Sony is cooking up plans to run ads in PlayStation games

>Sony is working on a plan to put ads inside PlayStation games, sources said, similar to a move by Microsoft to run ads in Xbox.
>Three people who are involved in the plans said Sony is doing testing with adtech partners to help game developers create in-game ads through a software developer program. The idea is to encourage developers to keep building free-to-play games, which have soared in the pandemic, by giving them a way to monetize them, they said.
>"Sony would never use those patents" they said

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>free to play games
I don't play free to play games.
Will this effect me?
I guess the better question is...are there any free to play games worth playing? Battle Royale style games don't interest me. I've heard Genshin is decent but I truly despise gacha so I've avoided it.

Snoycucks will brag about the increased revenue and start leaving their playstations on overnight to increase the number of ads that play.

They are complete drones, lobotomised by sony

This shit has been around since what 2008?

Watch this become the standard soon because charging 60 dollarydoos isn't enough so it's easier to make shit free to play and then run ads in games producing more revenue. The end of gaming is near.

Console wars aside, the growth of free-to-play games is a legitimate concern. With how well shit like genshin has been doing, I fear soon all gaming will be bullshit p2w garbage filled with ads.


>The end of console gaming is near.

And nothing of value will be lost.

In 10 years this will be the norm and Yea Forums will defend it

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They've done this before with games that would load real ads on billboards and the outfield wall in sports games and things like that.

I always figured it would be ad space that would be updated online in sports games, like changing the walls in a NHL game or some ads on cars on a F1 or Motogp game

>posting le ebin manifesto man
>on the internet
You don't understand anything he was talking about.

Just like NFTs, right?

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You’ve been saying this verbatim for the last ten years, hurry up and get on with it already

And you will never become a woman

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I just hope you'd be able to block them via pi-hole or something.

Are they peasants performing slave labour because anprim luddite retards like yourself took over? KYS asap

nobody does, because nobody’s actually read any of it. If they did they’d realize it’s all total nonsense behind le deep thesis statement.

They always tweak it to award customers for doing stupid shit like this. Then it becomes normalized

EXAMPLE: phone games that "reward" you for watching a video ad

>plans to run ads
you don't own a PS5, do you

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yes it will affect you because these things always start out small and then make their way into anything and everything. f2p this year, 1st party exclusives next year, industry wide the following year. and it'll become more and more common. you can't even watch a fucking youtube video without having to watch 2 ads now. soon it's going to be 3 ads, and then 4, and then 5 and you get the picture.

ads are a plague and cancer

>he still sees ads on youtube
you are not human, you are cattle if you haven't got adblock on all your devices

Yea Forums will only defend it if liberals on Twitter dislike it.

Not Funny

Remember how dlc started? Then get ready for watching adds while "unusually large" loading screens, product placement everywhere, and things that would put the bad guy from "Ready player one" movie into shame.

Most of you would prefer free shit with ads over paying $70 for adfree
It's just a fact

Moving to PC after the 7th gen consoles came out was the best decision I ever made.

these were great

You fucking retard this is how it starts every damn time until this cancer is commonplace.
>b-but the slippery slope is a fal...
No. FUCK you.

I just don’t get what’s so great about masturbating to doom fantasies. What good does it do you to constantly piss and moan about dystopia that hasn’t happened yet?

What am I supposed to do? I already bought the PS5.
Will Sony lose money if I destroy it?

Uh oh! Tardre can't plyre to the right user! Boonga boonga boonga silly pilly billy! *Begins rapidly patting your face*

that's not the point. you won't be able to get adblocker if sony is allowed to get away with this. and just look at the history of TV, it started out with no ads till it got 1, 2, 3, 4 etc over time till the point now where every hour long tv show has 15 minutes worth of ads usually across 2 or 3 ad breaks. and the people defending this shit are the ones making threads every day begging sony to buy fromsoftware. enjoy having to watch through forced ads for some random sony headphones in elden ring 3 in 10 years time if that happens.

Could you not talk like retard so everyone can understand you?

>till the point now where every hour long tv show has 15 minutes worth of ads
the point we’re at now is television being a dead medium, exactly for this reason.

