Pros and cons of this expansion? Will this be the best version of classic yet?

Pros and cons of this expansion? Will this be the best version of classic yet?

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We can relieve the best expansion ever.
Vanilla Chuds will seethe.

No dungeon finder
You can play it on Warmane for free

only way to play real World of Warcraft
fuck that furry dragonflight shit

>lots of talents/spells
>fast paced/intense pvp
>different versions of the same raid
>cringe cinematics
dont bother arguing with me, i don't care about your opinion
saged this thread because wow should die
simply fulfilling my autistic urge to answer

It was the best expansion
You have to play the game with current community which is why I will never play it

I only wanted to play this shit because of how comfy the dungeon finder actually was.

They literally removed it to sell more boosts. They are shameless. The sheer audacity.

It wasn't the best expansion, that goes to Mists of Pandaria.
It filtered so many retards. Was amazing.

Going to be shit if you're not on one of the 2-3 megaservers, every other server is drying up and the game is becoming unplayable on them, no dungeon finder is going to just make this worse, hilarious that these faggots are still trying to stand on muh community

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>furfaggotry filtered people
From the look of the current expansion it still it

>wahh I don't want to talk to people or travel places in an MMORPG, just instant teleport me everywhere!

>poggers yes I do want to be forced to play on one of the streamer servers to find a group for anything take my money for a transfer daddy blzzard and a boost while you're at it!!!!

MoP is defensible despite its weird pandashit
everything afterwards is completely indefensible garbage.


some of the arena seasons, ulduar (hard modes)


the current faggot community, everything is solved so expect a billion preg pala teams or worse, the terrible starting raids and lack of content, gearscore retards and having to play wintergrasp

>best expansion
Hell yeah, I love
Brainless, AOE zergfest dungeons and heroics
Rehashing Naxx and dumbing it down
Refusing to implement Ulduar's elegantly designed difficulty modes in future raids
Turning paladins into a brainless button mash class
Endless dogshit dailies
Homogenizing classes
Adding a fucking cash shop
Adding the dungeon finder, permanently destroying every server community

WotLK is the worst think to happen to WoW.

Wait, what? They are removing Dungeon Finder? Why? Wasn‘t that in the original game?

It's casual shit. Everyone wrathbabby loved it because it was their first expansion that they could raid in.

Pros: it launched

Cons: it ended

Everything past the Ulduar patch is overrated dogshit.
Consider yourself warned.
>Will this be the best version of classic yet?
It's literally the most solved expansion to date. So no, it's going to be the worse.

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WOTLK was the peak, at least up until they started adding filler shit like Argent Tournament. Cata ruined the game, and coincidentally is when myself and a lot of mates/guild members quit the game too.

This and the numbers show it. It fully stopped being a rpg and became a multiplayer game with a lobby

why let the community boost their friends when you can sell boosts for real money lmao

>WOTLK was the peak, at least up until they started adding filler shit like Argent Tournament
yeah dude the first raid being copy pasted out of vanilla but even more casual was PEAK

anything that came after TBC was gonna have high sub numbers, the fact that subs completely stagnated during wotlk wasn't a good look

>azjol'nerub is a fucking 3 boss dungeon

>Classes feel really good to play but still maintain some of their distinct identity, making the class design as a whole arguably the best (a really big deal, since that affects almost entirety of active play)
>Northrend is pretty nice overall
>Ulduar is a really good raid
>Classes and fight mechanics in T8 and some T10 bosses are involved enough to enable high-execution tactics that may challenge contemporary players if the content is appropriately custom tuned
>Pre-Cata world and content is still there

>Classes are heavily homogenized, a few of them (particularly the healers and tanks) are less involved than in TBC
>5-mans are insultingly, worthlessly, trivial since day 1
>T7 and T9 are beyond awful while the game has completed its transition to a raidlogging simulator, making that issue damning; blizzlike T8 and T10 are pretty bad as well
>Gutted professions
>The peak of cumulative lore rape up to that point (all the stuff like night elves joining the Alliance or non-broken draenei are still there, but then there's also retarded shit like Matthias Lehhner stuff from the novels)
>Literally nothing to do, especially in non-FRESH server (you'll have "beaten" the game in some 15 hours)
>Overuse of clunky meme vehicle shit
>Huge swaths of cut content, including fan favorites like Azjol'nerub

>Will this be the best version of classic yet?
It'll receive a shared first and last place: "worthless, worse than even the least legitimate private servers where it counts"

What does rdf have to do with friends boosting each other? You have literally not idea what the fuck you're talking about.

