>Hackmura let the dream die for the second time
As expected from a Mickey Mouse obsessed hack.
Hackmura let the dream die for the second time
he literally said he'll do verum rex after KH4 in several interviews calm down you autist
Did he actually fucking say that. I mean that would be great but Ive learnt not to get my hopes up with new Square. There are so many translations of that interview I dont know which interpretation is correct.
He said "maybe" and bitched about not able to direct two games at once when he just directed FF7R and KH3 back to back, but we all know it's KH5 and another mobile kusoge after KH4. He is full of shit.
You're gonna look like a big fool once KH4 turns out too also be Verum Rex halfway through
Lame-mura deserves KH4 flopping in his face.
Yeah, it's totally not gonna be MCU + Star Wars when you run out of MMO tier side quests in Quadratum.
So why do you guys want this after how bad FF15 was despite Nomura not directing it?
I'm not waiting until 2030 for that washed up faggot to shit out something decent for once. There are already more red flags with the 2nd phase than there are in Beijing: Brain-who and Sigurd-who get their own games, Sigurd-who is narrating two trailers, Sigurd-who, Strelitzia-who will be major focus in KH4. I'm out.
this turd was tossed around different teams, wrecked and rewritten at least 50 times by 10 different writers and directed by a third birthday hack who said it was okay if they make an open wirld game and fail. who in their right mind thought it would be even remotely decent?
watch it be like one level like riku in kh3
>in other words, wait forever for me to deliver
I hate Nomura.
Versus was supposed to be an Openworld game too...
Kingdom Shit 4 is going to flop
Here's a 2015 interview with Nomura saying 7R won't have new characters.
They've been lying about the game as far back as when the first trailer was revealed.
Can't believe we're witnessing the birth of Barry 2.0
Fuck off, Nomura dicksucker.
Square lies all the time.
Don't we already have Liquid Barry?
>Versus was supposed to be an Openworld game too...
Correct but it was said that each world would be smaller and based on zones. Something in between KH2 and a PS2 era GTA game in terms of size.
We've had a verum rex nutjob here for years, you only complain now because he's being negative instead of positive. He was always this obnoxious, maybe moreso back when he was positive.
>Nomura has been trying to make Versus for most of his adult life
>he just directed FF7R and KH3 back to back
Yeah, and look how those 2 came out, thankfully remind salvaged kh3
user, the ffxv we got had almost nothing to do with the original versusXIII thanks to fucking Tabata, the original concept was much more interesting
>paying money for have an happy ending, by listening the fanbase reclaims
It was also his first concept of 'a Final Fantasy game for adults.'
Why do you guys always spread bullshit? Can't you read an interview correctly for once in your miserable lives, you illiterate pieces of shit?
First of all, it was Yasue and not Nomura and second of all he didn't say they couldn't direct 2 games at once. He said they couldn't develop 2 AAA games at once. Osaka is only big enough to make 1 AAA game. They'd have to hire 300 or outsource the game entirely to some other studio (like Platinum with Nier Automata) to make it. They'll make KH4 then move on to Verum Rex.
>the original concept was much more interesting
You're high on Stellafag's headcanon.
Their proclaim was also create a game with in game graphics identical to the CG cutscenes.
We already know how this was goes.
But, at least, we have something.
And thankfully not the Nomura musical vision
I prefer having a game to play, rather than imagine it.
And we have got it one
He didn't lie fucktard. Read the Ultimania of the game. The game back then was going to be faithful to the original. In the Ultimania interviews they state clearly that the original plan was to stay as faithful as possible and that's what Nomura wanted. Then in 2017, Toriyama joined the project and the scope of the game changed since he wanted to make changes to the story, this was backed up by Kitase since he too didn't want to make the same game. The only one who wanted a 1:1 retelling was Nomura, Kitase even goes as far as to say they had to compromise with him by letting him add ATB elements and the pause function to combat and not go full action which is what Kitase wanted. Toriyama joining and changing the scope of the game is what led to SE pulling the game back in house instead of fully outsourcing it to CC2 like the original plan was.
>And thankfully not the Nomura musical vision
There was never going to be a musical versus. Interviews from 2019 with Shimomura confirmed that it was just one single cutscene that Nomura wanted to be a musical cutscene.
