Have you 1CC'd something today?
Have you 1CC'd something today?
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1ccs are not Video Games.
No I'm playing on this however no one is playing with me, not even the owner.
ill join in a bit, gonna have lunch first
i was playing so bad that Cirno fucking killed me with her first non and then the next try with Marisa A i lost all my lives to that rainbow whatever spellcard China does
they look like Doom sprites
I'm currently playing MoF, this is my first Touhou game, I started playing about a month ago. I tried to start with EoSD but I sucked so bad it took me like 30+ attempts to beat Cirno, so I moved to MoF because I liked the characters and music better after doing some research. I cannot even get past stage 4 frequently enough with continues. I've only made it to stage 5 once, and the same from stage 6. I made it nearly to the halfway mark at Kanako. However, I did this mostly using bombs. My reaction time is shit and I frequently get hit by really easy to dodge shit on stages 2 and 3, and sometimes even stage 1. I could have eventually brute-forced Kanako with enough continues, but like a retard I mashed "return to title" instead of continue because the cursor starts there. I run out of lives and because I use continues I cannot get enough score to get extras afterwards. I have trouble streaming and dodging. Sometimes when there is too much on screen, especially fast bullets I just simply freeze up and get hit do to being overwhelmed. Short term goal is to beat it on normal with continues, and by the end of the year 1cc it on normal. My favorite charcter is Momiji, she's beautiful and adorable. I love the game's fall/autumn aesthetics, the music is also awesome. My favorite tracks are Autumnal Waterfall (stage 4), Youkai Mountain, and Cemetery of Onabashira. (stage 6)
Based Momiji lover
Have you played her game yet
Done with MoF. I'll be taking it easy for a day or so before moving onto SA.
Obviously I've beaten her before in MoF if that's what you are referring to. Is/are there any fan games you can play as her in? Soku has Aya who's great but I suck at fighting games (I'm so bad at the controls I like smash brother's controls much more than traditional fighting games) and while she's cute, I personally prefer Momiji.
Touhou Double Focus
>Momiji is playable
>Available pretty much anywhere except xbox
>2D platformer
What difficulty setting?
user... just play on Normal and don't use continues EVER! this game is about grinding and the no continue policy will force you to git gud. All those mistakes will be corrected with time but you need to go for the 1cc not the 2cc or the 4cc or the 8cc or the HIV.
1cc or nothing
Cirno del NEGRO
Based. I just have MarisaC left and I'll be done. adjusting to her is hard. I think I'll take a break from MoF Lunatic
choose you're waifu
Yup, gonna have to get this game on Steam. It looks adorable, and I personally love platformers so that's a plus. Thanks for the recommendation, user! Now, how do I go about getting good at the main games? I need to 1cc MoF to prove to myself I'm not a complete failure and for my fluffy wolf wife.
An Ape Escape clone where you play as Reisen and have to hunt down Tewi and her rabbit minions, who've seemingly kidnapped Eirin and Kaguya.
You can have that one for free.
Does Reisen wear spats in it?
Try MarisaB if you haven't used her yet. EoSD MarisaB was my very first Hard 1CC. However you said you lost all your lives to one of Meiling's spells so I'm not sure if you're ready to tackle Hard yet. Why don't you try the Extra stage?
Getting really tired of having to go through the 11 seconds of nothing in PCB every time I restart the extra, which is often because if I get hit on the stage I'm not beating Ran.
Obviously. And you can angle the camera right up her skirt when you're climbing poles.
MarisaC is pretty easy to use outside of stages. Bosses usually die pretty quickly and stages aren't that bad once you memorize it
>However you said you lost all your lives to one of Meiling's spells so I'm not sure if you're ready to tackle Hard yet.
i usually get my ass kicked my Patches or Sakuya to the very least, this was a particulary bad fucking game.
>Why don't you try the Extra stage?
i am 2 spells away from beating the extra. I only need more consistency in some parts of the boss fight and the Hikikomori vampire will my first extra kill
>my fluffy wolf wife.
you need to beat her in lunatic to claim that.
been trying to get Koumajou Densetsu II to work but keeps crashing whenever this guy attacks or bird enemies are killed.
anyone else have this issue and got it fixed?