I had a lot of fun in Wrath but I did pretty much everything outside of hitting Gladiator. No way am I going to put up with modern classic autists just to get Deaths Demise again.

>Adding the dungeon finder, permanently destroying every server community
>server community
>in 2022

Reminder that Wrath
>introduced LFD
>introduced 4 difficulties for each raid
>homogenized classes
>had only one good raid tier
>introduced broken hero classes
>introduced microtransactions
>ruined PvP even more than Arenas did
>started "the player is a super hero" focus
>raped the lore as hard as TBC did
I'm sure I'm missing some other points. The expansion is not as good as you nostalgiablind wrathbabies think it was

>multiple daily quest hubs in every zone
>rehashed naxx and two boring raids first tier
>4 versions of togc and icc that all get timegated
>awful pvp
>worst pvp zone in game's history
>introduced gear score fetishism
>introduced "play the patch"
>introduced the single unhealthiest class design in the game's history (blood + frost)
>dogshit boring zones that are revered for no actual reason

Anyone who actually likes this expansion should be beaten to death.

>queue up for dungeons (with your friends)
>skip shit quests and powerlevel

gee, i wonder what it has to do with blizzard wanting to sell boosts


yeah that was so disappointing

Ulduar was kino, and will arguably go down as the best culmination for a single-release world building in a open world/MMO ever, for many years to come.
In contrast, Pandaria will probably go down as the worst. I still cry, thinking about how much they managed to fuck that up

However, i don't think post-Ulduar of WoTLK is that bad, if anything only because Colisseum spoiled the experience for months to come, leading up to LK

For a moment i thought the image was of frozen throne. Fuck i hate wow, i wish wow never happened and warcraft as a franchise died with warcraft 3

northrend questing is okay but a bit janky since it was the first one with vehicle quests. the areas are cool enough. storm peaks and icecrown are good.

the dungeons are pretty bad, heroics are pitifully easy and IIRC you grind them for badges. there will be a dungeon finder and you will wait 25 minutes for a tank and it will be a ret paladin or something kek. people will kick you for no reason and you'll get cucked for 15 mins because of it. oculus is easy but people will auto leave. violet hold takes too long. the icc dungeons were fun but expect a lot of battered hilt autism.

naxxramas is apparently undertuned and easy as fuck. malygos is cool i guess. ulduar isnt as good as people say imo. toc was boring. ICC is fine but the game is over by then, people will still sperg over shadowmeme.

overall the classes were fun but they started to be homogenized, iirc it was the xpac where prot pally started to scale with strength(?) instead of spellpower or something. classes got their meme gimmicks like boomkins had typhoon, shamans had their knockback thing, dks could deathgrip, and all of this was good for knocking people off mid in eye of the storm. warlocks had like metamorphosis or some shit.

i mostly did BGs as a prot paladin and then later ret and sat in the flagroom defending because it was the best way to get 1v1 fights in bgs. tryhards and shitters are going to dogpile alliance to get every man for himself free stun removal. human ret pally is going to be everywhere probably.

honestly though blizzard is a shit company that refuses to support their games so they will find a way to fuck it up in new and interesting ways. wow is fine on its own but they do asinine shit like neglect to fix bugs for weeks, and have radio silence about everything.

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Official reasoning given was that it will remove a lot of community aspect, real reason is that populations have been shifting to megaservers for a while now because it's too hard to play on low pop servers and they make a shit ton off of the mass transfer and server collapses and boosts (hence the refusal to merge as well), braindead boomers and people on those megaservers are supporting it because they don't have an issue or their brain has rotted and they've forgotten that it was added in 3.3 which lasted for over half the expansions lifetime

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There's been some good shit pointed out about wrath already but one of the worst is the season of progression got destroyed compared to TBC and classic. Once a new raid came out in Wrath there wasn't much reason to do the older raids cause the dungeon heroic gear just scaled higher and invalidated the old fucking gear

>all those complaints about LFD

>awful pvp
Only because they had no idea about what to do with Death Knights for so long
Wintergrasp was amazing

sense of progression* not season of progression

>boosting your friends
>running dungeons when you're all the same level
Yeah, you have literally not idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>implying you and your friends can't zone out and back in when every WOTLK casual dungeon has an exit portal at the end of them

>Icecrown Citadel

>Literally everything else in the expansion

I accept your defeat.

boosting is when you have a max level BOOST lower levels. kys you redditfag.

