XENOBLADE Shulk VA outs himself as racist, transphobic, bigot


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Other urls found in this thread:


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Holy shit, based. Buying Xenoblade 3 and switching my Smash main to Shulk.

Very based

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Holy damn if i only knew that this thread is tunring into a grommer thread i would not have clicked on that thread, forgive me father

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uh oh here we go

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good thread

dont care, didnt play with dub

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as if xenoblade couldn't get any more based

Craft an exit bag and kill yourself 2016fag

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I’m really feeling it

next time tell nintendo to make a good game

>toddler company advertises that they're le racist for the Yea Forums audience
>fires him for the resetera audience
>censors their game for the everyone else audience
Their genius knows no bounds.

>shulk's gonna need a recast for future games
lmfao who the fuck do these people even think they are?

>british guy Likes tweets from famous british author
>makes soys seethe

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>I can't catch a break
>Shulk needs a recast
The fuck? These trannies take themselves way too seriously.
Who gives a fuck what that guy is saying on his own time

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Twitter screencap threads should be a bannable offense

>As of March 2021, ResetEra has over 53,000 registered users.
>Yea Forums is one of the largest English language based image boards on the open web. They have over 900k new posts per day and some 27 million active monthly users.
They'd probably do better cutting out the small userbase

I bet these people wet themselves with excitement when they find something they can use to cancel others.

The Neoxon tranny who made the tread/post has a massive, massive history of ludicrous stuff like this. He is constantly trying to get Sakurai cancelled for no black characters in Smash (even though there are some).

That censor blur is really unneeded (unsneeded)

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I'm surprised there aren't as many images like that using Kino's name.

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>(even though there are some).

Alternative costumes don’t count

the election tourists were scheduled to leave today
why are you still here


Okay, groomer.

Donkey Kong does

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Why buy a game that he isn’t in, culture war fag

I entered this thread expecting copper, but user made sure it was gold

Oh right, they're supposed to move to another "Yea Forums but not le cucked" that will die in a year.

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I'm confused why did this turn into a cunny thread? Not that i mind

This thread deserves the loli spam, fuck resetera, fuck this thought policing

Mods are fags

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what the fuck, I need to buy 3 copies now, this has to stop

So why is loli okay, but trannies and leftists ARE DA REAL GROOMERS again?

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cuz its not real


because this isn't video games + you're an election tourist queer

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Isn't it funny that these trannies will immediately dump loli porn to derail any threads talking about them? They're not even trying to be subtle.

>racist, transphobic, bigot
so a good person? cool

this is the monado's powah

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very based

I hope every troon trying to ruin Shulk's VA life over this bullshit ends up pic related
Troons aren't the victims
They are the oppressors
They all need to die along with twitter

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Can't wait for Elon to buy Twitter and send these trannies back to the abyss where they belong.

i hate to say it, but hes not wrong about blm the organization. they take all that donation money given for dead black men and either funnel it into million dollar houses or use it to support gay and trans causes near exclusively. thats fucking bullshit. thats why the local groups are coming at their asses

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What is bad about this? He is just making a joke about being able to eat something targeted towards 4 people by himself, right?

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If elon did buy twitter would he make changes that benefit or give trouble to these lowlives?

Why not?

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You'd think, right?

Him existing has already gotten a few trannies to kill themselves.
I hope he milks this drama even further.

these niggas searched his likes for shit to seethe about? fucking kek

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Me to the left

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Cunny in this thread is a plus.

To be honest i don't understand why everyone is so horny about that landwhale kanna
Her friend is hornier and sexier, clearly built for hot steamy sex

the mods are too busy jerking off to delete this thread so i'm glad someone else likes it

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Dangerously based thread

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holy based feminist making the looney troons seethe

I will now buy your game.

>Donkey Kong
>Diddy Kong
>Nigger stole my bike from Punch Out shows up
That's plenty.

He's in the other ones.

Now I'm really feeling it

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what episode is this from?

And the go to any lolidump thread to rant about pedos. Never gets old

Can you post some fat lolis too?

Remember to report twitter threads

outrageously based
We CAN change the future!

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Is it the troons? I thought they hated loli porn. Is it just another case of Yea Forums blames the trannies?

You can tell this person doesn't give a shit about Xenoblade by the assumption that Shulk will be in 3 or future sequels