comfy DOOM thread
Comfy DOOM thread
incel comedy
I will coom in me pants if DiabolusEX will turn into a megawad or at least more levels.
Context, is this a recent event?
looks based
LMAO spray that ugly bitch
irl chud insults random females he met, then self defense with a pepper spray
>didn't elbow a bitch in the mouth
i'm looking for a reason and he had one
A bunch of roasties attacked a mtgow chad while he was just minding his own business.
I can't believe losers like this exist. no matter how bad things get at least you're not him.
He's based
women denying a man sex should be a justifiable self defense situation where you are allowed to shoot them
based on what?
Name a more comfier wad than Golden Souls. Treasure Tech comes close.
Incredibly based, I hope he makes more content.
God lighten up you bitch, they aren't going to fuck you bro
>tries to throw shit at guy
>guy says not to or else
>she throws it
>he pepper sprays
what did she expect? Why are women incapable of taking responsibilities for their actions?
>He sprayed the second one that tried to attack him
In tears right now
Based on dabbing on ugly bitches!
why are men such faggots
Sigma male attacks angry woman with his urine dispenser.
The word of God
>Golden Souls
I didn't player mario 64 and never will
>Treasure Tech
Utterly garbage
W*men (especially white w*men) legitimately don't think that anything bad can happen to them, zero self preservation instincts.
A lot of them are just bad people. She didn't care about her friend. She wanted to be the hero and have stories written about her on the internet and then a news special + talk show for her heroics.
Incredibly based
He's a freak and a failure who's fallen into having no value to anyone, reducing him self to a socially retarded pest. Everyone is watching his humiliation too It's pretty bad.
guess Doom Eternal is more up your alley
holy soi
go back to your bing bing yahoos
>harassment is comedy
nigger tier
precisely why they SHOULD get pepper sprayed (and possibly worse) every so often. If anything, this is helping women. Little non-lethal but very important reminder that the world is a nasty place and they should be careful.
Alpha as fuck
He's a great person.
Go back to your subreddit.
>All these retards calling this harassment
If Chad did this they would have fucked him in the parking lot he's just b'ing himself
nice projection
r/mario is caliing you back
Should have elbowed a bitch in the mouth for attacking him.
yeah that’s definitely how harassment works retard. it’s not harassment if they liked it, but they clearly didn’t you fucking mong.
We unironically need Islam
americans are fucked
Why can't you be pretty? You wouldn't be like this if you were.
lmao based
Were you honestly thinking "gotcha" when typing this? You do realize you're just agreeing with him, right?
>Being near me and not chad is le harassment
Shit haven't seen the link got posted already
When you've failed to connect with a single potential partner in your life and women don't want anything to do with you it's best to accept it and realise the problem is with yourself.
The worst thing to be is someone who blames everyone else and becomes a mgtow loser. a delusional American mentality.
damn, are all american girls thick like that ? I should really consider moving there
>pepper spray
>didn't just smack them
absolute virgin
Ok I watched the whole video and it's much more humorous. It looks like he's trying to pick up prostitutes, they aren't interested, and he eventually pepper sprays them.
woman moment
>aggro’d ho at the end
It’s like an actual video game.
What kind of man carries pepper spray anyway? A fucking faggot that's who
Woman moment
You ever been sprayed? depending on the concentration it's much worse. They're gonna be burning for awhile
Harassing that first woman when she's alone was not based.
So, when this guy gets arrested. What will he be charged with?
lmao the fuck is this cuckold talking about? Women will never be equal.
why do you retards struggle to understand this? life isnt fair, attractive people will always be better received. why would you expect anyone to treat everyone the exact same?
would you react the same way to a landwhale talking you as you would to an attractive woman?
I really don't blame women for hating men.
He did nothing illegal
Depending on the state it might have legal to shoot her
Why didn't she back up bros?
>would you react the same way to a landwhale talking you as you would to an attractive woman
And this is how I know you're def a woman
Yes, me and my buddies go out and get hit on by ugly and fat chicks all the time, and we politely tell them "no"
We might joke about it later between ourselves but humiliating them in public is 100% female behavior
I really don't blame men for hating wome
Fuck women
I don't know why people can't accept that they're social failures. Sometimes it happens, sometimes you just don't fit in. it's sad. but it's not other peoples fault. when you have no friends, no relationships and are always in conflict with others I don't know how you can be so delusional to conclude "no I don't have a problem, I can't have failed at life. it's everyone else. everyone else is fucked"
start being pretty and you won't be bitter
>raising hand against a femoid
>nothing illegal
he did nothing illegal on paper but he's still gonna get charged
Very nice projection, ugly girl.
