit about you, especially nobody to the East of you.
Looks similar on my machine (except 219 are the last three of my (you)’d post). Argentina-bros can’t help but reinforce how funny the Falklands situation is for the few of us who even know about it.
Nothing like a cold one after slaying Argentine teenage conscripts
argentina is filled with crime. its the sudaca curse
oh we got the caribbean locked down, buddy
>"Why? Argentina is such a vast, beautiful land
Porque el pais es una mierda.
Literally Bloodrayne.
The year is 1895
>Argentina is Currently the RICHEST country in the world
The year is 1896
>Socialism Party is founded
Never again.
But Argentina killed all of their native population, they did not mix with it like the rest of south america they are white !
Jane's Fleet Command and Project Reality had Falklands scenarios.
The country is S tier when it comes to land&nature. But becomes an instant F the second you add modern "argies" back to the formula. Fucking country is ruined because of jews and illegal immigrants
>when they put down their tea and biscuits and stop being snobby cunts, have been a nation of violent warriors for fucking thousands of years
right, it's because you are ooh so intimidating and braveful warriors, not because they literarly are a third world shithole with completely inferior military equipment. Nice one ahmed.
where is this image from?
you mean the extension of floridas waters? even cuba is lightening up to america bit by bit
all those games portray those countries as literal shitholes with violent niggers living in shacks, what's the point OP ?
I don't want people to know about it. I want everyone to stay in their shit hole city and leave small towns alone. I fucking hate tourists coming down south thinking they're being so in touch with nature with their diesels cars taking selfies with their lithium phones.
The one time I went to explore the my country in motorbike, I cried. Every single biome in the world is in my country, and we could do anything. But none of it is matters because of socialist city niggers.
I'll enjoy the quiet beauty all by myself, I'll rather have it this way, than share it with literal mouth breathers.
I love myself country, but I hate it so much at the same time it's unreal.
>t. seething cuck who was one of the countries britain invaded
we should nuke Buenos Aires
una vela..
Funny thing how after the war, Argentinians were deported from the Falklands and they were replaced with Chileans, having a close relationship with the people from Punta Arenas, even celebrating some of the chilean holidays, and by this point, children born there from chilean parents are getting more involved in local politics.
>island holds a referendum to decide if they want to stay with britain or join argentina
>they vote overwhelmingly to stay with britain
>argies seethe and use military force
>britain responds with military force
Why is Britain considered the bad guy here? The islanders didn't want to join Argentina. Get over it
Thistle is a your mind on Chilean delusion
How's that shoreline treating you culiao
But then they would spread like cockroaches.
Better have them as a containment.
argentrannys... we lost...
>muh old glory
give it up nigel, nobody gives a shit about your country anymore and it's for the better; seeing how it's going to be mostly brown in 1 or 2 more generations at most.
Not even British. Just enjoy watching people from irrelevant shitholes seethe about Britain
>b-but they're irrelevant and full of brown people
Yeah because the same people who they invaded realized how much better life in Britain is. Why do you think so many people immigrate to Western nations?
Saying life in Britain is better is like saying eating dirt is better than eating shit
I consider Argentina to be happy to not be misrepresented by globohomo's skewered themeparky view on the world.
Since you are in LatAm, you are either the country with the drugs, with the civil war and/or with the funny hats.
it's called nazis on the run, not refugees, you nazi.
Where are you from user? Lets see if your country is full of shit eaters or dirt eaters
>AND Antartica
Do argies really?
>t. brainwashed urbanite porteñocuck
>Argentina killed all of their native population
yes but then they spent literally billions in promoting immigration programs from countries that did not in fact kill the natives you stupid fuck
modern argentina is about 60% indigenous, from bolivia, peru and other shitholes
>country with the drugs
Check out the Brazil/Paraguay/Argentina tripartite and how rampant is drug and weapons dealing there. Hezbollah has its tentacles there.
>with the civil war
Guerrillas in Chile are spreading to Western Argentina. Check out about land takeovers in Chubut, Río Negro and Neuquén provinces.
>the funny hats
That's Peru, their president literally wears a funny hat everywhere he goes. Also, he's a maoist.
>I'm not British I don't care lmao
>Oh you are probably from a shit eating country
Seething brit without any seething loisense spotted
I'm not British pal. The fact that you are too afraid to post your country has me laughing tho