If you think WoTLK is going to be good in any capacity, shape or form, you are a newfag that has been living under a rock for a decade.

Back in wotlk as a rogue, I avoided paladins like the plague in PVP. They just dispelled wound poison or used one of their 3 bubbles.

>Wintergrasp was amazing

The scope of shitloads of players killing each other was cool at first but it got old fast

>wrathbabbs are BEGGING for dungeon finder
Based Blizzard exposing how much of a shit expansion wotlk was

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Didn‘t ask.

you are so fucking stupid it hurts

i fully expect you to have been raidlogging since the start of vanilla and seeing as you are this mazed you will do it until classic legion comes around

grizzly hills

every other raid be it rehashed naxx or shit piles like toc/togc/icc
too many dks
shadowmourne in arena
too many dks with shadowmourne in arena

worse than TBC, classic in its early days was the real kino and best version that will never be iterated on

>Wintergrasp was amazing
Goddamn. Wintergrasp is STILL broken 13 years later. It's laughably easy to win on defense

exactly. people are too much goal oriented. I would remove or disable achievements

cry harder, faggot. you're not getting your casual incel finder. play retail with your other troons.

based blizzard exposing how much they absolutely refuse to manager their own server populations

>incel finder

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Dungeon finder was in for more than half of wrath, you also don't want wrath as it was and are going to be playing a version with boosts and other modern improvements, what you really want is SoM so maybe you should go play that

>wanting to be able to run a dungeon without transferring all my characters off my no pop server is being goal oriented

The experience of running dungeons in Wrath is no different than playing with bots. Nobody talks, you run in a straight line to the end spamming aoe, and then you leave. Occasionally, someone might fuck up and a player will leave only to be replaced with another unspeaking automaton. It is the most soulless fucking expansion and its influence has plagued the game ever since.

I accept your surrender.

The dungeon finder has become a necessary evil since 90% of people in wow today (both classic and retail) aren't interested in making friends or running shit with guildies to help them out. Hell I've been in 4 raiding guild through from classic vanilla to tbc and barely anyone even talks in gchat anymore. It's all discord tards trying to get into the officer clique.
I was leveling through Zangarmarsh a month ago and didn't run SP or UB one time because finding a tank and healer was impossible despite there always being at least 20+ levelers in the zone.

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You only ran old raids in TBC to get people attuned for the new ones

>Implying anyone other than incels play WoW


>people are crying that dungeon finder isn't being included in an expansion
Are you people serious? Do you also want personal loot, ability pruning, borrowed power covenants, and all the other trash that ruined the game?

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I played on a massively faction imbalanced server and it was fun once in a while but overall hard to actually win. My best memory was the patch where fireworks launchers had collision and my faction trapped all enemy vehicles inside the workshops until the timer ran out.

>Dungeon finder was in for more than half of wrath
It was added in the ICC patch.

I still see people doing TK/SSC for some gear and even the tier 4 stuff

Oh and dont fall for the 25 man raiding meme

do 10 mans they're easier and give shit loot but you will mald trying to field 25 manchildren and hit yourself on the head when the main tank just decides not to show up. its a waste of your life dont do it.

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I still don’t understand why didn’t they at least try to fix wintergrasp

I want to play the expansion as it was for more than half of it's lifetime, but we're already getting boosts so anyone trying to stand on the """"""""""it would ruin the game""""""""""" argument are standing on nothing

ICC lasted almost a whole fucking year

blizzard isn't good at things that require effort

>im a cock sucking casual
ok play retail

WoTLK dungeons are a complete joke even without incel finder. We were so bored by week 2 my guild was already working on the glory achievement

I want personal loot and the removal of master looter
I want LFR
I don't want my action bars cluttered with 800 abilities that I will never use
I want artifact weapons
I want an engaging story where I am the protagonist
I want Mythic+ dungeons
I want the modern talent and spec systems

Imo all classes are kinda fun to play and viable.
Good raids.

Unfun dailies.
Fucking retarded emblem grind.

I too remember the no changes crowd.

What happened to those?

