I'm still so mad. What the fuck was he thinking?
I'm still so mad. What the fuck was he thinking?
>What the fuck was he thinking?
"I'm such a good guy, I obey the rules! That must mean I'm a really really good person. That feels good. I like feeling good."
Well, that's the subconscious anyway. I doubt anything was going through his mind.
The only goal a NPC thinks of: Reddit updoots and corporate goodboy points.
>What the fuck was he thinking
Holy shit imagine all the upvotes.
Someone found the thing in the op's image and just gave it back to the developers.
>Redditor finds source code for starcraft
>Returns it to blizzard
>Gets sent a bunch of free trash from Blizzard
>Posts on reddit for redditdoots
He played an important role. Imagine entering the '20s without being aware how many people like him there are.
Someone found the source code for Starcraft and returned it to Blizzard. Blizzard then gave him a bunch of free shit and a paid for trip to Blizzcon for returning the disc which was apparently stolen.
Who fucking cares? It's an old ass game that nobody remembers
And it was also apparently lost by Blizzard. So rather than dump the whole thing for the internet to fuck with and enjoy he gave it right back to the devs. I don't even play SC but I still know how shitty of a move that was.
I think someone found the SC sourcecode and gave it back to Blizzard. And nothing else happened.
>Blizzard will surely reward me and I'll be a God on reddit and at blizzcon
>dumping it online
>not selling it to some rich koreans for cash
If I had something like this, what would be a good way to securely release it online?
He was thinking "man I fucking love companies. Videogames? Eh, they're what companies make, so I guess I like them."
Anonfiles or Torrent
Serious question, what do you want with the starcraft source code?
Why are people like this anyways? When I was a wagie a guy who was around 10 years younger than me said he saw me on my way to work, he was behind me at a round about and when we both took our exits he said I was almost gone but the time he got on the exit road. He asked me how fast I was going and I told him what I thought I was doing, I never check anyways. He said I was speeding, doing 30+ more than whatever the road speed limit is suppose to be which if caught you lose your licence and he phoned the police on me right there and then. I didn't give a fuck and neither did the police because I never heard anything from them. It was some country B road too so it's empty most of the time besides the odd tractor.
mega link on a new account on your local library's computer, then immediately spread it
first of all, dont put all your personal data on the internet
Would you even need to do it securely if you didn't steal it yourself/were a Blizz employee or subcontractor? Does the average person with no connection to the company have any legal duty to protect their IPs?
Avoiding getting sue for generations.
Doesn't matter if you stole it or not, you'd be accused of theft if the paper trail made its way back to you.
Realistically if you uploaded it via a public source, spread it like wildfire then deleted the point of origin there'd be no way for them to trace it back to you.
>guy finds source code for Starcraft
>asks reddit what to do
>everyone says dump it online for everyone
>Blizzard contacts hims and asks to have it in return and offers the guy about $50 worth of peripherals
>guy gives disc back for cheap shitty gear that probably doesn't even work anymore
The only thing worse than being mad about the potential of free information you would not have consumed or even cared about without the well-publicized "loss" surrounding it is pretending to be mad about the potential of free information years after the fact to rile up people who actually care and circle-jerk about an issue you couldn't give a single shit about if it didn't give you free (you)s on a Mongolian basket-knitting forum
My Overwatch Razor Deathadder a friend got me still works, the rubber grip on one side's come off after all this time but it's otherwise working fine. Guy's stuff probably works, still not worth giving the source code back though. Faggot should've just dumped it on his PC before asking anything just to be safe.
Golems, user. They exist to serve the state through compliance and consumption.
It's their IP, so they get to determine when, how and if it gets released. Doesn't matter whether you stole it or not or if you have any fiduciary duties towards the corporation, if you distribute it in any way you're still infringing their IP rights.
>What the fuck was he thinking?
"I don't want to get sued and ruin my life forever with eternal debt"
>go to a public place with no security cameras
>use a device that does not belong to you or does not trace back to you
>upload files somewhere anonymously that never has info like your name/alias or email
Just make sure there is zero evidence it was you and you won't get caught.
Sued for what?
I bet you faggots are the kind of scum who would find a lost wallet and not even think about returning it.
Starcraft remaster getting announced shortly after makes me think it was a publicity stunt
>be zommie enough to know what QRD means.
also, btw is BY THE WAY, not BETWEEN, fuck you!
For leaking copyrighted source code.
Of course i would return it, after taking all the money of course.
Sure, if the owner is a billion worth corporation
ayo this nigga be maldin fr fr no cap
>find source code
>post it online
>people doubt it
>nobody believes you and calls it fake
>post disc
>people doubt it
>give it back to blizzard and actually get something back from them
>people now realise it's real and get mad
I'd pick the second.
Nobody believes anything online anyway
i'll return a wallet i find in whatever lost and found there is, i know how much of a pain in the ass it is to make new cards, but im pocketing the money you got
sorry, not sorry, pay more attention dumbass
I only kniw people use it to ask for info. No idea what its an acronym for though.
Even an actual retard could figure out how to upload it discretely. Shit, just making an account and uploading from a fucking library would work.
Don't need to steal money when I just pirate games
>you'd be accused of theft
So? Just tell them to go fuck themselves, what are they gonna do about it.
What would leaking this publically achieve?
You'd think we'd get amazing mods for the game all of a sudden?
Gotta consider the game is already pretty fantastic by itself. Also with Brood War source code missing it would be hard to skip on BW content/units.
What would actually have happened if he had uploaded it online? How would it benefit him at all?
>I'm too stupid to learn!
kys fag
That means Kill Yourself Faggot.
If it had been posted online it would only take looking at it to see if it was real or fake which the brave and prepared would do.
He would get 500 (you)s on Yea Forums.
Nigga what? You would be able to pretty easily verify that it’s the source code if you have access to it.
People upload shit discretely all the time and still get caught.
You might get 1 or 2 mods that nobody gives a shit about.
With the source code brood war could be rebuilt. Fan expansions could be made.
you posted "its fake" during other source leaks like a total fucking newfag retard without even checking because "hurr code is hard" and are projecting right now.
try to guess
>please, please spoonfeed me
not happening faggot
Decent sourceports you retarded faggot. Go back to /r/eddit.
>uploading shit from your own house under any circustance
IQ -30
There's no guarantee anyone would produce anything worthwhile. Plus there's the risk of legal action, as opposed to the guaranteed good boy points he would get for turning it in.
just doesn't seem like it's worth it.