ITT we laugh at WoWfaggots and watch them try to defend a literal furry expansion

ITT we laugh at WoWfaggots and watch them try to defend a literal furry expansion

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but user, pandas and vulperas already happened years ago

that doesn't count as furry because uh
it was a joke lmao haha don't you get it

>furries are already in the game, might as well make them the entire focus of an expansion!

ITT op tries not to kill himself again

>the leaked pick of the dragon fursona everyone was sure was fake ended up being real

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Hahahaha wowfags

honestly, what seems to be the issue here? I thought they looked neat the first time I saw them. Are you guys just hating on wow because it's traditionally always been shit? Also I don't play MMOs I refuse to pay monthly, subscription-based games are scams.

At least they didn't give the females tits. Reptiles do not have tits.

It is just repeating if nothing else. Also aren’t the dragons barren now? How the fuck are there so many new dragons running around? How long until Illidan breaks the glass again?

Who is the deviantart artist they hired to make these holy shit lmao

I know you're a coping wowcuck, but I'll humor you. The issue is the new dragon race looks like furaffinity tier OCs in dragon from, and dragqueen story time faggots in human form. And both look low quality.

>Also I don't play MMOs

you laugh but t hey are just locking in the scaliefags who will eat this shit up and be good pay piggies

The design has no basis in lore it's just a furaffinity OC instead of a drakonoid or a real fucking dragon that you can already ride normally and even turn into with Sandstone/Tarecgosa's staff, and the human forms (that you'll spend more of your time in) look fucking abhorrent

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how unfortunate


>wow continues to be a furfag containment zone

WoW is officially dead.

>we want the final fantasy audience

I love WoW!!!!!

your brain on final fantasy

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But the graphics are bad and the girl is ugly?

>hire retarded furries
>get shit looking furries

Your game will never be good again, wowbuck

i'll play it till it dies no matter how bad it gets

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>muh furaffinity OCs
WHO do you think still plays WoW in 2022 dear user?

Yeah, I wanted a "disgusting smelly ogre race", you retarded faggot.

I played Warcraft 1, 2, 3. Get fucked. The OG format is dead.

Fuck this planet.

>Dude we need to add a new dragon themed race

What was wrong with the original Dragonkin? They look way better

Your game was only good after it copied WoW

>taking pride in being an abhorrent cuck and handholdess NEET


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>i'm a whore who enjoys getting my asshole destroyed by activision
Well good for you faggot

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that's right, it's even better knowing this makes people like you seethe. I am literally in Zereth Mortis as we speak lmao

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Blizzshills literally will drag the original series through the mud and spit in fans faces to save their sinking wreckage of an MMO. Its pathetic.

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No thank you, we have au ra for this even though they aren't really draconic
WoW has better graphics but it's artstyle aged badly which is why ff14 looks better

>lmao are you mad that i enjoy eating shit
not really user it's your betabux to waste

They look like deviantart / second life toers of shit

they definitely prefer human men

Yup. We need Russia to nuke California, already.

Replace the pic with Vulpera, Pandaren, Worgens and Tauren and you realize the truth. The expansion doesn't make the game furry, the game always was

Not really, haven't given blizzard a cent since Legion because i play the game and know how to make gold. Shit's free, and not only that, everything they sell. Cope.

I am on the toilet right now. I'm at work and shitting my fucking brains out. I'm gone for 2 seconds and my phone is blowing up. "Where are you?! This happening, that is happening" and my pants are currently around my ankles as I feel absolute pain crawl through my fucking gut. I just barely got the first turd out and the floodgates instantly started. Now it's the runs and liquids from here on out. But the pain hasn't ended, it's literally gotten worse. I can feel the sludge crawling through my fucking gut and even more texts on my phone. Here I am on Yea Forums trying to get some type of release some type of reality escape to make me forget the terrible situation I'm in and the first thread I see is on World of Warcraft. It's the last thing I wanted to see while I travel through several circles of hell to finish this bowel movement and it's only going to get worse from here.