If a big bear and started following you in a parking structure and threatening to rape you I'm sure you'd be very flattered and polite.
>would you react the same way to a landwhale talking you as you would to an attractive woman?
fat women can be hot so yes
>The worst thing to be is someone who blames everyone else
I know, it's disgusting. I can't imagine how terrible it must be to be a communist.
It was an overreaction but the guy was being a dickhead and I can't side with someone who goes around harassing strangers.
He's like those dumbass sovereign citizens who try to get a rise out of people just because it gives them an excuse to "excersise their rights"
texas lawyer here, under most trials the guy would have been convicted for provoked difficulty and harassment.
yes sure he's annoying but women in the west walk around mad when they see a single man in a restaraunt or bar just minding his biz,
honestly just accelerate
>approaches women like a nigger
>muh dik muhfuggah
>probably smells like rotten onion, or worse, a smash player
They should have shot them right where he stood. Nigger behavior is untolerable, especially from a white man.
>it's not anyone else's fault someone is born ugly
>it is their fault for harassing them, mocking them, bullying them
Also true
You don't get to have the cake and also eat it, bro
>if the situations were reversed would you still be polite???
>o-oh well w-what if it was a dangerous animal that can't be reasoned with and it was threatening you!!
Are you ACTUALLY a woman? You sound like an actual woman. What are you doing here?
>runs away after using pepper spray
Cringe beta move. Not based.
>Runs away
>Woman attempts to sock him with her purse
>Sprays again
>You fuckin-
I can't breath what have you done?
felony sexual harassment, disorderly behaviour, felony assault.
comedy on both sides, you gotta be a retard to go around baiting people and you gotta be a retard to get baited
nice fucking video games
Only if the opposite is true as well
He should do this on feminism not some random women, what a waste
Yea of course americans are fat.
great service to the world you are doing sir, hold on let me kneel
I don't see him threatening to rape anyone in the video. Do you?
>and we politely tell them "no"
>We might joke about it later between ourselves
>he thinks "bear" is an actual animal
>that image
men do this shit 1000% more.
lel what a shit stirrer
He's not talking about the animal you autist
me: fat nigger
woman: all women
>"Well, she DID attack him but she's a precious heckin female"
I have the distinct feeling that if the genders were reversed and it was a girl annoying the shit out of a dude until they started getting loud and popped out the pepper spray you'd be saying "lol it's just a girl it's his fault for getting all uppity"
I think he means a really big gay guy, buddy.
>If a big bear and started following you in a parking structure and threatening to rape you I'm sure you'd be very flattered and polite.
I'd sock his face in. Women can't do but they can carry. They don't because they're fucking stupid, so not my problem.
damn Amanda has that Indian man energy
I mean they got fat in the right place, there's not a single woman in this video that I wouldn't bang
>That drive by spray and pray in the last seconds
I'm fucking dead.
What a hero.
CEO of Based here
kill yourself
you didn’t even answer my question, nigger, you’re probably baiting
>humiliating them in public is 100% female behaviour
the girls humiliated this guy by rejecting his overtly sexual advances on camera, then telling him to fuck off after he had a tantrum? by your logic, the dude in the video is the most feminine there
Yeah, but fair's fair. If you want to fuck stacey without repercussions, the psycho hamplanet can fuck you too
Based fat nigger women killer
Ignoring the obvious retarded video
What's with that fucking yt channel
It's prob a faggot from r9k lmao
Loser start to assault women he can't score. Incels applauded.
So that chick was right to kick him?
>literally answers the question
>you didn't even answer my question
if you want to fit in that bad, post your tits
If I told someone to fuck off and he kept following me talking shit he'd have a fist in his face. Dude was lucky there weren't any white knights around.
The pepper spray was justified however. Self defense is self defense.
I think it's funny if you ever decline a woman like this they'll almost always go fucking insane immediately. Implying you don't care or want to give attention to a woman shatters their worldview most of the time
>fat, ugly girls putting self-inserting themselves into the girls in the video
hello bby gurl
lmao woman moment
Was he threatening to rape her? Then no, probably not.
speaking from experience, Pratik?
these fat ugly chicks need to stop self inserting and let me insert my self into them
Implying you will ever get the chance to reject a woman
No, because he was obviously joking, and not even touching them.
Ultra based
You will never be dan cilley, fucking faggot
Dude thought he was being funny but he doesn't understand that women don't get humor.
Better safe than sorry. If a man was doing that to me I'd drop him.
holy kek w*men are pathethic
>you didn’t even answer my question
I did. Maybe you're just illiterate?