What do they eat???

What do they eat???

I don't remember walking past a single farm or pasture.

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flesh and berries


>picks plants and kills animals for crafting
>”wHAt dO THEy eaT???”

There weren't many real signs of actual dwellings or any proper infrastructure. You are in the magical fractured lands where demigods are warring over magical shards of the magical tree ring, I wouldn't be surprised if none of them have to even eat.

yo mama so fat she ate all the crops in elden ring

the entire capital of leyndall can survive on the 10 berry bushes surrounding the town???


Attached: blackguard.jpg (1552x873, 262.09K)

Prawn and Crab meat

Attached: boggart.jpg (1200x627, 129.74K)

Rowa Fruit x1

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The capital is completely destitute like every place other than Jarburg and the windmill town

They grow back every time you sit down it’s infinite food for the populace

That's my point

>everybody's morning ritual is running back and forth from the bonfires to eat berries
why didn't from include this in the game, would have really expanded the lore

what is queen marika's tax policy?

It's a post-apocalyptic hunter-gatherer lifestyle for the inhabitants.

What do they eat?

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>Le false equivalence
Wow you got me!

not an argument, thanks for conceding

Show me one grocery store in leyndall

They grew food in Caelid before Malenia fucked everything up.


false equivalence, stop moving goalposts

Le Reddit moving le goalposts

This, you see peasants foraging all over the map too

>likes using Le
how ironic

You asked what they eat. They get their food from grocery stores.

the food in grocery stores doesn't appear by magic


>there is one farms area, at windmills
>run by a bunch of crazed cannibals

It comes in by trucks. So show me the caravans delivering food to the capital. There isn't a single caravan headed in that direction, and their only contents are always just one single weapon.

Rekt, noob

Did you not play the game you fucking retard? There's literally an NPC you can see clearly cooking shit like crabs.

there are entire logistics networks dedicated from moving food stored in warehouses outside of city centers into said city centers.
Have you never seen a semi truck?

So you're saying Blackguard singlehandedly feeds the entire planet?

There are trashed caravans in the capital, a whole crapload of them

>There isn't a single caravan headed in that direction
why did people not explore
why even play an open world game if you are not exploring

The closest caravan is west of the capital, headed south.

In Stormveil Castle there is a pantry area with a shitload of meat hanging on racks. They eat all of the natural wildlife in the area. The birds, little critters and sheep.

Theres windmills and farms everywhere, as well as a ton of fauna. But the land you see is fucked in half from various events so thinking that's what it looked like all the time and when things were good is silly.

>So show me the caravans delivering food to the capital.
Are you serious? There are several caravans in the game that you can actually raid.

It's been so long since the Lands Between had a functioning society that all farms have been abandoned and reclaimed by nature.

>why even play an open world game
my thoughts exactly

They eat swords?!

I assumed this entire game was taking place in some kind of purgatory or hell or something, because it didn't feel like an actual place and everyone wants to aggro and kill everyone all the time.

Those delicious one sword or mace...

>Hurr durr I don't see currently functioning infrastructure and peasants walking about in their day-to-day activities and I cannot see the whisperings of the Local Lord so this makes no sense to me lmao

The Lands Between is a region in a significantly vaster world than is presented to the player. The Shattering obliterated almost all humans in the region, almost all infrastructure that wasn't held by soldiers and/or individuals powerful enough to resist soldiers, the demigods are very visibly capable of feeding themselves off of things that aren't just bread and fruits, and the extant zombies walking around very clearly aren't concerned with maintaining their nutritional balance. Even then, there are many windmills in the setting, there are destroyed caravans which could very easily have been used to transport food before The Shattering happened, the obliteration of entire regions like Caelid mask a mystery that will never be solved because it's just a rot pit where life doesn't exist anymore, so-on so-forth. When the region was actually intact, it almost assuredly would have been far more obvious. Now that it's a blasted ruin, the few people sane enough to actually go out of their way to eat are mostly just scavenging or hunting, which would be more than enough to sustain the non-retard Tarnished running around.

What was Radagon's tax policy?

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There's not enough land to house even the populations of people who actually do live there. What ought to be regular sized shacks are major location points. It's odd that fairly untouched places like the majority of Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula don't even have much in the way of standing villages.


it's environmental storytelling. duh.

This is the most based guy in the game and I killed him because I wanted his fists I didn't end up using.

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>Radahn held the stars back because Ranni was about to get audited.

>place is called 3 sisters
>has 3 towers
>two towers belong to one woman
>the other tower belongs to a man


Elden sissies BTFO!!!

The towers are the sisters.

Elden ring is limited to a single city? I thought for sure there was some countryside. Must have been mistaken.

Liurnia is obviously a big rice field. There are windmills near the capital too.

Based retard

Do they need to war? They're all immortal zombies.

>comparing a modern city to a medieval city


That's still only two women

Isn't Darks game set in some sort of purgatory?

Souls games are prime examples of worlds and lore that doesn't need to have crap like that explained to make the story work. MrBtongue and his ilk are autistic boomers who judge media based entirely on logic, as if making a movie or music can be broken down to a simple universal formula. Yes, i know common denominators exist to sell crap, but i think you understand what i mean.

If you are seriously looking at Anor Londo and all you can think of is "This city makes no sense! How did they build it?! What do they eat?!", then you legit have autism and you lack an imaginative mind that is capable of suspension of disbelief.

In Elden Ring, you're in some large island chain where the gods have set up some weird thing to where people don't die naturally; they turn into ash and get sucked up into a giant tree to be reincarnated later.

>just turn your brain off

There's a difference between "just shove popcorn in your mouth and shut up" and autistically screeching about why you can't figure out what the pumbling system in Stormviel Castle would look like or how much tuition to Raya Lucaria is.