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Only based post in this thread.

That's gay as fuck, they are going to take a ton of players from the ff playerbase with this shit. ff14 has been pandering to lgbt for years, but this will trump them.

No one is seething, it’s more like watching an animal do some absolutely fucktarded shit like challenging a predator over and over again until it gets eaten, but with a human wasting his life away.
Unless you don’t actually play wow and are just LARPing which is more likely

>WoW has better graphics

Yes, and?

Hey you can't really consider worgen furfags
Lycans in fiction predates all these subhumans

How the fuck do WoW players call XIV a furry game?

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Based user
They can't even contain themselves and keep replying

Minotaurs are grounded fantasy creatures at least, the others are indefensible however, I was able to at least hold out against Worgen by gassing them as a hordechad but then they had to finish the job blood elves started on us too.

i sure can given worgen are the most egregious furshit in the game

Godspeed, user.

Welcome to Hell. Enjoy your stay.

>same ip
Lol. Lmao even

They are higher fidelity but the art style sucks

Kiss the ring.

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Remember when beast/lizard people were just cool stuff to play with in your games and now every zoomer just can't stop crying about furries whenever they see them?

el oh el

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Post logs.

>le cope



Dilate and have sex in that order

These aren't beast people lmao they're furfag people. Open your eyes

If her name was Holden she would be Holden Berries.

>haha furries
>kung fu panda
>ends up being one of the best expansion
>haha scalies
>how to train your dragon
>a return to form, setting it up to be one of the best expansions

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Maybe they're starting to get the hint.

Because WoW gave you the opportunity to fap to girls with skin cancer.
You fags would still be playing FF11

This is your brain on wow

Cope that you're playing a terrible game? you're doing enough of that for me

>Could have made Evoker class just any race as its disguise with its own racials if you select that class
>Customizable dragon form, it is its own dragon riding
Really seems like a missed opportunity to make a race that still felt human; otherwise the expansion seems really nothing so far, nothing shown has been in enough depth to be positive or negative. That said Evokers are probably going to be as silly as momentum DHs were at Legion launch, flying around all over the place.

if they made drakonids playable youd have a point. they created a twink furry oc race out of nowhere. thats the problem

Holden my nuts on your face

you don't like it, i do. Cope

holy cope.

>Post logs.

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they literally look like Second Life avatars

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This is some fucking second life shit.

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No, not this time you stupid fuck.

The only thing the community deserves, is to watch their kind be lynched.

I don't know about you, guys, but It looks like prime /hmofa/ material to me.

as long as they're white

holy fucking shit

why does the dude look so uncomfortable?

>Yea Forums is so contrarian it will eventually defend this shit out of pure instinct
Screencap this

Is it really zoomers complaining tho or is it boomers? I'd bet on boomers.

I am laughing.

Don’t have to, there are people defending it in this thread already

>Those faces
>Those stances
They seriously recycled the fucking male blood elves in their entirety sans textures. Not only do they have a furry deviantart form but also a homosexual form, what a bargain

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>stayed up till 4am to watch the announcement
>every good thing they announced was balanced out by a terrible idea or lacking decision
>i still don't even have any faith in them to deliver on the good things they promised because they're fucking liars, sycophants and egomaniacs to the last
I'm not even mad, it was just an utter waste of time
I should have gone to bed

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mop was nothing compared to vanilla / tbc but atleast it still had most of the og devs so it was fine
this will be a total disaster

Reminder that there are new HD dragonkin that they decided you can't play for some reason.

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Tauren and Worgen used to look cool and not furfaggy before their current Disneyfied redesign.
You can have cool anthromorphic beast races, but there's a line that gets crossed and then they become gay and furfaggy. The mainline TES games like Morrowind and Skyrim are examples that come to mind of beast races actually being done well and cool.

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I'm almost 27, hating furfaggotry makes me a boomer? JFC...

Which one?

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