Xenoblade 3

Are YOU reading for Tetsuya Takahashi's Wild Ride?

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Ready* ffs

I want to FUCK Lanz.

Let's get STUCK in.

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While Ouroboros is the fusion form, it also seems like the fog and the mind-warped commanders are related to it. Wonder how many other dudes like Mr. Wild Ride are running around.

goddamn, she's more built than I remember from the first trailer.

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Given the party switching outfits to learn each other's abilities, how in depth will the cosmetic customization be?

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Thick bird

>no pilotable mechs
>gameplay is still visually the same despite mechanically being different
>cutscenes look good, but after making 2 games for the system, that's to be expected
>world design would be amazing has it been 2015, but this is 2022, and switch is holding them back hard.
I'm glad this game gets out the door faster. More interested in what his next game will be, since this game was in development since the beginning of XC2 and after XCX.

>world design would be amazing has it been 2015, but this is 2022, and switch is holding them back hard.
>but this is 2022
You seriously used the "this is current year" thing, kek. C'mon now, Elden Ring is also a 2022 game and it's nothing special