Pros: Ulduar
Cons: Literally everything else sucks

>wanting to run dungeons without spamming lfg and /who for hours means you want every other aspect of the game to be ruined
I think it's time for your nap, you senile dipshit.

ICC was one day off of being a full year long patch and was longer than the other patches combined retard

>personal loot
Okay what's your problem with this?

You're not getting rdf, so cry harder, retailfag

classics are just as shit, pservers are where it's at and has been at since tbc

Prolly the best spec and class viability in end game raiding out of any other expansion. There are obviously some that perform better than others, but outside niche encounters like Yogg+0 or early gear Sarth+3, you're going to see a lot more diverse raid comps compared to vanilla and TBC.
PvP is really fast and easier to get into, however I've never played wrath private server so no idea how it's going to look during the last patch's balancing. Might end up being a total shit show like it was on TBClassic. Also everyone knowing meta from day 1 will always sour the experience no matter what.
Being a part of a 10 man raid guild more viable as every raid has 10man versions, although the toughest encounters (and best loot) is still found at 25 man versions. If you don't like 25 man raiding, I'm sure you will still have a good time just doing 10 man raids with your bros.

First patch's raid tier is really bad. They basically have to buff Naxxramas' difficulty as it was originally made much easier due to vanilla Naxx being accessible only to a very small portion of the player base.
Third patch raid tier is also really fucking bad, although this time around people are probably going to enjoy it more as people are aware of its exclusive mounts and titles rewards that are gonna go away if they ever progress into Cataclysm.

>no argument
I accept your surrender.

I accept your concession.

>>no argument
>I accept your surrender.

>debt knight
Always felt weird about them. I remember trying it out back in 2008 and it felt nothing like the wc3 DK fantasy. Idea is cool but the execution is lackluster. Also starting at 58 with your bars full of abilities also felt as if you couldn't make a connection with your race/class like you could with the regular races/classes. Wandering through the Barrens with your tauren shaman felt much more of an adventure than getting your DK. idk maybe that's just me.

Not that guy, but it's pretty much virtually agreed upon that personal loot is fucking trash. It means that you can't trade with friends, groups and guilds and often shit just goes to waste. It also means that you can get majorly fucked by RNG for many many weeks.

Personal loot is only good if you play the game as a solo player.

Did you ever try looking for a group for Deadmines or Scarlet Monastery during WOTLK? Shit took forever. They should at least keep RDF for leveling 15-70

>forums and reddit are literally at each others throats over no rdf
>thinks they won't either cave and add it at launch or later on after the population drops and even more servers die

This thread is proof of how terrible wrath was

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>will this be the best version of classic yet?
no classic was

Wrath Dungeons are a joke and it‘s a hassle to only have access to your own server‘s player pool in order to do some random ass shit. Not to speak about levelling, which will literally be impossible now since no one will be forming groups for lower level dungeons. You would understand what I‘m talking about if you actually played classic.


> anything post cata being defensible
I don't trust you.

>leveling is impossible because it can take more time to find groups for dungeons
?????? dungeons aren't the only way to level you fucking retard.

It was absolutely the same shit in classic.
Only difference is that it will not take 3 days for me to get into normal ramps as a rogue.

Imagine being happy about having no restriction to create a DK.


Can‘t wait for the thousands of DK‘s running around the server.

>1.12 mechanical starting point for Classic
Dead before it even lived.

Dungeon Finder grouping you up is good.

Giving you free shit on top and lets you teleport in and out is not good.

Not my problem.

>wanting the game to be shit for everybody instead for just low pop
no dungeon finder + blizz merges low pop servers to reach 50-50 H-A ratio is the real solution

50% of every server was already going to be Paladins and DKs. That's what everyone rolls.

>good class design

>ALL content sucks fucking ass
There is literally no reason to play this over a private server. Even with rampant gear and gold selling the economy is unironically STILL better than Classic's.

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You start at 55 with blood strike, plague strike, icy touch, death coil and death grip. The rest are gradually unlocked, the initial DK questline was amazing the first time around.

if it didn't have pandas it would've mogged tbc.

>good class design
We're talking about WOTLK here?

1.12 is fine it Blizzard just needed to nerf pvp gear according to raid tiers

It is now because you're not getting incel finder

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You know very well that will never happen you retarded nigger, there are servers that are empty 24/7 and they still refuse to merge them and they will never enforce faction balance because it would ruin their streamer audience

Negative selection made it worse. Only zoomer speedrunner trannies are encouraged to play

>Payed 70 Boosts
>No Dungeon Finder


Why add LFD when you can pay for a fresh 70 character?