Not a 1cc but I'm trying to 1cc with my favorite PoFV character Lyrica
I don't really know the standards for Lunatic but for Hard & Normal this is in the realms of a Round 1 victory.
At least it should get me big score for the stages ahead.
Did Cave actually dissolve their mobile game production, or is that a misunderstanding from illiterate weebs like me trying to read their statements?
Seems like they're still working on their Touhou game at least. I just wish they'd show it already so I can let go of the delusion that there's any chance of it not being a gacha
The latest news i remember was this.
Maybe one day. That might be years at this rate. But if I keep trying I'll get there eventually! The next Touhou game I want to try out is 18, the gimmic looks cool and Tsukasa is cute. I can't help but be addicted to soft, fluffy and cute girls. Momiji is just the one who speaks to me the most, tickles my heart in all the right ways. Growing up I always loved fall, it's always been my favorite season. Momiji's name and aesthetic, plus her stage's music is just the culmination of that in an amazing character who sadly didn't get any/enough characterization.
Oh wow I just got the 1CC right now that was faster than expected
>I can't help but be addicted to soft, fluffy and cute girls.
If that's the case then why aren't you playing Aunn's game?
What game will you play next?
idk, maybe filling in the missing Normal, Hard, and Extra squares squares for PCB
Why is Keiki French?
holy SHIT I just popped a HUGE erection when I saw short hair Keiki
Haven't played much since finishing UFO, mostly PDP and some more UFO here and there
What game should i go for next?
You're gonna love this.
* cums and dies *
Stop being a retarded American
What game? Touhou 16? I haven't played that one yet, like I said I'm still pretty new to the series and I'd like to try and 1cc MoF before branching out too much. If you mean a fan game, which one? Aunn seems pretty cute.
DDC SakuyaB because this 5 says so
Sorry, but I don't see any sexy fairy children wearing your flag's colors, mi amigo.
Yeah, 16's the one. It was more of a rhetorical question to encourage you to go play it. Irregardless of when you get around to playing it, have fun with the games, user!
>Didn’t understand what a 1cc was when I started playing touhous
>Thought it meant you couldn’t die at all
Needless to say it took me a long time to get my first “1cc” clears, especially since I never played anything lower than hard. It was still pretty fun playing the games that way.
From what I can tell, in other words nothing, it seems like it's just another branch or something they closed down, not "Cave's shutting down all their mobile projects" like I thought someone said.
It'd be damn weird for Cave to do that given Mahou Otome's been their biggest thing for over half a decade now.
Your first 1CC was a No Miss on Hard? What game?
Aunn is so cute and precious. I want to pet her heavily.
It looks like Aya is playable in 16, definitely going to have to check that one out soon, maybe even tomorrow! Thanks for the recommendation, user. It's been nice to have actual video game discussion on Yea Forums for once.
Perfect Cherry Blossom iirc
this but instead of the fist it's my penis
Which 2hu would you punch
If you want playable Aya do be aware that she has two of her own spin off games. She's also in one of the fighting games
Heavy petting is forbidden before marriage.
Still haven't made progress towards getting the Subterranean Animism Hard 1cc. I'm afraid of that game but tomorrow I'm gonna try to bite the bullet and get to work. So far I've been trying to use MarisaB because I like Patchouli, but the shot is pretty gimmicky and difficult to use, plus I can't stand its bomb, so I'm considering switching to ReimuA or something. I dunno.
In MoF you might as well continue for the practice since it restarts the stage when you continue and for some retarded reason you don't unlock stages in practice mode until after you beat them in a full run. It is important to practice and get consistent at the earlier stages too though.
As far as MoF goes I would say bomb more. With bombs tied to power in that game you get a lot of them to use, and sometimes bombing can even wind up giving you a net positive in power at some points in the stage. Overall though just try not to let yourself die with bombs still available, it's just a waste.
And use practice mode. Try to memorize the stages well enough to know where your trouble spots are and perhaps plan to bomb when they come up.
Literally just bomb more and often. Bombing leads to not dying and not dying leads to 1ccs. Use Marisa too, she is the best shottype.
Lucky for Aunn I'm a dog lover.