Nah, I did complain about him whenever I came across him, it's just that I hadn't visited any kh threads in 6 months put or so
ESL but I get your point. But how can you be so sure that you wouldn't have wanted a political melodrama Final Fantasy with KH combat? Then again a political melodrama Final Fantasy with KH combat seems to be the exact opposite of what you want in a game.
I mean as cringe as that namefaggot makes it sound there wouldn't have been anything like it apart from Tactics and to this day there isn't an FF as fucked up as Tactics.
>"What I want to do is to examine the humanity of the characters in this game. This is not going to be a fantasy world in the traditional Final Fantasy sense. Rather it's based in the world today with all of this world's ugly issues. There's this mainstream tradition of Final Fantasy games and, in Versus I'm trying to propose new vision of how a Final Fantasy game can be. The game's going to be more human than the science-fiction caricature we so often see. It will focus around current world events - in that sense it's darker. It will be different in Versus XIII because of the intrusion of the real world, and things that are really happening. There will be less fiction and more reality." - Nomura
>"Final Fantasy XIV's approach to reflecting real-world issues is influenced by Tactics Ogre. Tactics Ogre has a story that includes ethnic cleansing that greatly influenced my desire to reflect real-life conflicts and issues to make Final Fantasy XIV more realistic." - Banri Oda
>"Ogre Battle came out, the Gulf War had just broken out, and you were hearing about it and seeing it on the news everyday. For Tactics Ogre, we’ve got the problems in the former Yugoslavia and the Bosnian War all over the news. The world of Tactics Ogre is extremely complex, so I think it might be rejected out-of-hand if we weren’t immersed in this kind of news right now. But because people are aware of the conflicts in Yugoslavia, people will accept a game with a story like this, I think. I could not have made a game like this in the past." - Matsuno
Do Yasumi Matsuno and Tetsuya Nomura really think that discussing politics and real-world issues in a video game = deep and deeper story = good? Contrary to what they and associated namefags think a Final Fantasy is a playable fairy tale with politics ONLY in the background, and their games (in one case would've) sucked. Fuck Tactics, fuck 12, fuck Vagrant Story and FUCK Versus 13.
>sora's sake
Why does he love little boys so much?
>Do Yasumi Matsuno and Tetsuya Nomura really think that discussing politics and real-world issues in a video game = deep and deeper story = good?
As they should. Mega based.
>same images
>same pastas
>same lies
>same samefagging schizos
Even when Barry is banned we still get retards like this.
Yea Forums is dead.
That sounds more like the Zeal guy Barry talks about. The same guy who Stellafag exposed a year back.
>For the Disneyjew execs sakes
Let me rephrase this question for you what exactly about Nomura's Versus 13 did you not like?
Versus Chads... it's over.
The only truly great SE games in recent history have been the lower budget ones, some of you guys need to get a grip
>nostalgia pandering garbage
Politics or romance in a story alone don't make a game good just from the premises.
Nomura has tried many times, with the Kingdom Hearts, to create pseudo love bonds, but with mixed results and even disastrous in others...
Trying to imagine something, starting from the basis of a simple concept, is to believe that everything goes smoothly, it will not be what it turns out to be the sum of the parts.
It has never been with any AAA games, not even the most famous ones.
And it certainly wouldn't have been for Versus either.
If I have to say what did not convince me?
The edgy style of how detached or emotionless Nomura's characters were throughout most of the trailers.
The fact that he was trying to awkwardly imitate Kingdom Hearts with the command bar, when he really didn't need it.
(moreover, not being original at all)
And above all the division into parts of his mind, in this project.
That with the times of him, it would have been comparable to the disaster he is making with Final Fantasy VII Remake. And now look where the FFVII Remake Part 2 is....
With priority issues like graphics, Nomura got burned.
(and now, with kh4, it he dosen't care even of Verum Rex in the end)
>The fact that he was trying to awkwardly imitate Kingdom Hearts with the command bar, when he really didn't need it.
To be fair it was the closest we've gotten to a true hybrid action-turn based ATB system. More than Trigger or 12 that is until Type-0 came along
aren't most of their games nostalgia pandering garbage?