>there are servers that are empty 24/7 and they still refuse to merge them
Everyone warned you NOT to roll on the servers they added after launch.

If only it was possible to join a group of other players on your server in some kind of organization that would allow you to easily make groups to run dungeons....

Boostfags are also cancer, you disingenuous retard.

No, not really. I will be paying for a fresh 70.

oh yeah as opposed to running in tbc which is
>fly to dungeon
>say nothing
>finish dungeon
>never speak to them again

Pros: it's okay
Cons: you pay blizzard

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>Everything else

Aren't they constantly changing things in the expansions, though? I thought we would get the "classic" treatment of the games, but blizzard keeps changing more and more things with every single expansion..

Issue with dungeon finder is that it dictates dungeon design to suit random apes. This was clear in Cata when the monkeys couldn't clear even with the 15% luck of the draw buff and they had to be nerfed
Wrsth dungeons however already suck ass, so dungeon finder makes no difference

and yet not a big enough line for you to throw the same fit you are over a non existent feature you nigger loving retard

Lfr didnt happen until cata retard
Confirmed not in wrath classic

Compared to vanilla and tbc, absolutely. Wrath prot pala is the best iteration of the spec ever made.

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Classic is post-Wrath, dumbass. The community has literally been shit for over a decade. That's how fucking bad Wrath destroyed this game.

this. blizz are not dumb when it comes to milking suckers.

Remember when you played vanilla for a week, and seethed at how everyone played a warrior or mage? Ok, well in wrath everyone plays paladins, DKs, and maybe hunters.

I don't think RDF really is quite bad "per se" (in some sense there's even positive influences, such as reducing the pressure to arrange stacked party setups, or "maybe" allowing you to find groups for trap option content like leveling dungeons).

The really damning thing is that, through virtue of requiring the content to be completable by unsynergistic groups of randoms who have effectively zero incentive to show any perseverance (since you can just requeue), the content has to be worthlessly trivial. RDF is fundamentally incompatible with legitimate content, just look at Cata launch. And because the content being worthless is bad on its own right, THAT'S the number one issue by far. Coincidentally, it doesn't really matter in Wrath because content was trivial since day 0 anyway (or in vanilla, even blizzlike post-nerf TBC or pre-nerf Cata would kinda sorta work in 2022 context).

Of course, there are some lesser issues such as disincentivizing prosocial behavior (since you're unlikely to meet the same crossrealm players twice, but that issue is caused by large player pool shared by megaservers and isn't unique to RDF), additional rewards for completing the dungeon contributing to hyperinflation and exploits like BRD prison leveling, or divorcing the content from the world, but those are relatively minor in comparison. In my opinion it would be net-good for RDF to be enabled for dead content (all leveling dungeons when the server is no longer FRESH, and max level dungeons after the patch they've been introduced in), but crossrealm only if a single-realm group cannot be assembled in some threshold of time, players either have to discover the dungeon entrance or appropriate quests to queue (so they no longer are so disconnecting), and no extra rewards because why should you be rewarded for being teleported around?

I still have my character on warmane

Because you lfd trannies keep buying server transfers

>>introduced "play the patch"
what do you mean exactly?

How do I get a pure space goat paladin wife?

true but proper progressive classic would have been way better

wrath introduced LFD and casual stuff while simultaneously starting the gearscore and link achieve cancer, thats a big reason i dislike it

They already said boosts will be offered so it'll be dead within a month. Guilds will just have two people use the boosts on Mages so they can power-level other classes. Unless Blizzard leans hard into stopping the boost mentality it'll be raidloggers ASAP.

retard thinks wrath invented raid logging

These numbers aren't even for TBC. It's for Classic Era (vanilla)

Idk. Gear score was a good idea on paper, but if you're like 100 points off of recommend then get fucked.

Wait. Is that a PvP server with 99% horde?

>It's for Classic Era (vanilla)
the completely dead ones are classic era the low pop ones are tbc faggot

>can macro your entire rotation into a single castsequence macro
>best iteration
Wrathniggers are mentally ill

This. Grouping is fine teleporting you like league of legends is immersion breaking. Also queueing for arenas and battlegrounds from anywhere

>implying playing any fucking tank takes a modicum of skill