Now imagine if the races were reversed

Now imagine if the races were reversed

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Maybe another time.

>such a pushover that he's the only fusion that takes near-exclusively after the female half
lol, lmao.
Lucky bastard gets to combine with a chick and probe her thoughts

>gets to combine with a chick
All of them get to do that. The pairs are only female and male
No same sex

They are both aliens

based Nintendo

He looks like P5 Joker but born in South Asia.

>Now imagine if the races were reversed
Not realistic. Women don't date men with small cocks unless they're rich (they still end up cheating with dark skinned men anyway)

of course

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never happens, netorare stuff like pic related is never directed towards that race

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My problem is not he's black, it's that his design is horrible.

lol based ninty

Based and hetpilled

why imagine?

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No. Imagine with the gender was reverse. I fucking love brown tomboys with short hair and the glasses is a neat bonus.

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Why do Japs push this disgusting shit on blondes so much?


She's not blonde, colorblind user.

kill yo self

I'm gonna need a quick rundown on this.

Why do they push this propaganda so hard though?

New Xenoblade 3 trailer dropped and the girl in op's image pushes the black guy out of the way of an attack and she also fuses with him so people are saying they are dating and she is "blacked" whatever that means

They want white men to stop fucking white women and fuck japanese women instead.

>girl is blond so she should be raped and fucked by dogs and fat and old and black men

Every time, Japan.

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A high entia male with a homs female?


Westerners still go along with the propaganda though

One is legit high entia though. They are not the same race

nah. I prefer this way

does this technically mean that SHE is inside of HIM

Still gross propaganda

Eunie is not blonde and Taion is not black. Yes, there is race mixing but the other pairings (including the main pairing) have race mixing too.

oh no, darn darkies are stealing all our mongrel bird girls

Why do they always ruin the girl that I think looks best? Fuck off.

They definitely still have a grudge against the gaijin

>"High Entia"
>tiny wings
>non-silver hair
what an absolutely HOMS'D race

>Eunie is not blonde and Taion is not black.

Big cope for Japs pushing their cucked garbage.

those are the same kikes there.
It's silly to think that they didn't buy absolutely everyone.

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Jews have nothing to do with it. This is on Japan and their ugly bastard rape fetishes

Taion is Japanese/Brazillian hāfu


chocolate joker gets bird wife

That's bad enough.

Nah, although he has dark / tan skin, he clearly lack the facial feature of black people, so it's gyaru-o ntr tropes instead of interracial shit

>blacked blade

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And yet it's still seen by the public as a blond woman with a black man. It's no accident. They know what they're doing.

the public isnt mentally ill, it's just you that's physically hurt by this

Why is this board so insecure about black people? It could have been any other race and no one here would have given a shit but as soon as someone has a tan skin people here feel sexually threatened for some reason.

Meanwhile, Lanz chads literally cannot stop winning

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They're always showing blondes getting fucking raped by old ugly men

Nah. Taion is obviously a Flip. Most powerful race in the world dicking all the white women. Bird bros, looks like we won and Eunie got best boy after all.

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fragility, simple as.
also the inability to consume fictional media without self inserting and inserting cuck fantasies.
I guarantee you everyone seething about this guy existing also watches cuck porn.

Because you fucking faggots come in and spam this shit in every thread. Kill yourself.

Ether way, his father is Japanese.

I'm fine with Claude x Byleth or Carlos x Jill, but it's pretty clear that shit like this is just propaganda imagery that they're forcing to slander the West. Why should you want this shit shoved down your throat like this: It's specifically the blacked shit I'm repulsed by.

Is that a QoS tatoo?

I guarantee you're one of those faggots who goes around spamming your off topic cuckshit in Elden Ring threads. I'm tired of you subhumans.

This freaking awesome

Because they're gross looking and Japs always use them to rape innocent characters

kys seanigger

never played elden ring and never entered a thread
cope and shit your pants cuckold

If it weren't for the lips, he'd just look Southeast Asian. A lot of people forget Asians aren't exclusively yellow and East Asians can tan. You can always tell the difference between a "it looks cool/hot" tan and blacks in Asian media, see Barrett out of FFVII or Dutch in Black Lagoon.
Taion would be ugly even if he was blonde and blue-eyed, though.

>"Yeah, shulk! Get stuck in!"
>"Let's get stuck in!"
Reyn actually reincarnated in a machina body

i always knew the leader of the phantom thieves was a nigger...

Massive cope.

>Other ouroboros' core is on their chest
>This one is on her abdomen

But between Taion and Lanz, who really won in the end?

Mutt's law does not apply in Aionios
possibly though, clearly a mechon symbol on a high entia/human crossbreed, more likely she's adopted by a mechon tribe or something though

not him, but how is that a cope, without using any more buzzwords

>They're always showing
I wasn't aware Monolith is responsible for all the interracial NTR cuckold porn on the planet.

I think Sena has a better default personality. Taion will need to fix Eunie.

Lanz, unlike Taion he wears the pants in the relationship plus Sena's ass is huge

Lanz will live thousands of years, as will his eternal loli blade wife.

NTR is the beat thing that happened to Japan since Hiroshima. I don't care what you think but seeing housewives/schoolgirls getting railed by ugly fat bastards/ black foreign students is hot af.

Japan, I mean.

I'm replaying Xenogears and going through Xenosaga proper after I finish it. I don't have any interest in buying this game (the Live A Live remake looks more interesting), and if I finally touch Xenoblade Chronicles for the first time it'll be through emulation.
Sigurd and Elma look better than this nigga by a longshot.

so who is being cucked in this scenario, schizobros?

You have less value than trannies. I unironically hate you more.

NTR is based if you self-insert as the one doing the cucking.
But if you get off being cucked, that's the problem.

The porn industry Jews in California are responsible for 95% of interacial porn on the net and I have nothing to do with that here in Iowa.


Well yeah nips always loved cuckshit.

Cuckshit has just become synonymous with not matching color skins, which to be honest it basically always is, all the people who draw it intend it to be that way.

>Would rather say he wants to get cucked by a Streetshitter than just admit a character is Black
This is Weapons Grade Copium

>so who is being cucked in this scenario, schizobros?
White incels who feel they are entitled to every woman on the planet with a light complexion.

so in other words, it's just anons being schizophrenic and projecting their own fetishes onto normal couples?

Guys if we spam buck breaking memes and say we want to fuck him we'll just be Faggots instead of Cucks

A black girl raping a white man? Sounds like the Rhodes Nightmare Factory experience to me

Stop lying nobody that reads/watch NTR inserts as the bull. It's a superior fetish for cuckolds that aren't afraid to explore taboo fantasies

That's not what I said, ESL kun.