If you’re gonna doomwank please get some perspective first.

user's right. there was a documentary on jewflix where they interviewed the guy. He's just an lunatic with an extremely high IQ, unfortunately fucked in the head from literal glowies

Tbf I'm surprised f2p games don't have in-game ads through the ass, they mostly restrict ads to login and logout moments.
Sports games as well, you already get ads during normal sports, not sure why companies don't just sell ad space in their games, you can easily just let adbanners on the side of the football pitch jus like real life and people wouldn't even blink


>youtube video
pick one
Regardless, besides people lazy enough to remove them from yt phone app there are no people watching that shit and there are tricks to fastly remove them from there too.
Now video games. a cool thing to happen would be a purge. More and more people stop playing triple a games, giants suffer, cut their losses and leave. Indie games flourish, profit. Assuming average normal fags have a brain (wich they don't) and we are lucky enough for that to happen. Yes i deserve to dream every once in a while

To be fair, thats not the reason tv is going to shit. Tv went to shit because internet, just like rental vide stores went down for the same reason. Now, to some extent, you can choose what to watch at any given moment, before you had to stick to what was on tv

TV isn't dead. it's still very much relevant. sports are amongst the most watched content on earth are entirely live tv and especially american sports which are littered with ads every fucking 5 seconds like NFL.

and also you're extremely naive to think they're different. for example netflix are now exploring an ad based subscription after they lose 200k users last week because of account sharing. netflix know you can make more money per viewer by peppering them with ads than having them pay for a sub. that's how eventually everything will be. we're going full circle and games are included this time. thanks a lot sony.

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Oh yeah! *Begins slapping my ass furiously* it's time to VIDEO GAME looloolooloo *Bouncing around on penis* VIDEOGAMES DABBING IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT WERE GONNA PLAY SOME VIDEO GAMES NON GAMERS LOSE THEIR MINDS THEY HAVE NO VIDEO GAMES

This. They complain about other fans being drones but then slurp everything sony shits out and scream out defending it.

Phone games have such thing
>blah blah blah cringe phone gamer blah blah
Unironically back when android was around 4.0.0 games on android started to flourish and maybe It could have ascended if freemium wasn't a thing. It was slaughtered the moment lucky patcher was stopped though

Until an "Eyetoy" or something that proves you are there becomes mandatory.

They should make ads opt in, in exchange for discounts on games and DLCs

>Sony hasn't decided if it would take a cut of the revenue, the sources said; one said it's also considering charging developers and publishers for data on consumer activity on the PlayStation.


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Once everyone starts doing it, it eventually becomes normal and accepted, no matter how hated it initially was.
Just look at all the shitty DLC, microtransactions and season/battle/whatever passes, and they're in full priced games with potential deluxe editions and other bullshit.

Oh, and can't forget paid online. Also assuming Xbox/Playstation still have dashboard ads lol.

>Just look at all the shitty DLC, microtransactions and season/battle/whatever passes
I disagree on this actually.

It's not that people got used to bullshit - its that gaming became more mainstream and more retards entered the market.
Your average hardcore enthusiast in the 90s wouldn't pay for RGB keyboards and a cosmetic character skin, but your bottom feeder "gamer" teens of the modern era will.

The end result is the same, but I feel like its worth noting that these shitty companies never "won us over" in some epic subversive campaign. They just stopped selling to us and started selling to morons

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Most of the people with functioning brains stopped doing that so we are safe. It happened with social media, It happened with the triple a games it happened with browser and os activity. We said fuck you and stopped using them.

This is kind of true and why voting with your wallet doesn’t do shit.

Also this. Most of the kids didn't grow up with quality games


Just say the word and play the game, faggot

Do you ever think about the programmers and designers with the brains to program these things for business stooges but not the brains to not make awful things?

fucking scabs. this is exactly like Einstein and Feynman being idiots and making an atomic bomb for the braindead fucks in the army

Most people would prefer free with ads to paying the $70 they want now, so they'll start with that angle. Then, once that's the standard, the free with ads games will get a $70 price tag too. It doesn't matter what you want or do. This is the dominant media now. The ignorant masses are here waiting to be preyed upon by ever-expanding corporations.

I miss the term "gamer" not existing. I miss being made fun of for liking video games.

Pretty much this. Receiving the steamdeck is just icing on the cake.

WOOPER i play da video game *Lays on side and twirls like a bayblade thanks to my powerful braps* VEEDEEYO GAYMEDGEZ I play video games! Whookoo I like to play videy gayayayayames!

>EXAMPLE: phone games that "reward" you for watching a video ad
It really depends how they use that. Like had mobile games that actually made me want to use that once in a while, muted, while watching shows but others used it in disgusting ways like the only way to have proper progress at times.
Still it's a version of free to play stuff i don't wish to see on console or PC.