Who are they catering to with this shit?

Who are they catering to with this shit?

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Faggots and trannies, who else?

they listened to the tiktok zoomers saying they get paid $400 for someone to draw their fursona and believed it.

Tranny furries

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furries and weebs

the people making the game

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If they wanted weebs they'd make them cute loli dragons

>Yea Forums cries tranny
it's just so fucking tiresome

Gender dysphoria should be healed and not praised

how does this appeal to weebs?

nobody cares what you think

It's less catering to anyone specific and more just creative bankruptcy. There was never a plan for WoW's expansions and their stories. Blizzard just wings it along the way.

Up until frozen throne it kind of took a natural progression
Fight Arthas and Illidan, the villains set up in Warcraft 3. The only one after that would be Sargeras

>dragon people that are literally kawaii uguu multi colored hair humans with horns and skin cancer
how does it not


they look nothing like anime and there's nothing "kawaii" about them
you are literally retarded

Just tranny developer self insert.

tumblr trannies unirnically.
Not even Scalies can fap to that.
Its the typical "vagueley middle eastern looking overly groomed" look mixed with ridiculous colours that Tumblr loves.
Basically any Nu-DnD party comissions you see posted look like this.

Gays and trannies. The same kind of people who play Au'ra in FFXIV, Fae and Arasai in EQ2, etc. People who like to play effete, flamboyant prettyboys.

Imagine having to work with THAT thing 5 times a week.

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What an embarrassment to gnollkind is that thing.

Cataclysm was also another natural step. Deathwing had been in the background of the lore and behind several big events in Warcraft history, as well as his lair and parts of him being felt in vanilla
MoP was the first step into "fanfiction" territory

And even that, Lei Shen was a pretty decent villain, good backstory, shame about turning Garrosh evil, though, should've been sylvanas who has been going insane since cata.

ok groomer

I mean, this is basically supposed to be trans/drag queen related shit right? Literally, somebody only designed this for these points?

How do you guys like my new WoW charackter?

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>Range dps and heal spec only
Why no melee spec? If I'm rping as a dragon I want to get in close and rip shit apart with teeth and claws.

This shit looks so out of place it's not even funny. Christ even the fox people looked passable. Dragons look like some middle school weebs deviant art.

It's not about what i think rather what this shit does to someones brain. Don't do it because of me, my opinion should not have any weight in this, do it because you ant to save yourself from being truly mentally ill

it really does look like that middle school dragon game doesnt it

Even more insulting no tank spec for a fucking dragon.

trannies, jews or whatever you want to point your finger at has nothing to do with some fucking dragons in a video game
get a grip

You'd think a furry artist would give the female dragons tits

>deviant art

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But the scales being there in the patterns of drag queen makeup sure does.

Legitimately a good artist and has been working on the game for over 4 years

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They're not allowed to now.

WoW devs are sexual predators, so the players aren't allowed to even have a hint of sexuality in the game anymore as punishment

Have you heard of the straw that broke the camels back.

You literally are like "It's just one piece of straw". Over and over and over again. Not realizing that the weight on the camel is causing it's knees to shake and it's back to bend,

Furshit in wow is nothing new but damn this is a

I think the main reason they look bad, it is because the scales look like paint, like I don't see too much difference with FFXIV

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I think those actually look okay in the OP's pic. They need to not reuse the blood elf posture though. And the dragon form doesn't look good. Needs a shorter neck and bulkier shoulders and upper torso. Bigger head.

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Yeah, it's an extremely common saying that most english speaking people know about, you don't have to ask.
It also has nothing to do with this topic, since the evil tranny agenda has nothing to do with dragons in a video game.
You think this is some evil marketing ploy to make young, impressionable people gay or something.
What fucking zoomers are playing World of Warcraft, bro?
It's all millennials and manchildren. Grown ass fucking people who can decide whether some scaled fictional being gives them a boner or not.

I actually like her art but the Dracthyr really do look like a WIP
I have to believe they arent done yet and had to rush out a rough design for the presentation

They barely even showed any footage of the race/class which pushes me in this direction even more, almost like the round table was to fill time and talk about the features more because they had nothing to show yet

Like how much did they go on and on about "This zone is planes! Its huge! You can see so far! Hills and dragons and centaur! Never seen that before in WoW LOL"

Normies and LGBT sub humans. Real scaly chads fucking hate human form shit. Too bad they couldn't even do that right since both forms look like ass, and the fact they are class + race locked. Lazy and ugly.

Not him but its more like low skilled employees get hired because they're trannies/gay/ethnic/women etc. to fill their quota and avoid California gubbment from stamping down on them for being bigots
Possibly a workplace culture thing too as these people then take over management positions and again prioritise hiring of their "allies" and "The downtrodden" over an actually skilled artist/designer/programmer etc.
That being said, I dont think the girl behind the art of the Dracthyr is a bad artist. I just think the Dracthyr have been hastily carted out to meet this deadline for the announcement and not much else was finished.

Like what did we really see? The dracthyr running for a couple seconds, like 4 total spell animations (5 maybe?), they didnt even show some as they talked about them because evidentially they havent done them yet

And we saw some world environments and unfinished "Dragon riding" mechanics

i have never seen that face type before in my entire time playing ff

This art is unironically pretty fucking good, and especially being lower polycount stuff it looks great.
It just doesn't look like Warcraft, nothing after Wrath really has.
And the drachwhatever just look like absolute horseshit, retarded fucking thick thighed sparkledragon scaly garbage.

Art style doesn't fit the games aesthetic, look at the "tier" set from the whateverlands raid, looks ok in the concept art, but because the style is so different by the time it's translated to wow models it looks like levelling greens.

>we want the FF14 audience


>she tired
Why do they always have to talk like this? It's some form of warped, performative virtue. Do they think it will make them seem more approachable to others if they talk like a baby?

I can't stand that cartoony, soft look. Not everything needs to look like a plush toy. Fucking grow up. This is what happens when parents stop disciplining their children. It is not acceptable to be past the age of 7 and still find cutesy shite like this engaging. No wonder all the freaks that like this crap wind up being pedophiles.

>dracthyr can't be warlocks
>no dracthyr + incubus combo
sad day

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Funny thing is thr troon is part of the game balance and design team which is arguably one of the less shit things presented.

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I think they chose this specifically because the Final Shartasy mmo has those and they're trying to get the people who left to come back, it's not trannylicious enough to make my jewdar go off.

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soft faggy california zoomers

Imagine your team being in such a sorry state a mentally unstable person is one of the better members of staff keeping the game afloat

Hes not a tranny, so he's automatically more cares for than you.

>Who are they catering to with this shit?