How can he do Verum Rex without the original context? The royal arms and Armiger were cool and made sense but Not-Noctis just uses shitty video game pixel weapons.
Not to mention it would still be tied to Kingdom Hearts and thus Disney. All you'd get is sanitized, lukewarm shit.
Making KH4 in the current anti dinsey climate probably isn't the best financial decision
Poo thread!
You sure he's not an abo?
I can imagine him sniffing petrol
>Not to mention it would still be tied to Kingdom Hearts and thus Disney.
Isn't that why the whole 'Verum Rex is an allegory for Nomura's depression that will force Square Enix to greenlight Versus XIII' theory got popular in the first place?
>If I have to say what did not convince me?
>The edgy style of how detached or emotionless Nomura's characters were throughout most of the trailers.
>The fact that he was trying to awkwardly imitate Kingdom Hearts with the command bar, when he really didn't need it.
>(moreover, not being original at all)
>And above all the division into parts of his mind, in this project.
>That with the times of him, it would have been comparable to the disaster he is making with Final Fantasy VII Remake. And now look where the FFVII Remake Part 2 is....
Try comparing Versus 13 with you favorite numbered Final Fantasy game that isn't 15. What do you think Nomura would fail to do compared to what your favorite director would have done?
Armiger is fucking gay and Royal arms are shit.
Going unga bunga with Armiger is the most fun that piece of shit combat system can offer.
>The only one who wanted a 1:1 retelling was Nomura
Why did he say he wanted Weiss in part 1 then?
And why did he approve Nojima's script when he had the power to reject it?
He wanted a 1:1 remake in multiple parts with Weiss in it and time jannies obviously
FF7 compilation characters aren't new, brainlet.
but there were new characters who weren't in compilation. why be so blatantly disingenuous?
He might be the director, but there are 2 co-directors and Kitase, who's head of CBU1 and the producer, is above him on the corporate ladder. Only thing Nomura pushed for was real time combat with ATB mechanics.
Why did Nomura want Weiss in part 1, before the DLC, if he wanted a 1:1 remake? Have you actually got a source for this 1:1 remake claim, or just something vague about "wanting to stay true to the original"?
>My goal with the remake is to make it apply to the current era, the current generation of players that are going to be coming into contact with or playing FFVII for the first time through this remake. I want to make it so it's relevant to the modern era, as well as having an element of surprise. It has to be something that riles up this sense of wonder and amazement. I don't want to change it so much that it's unrecognisable, but make sure that it's something fresh and new [yet still] recognisable as FFVII. That's what I'll be keeping in mind as I work on this.
Nomura when the Remake was announced in 2015.
>In an interview with Push Square, Producer Yoshinori Kitase revealed that he actually originally foresaw a much more “dramatic” change to the Midgar arc. He didn’t go into details, unfortunately, about what it was he envisioned, but did say that it was the Director and Co-director who stepped in to make sure key elements of the original were respected. In the end, that mindset won out, with the team focusing on recreating the original with only added new elements.
>“I personally envisioned quite a dramatic change overall, but our Director; Tetsuya Nomura and Co-director; Naoki Hamaguchi, wanted to keep the beloved aspects in the original as much as possible. Eventually the development team decided to focus on respecting the original while adding in new elements, ensuring a delicate balance between the two.”
Kitase after the game came out in 2020.
kingdom hearts inclusion of disney characters is the best part about it. Wholesome childhood whimsy mixed with a silly friendship is power anime plot go great together and never fails to make me smile. People who shit on the disney aspect are not only retarded and edgy but don't understand what made the games good in the first place.
so what about this faggot, the girl with the dumb hat, and the motorcycle faggot?
also fucking Chadley and ALL of the characters from the Yuffie DLC
>so what about this faggot, the girl with the dumb hat, and the motorcycle faggot?
The first two are in the novels. Roche is an oc donut steel desu.
what novels?
Roche and Chadley are new? Guess there are new characters in Remake after all
I'm just happy that all his ideas for Versus 13 can be used again in KH4. I love when games do that, like Chrono Trigger came from Secret of Mana somehow.