Why are you all so mean? It feels like you develop your opinion around the opposite of whoever you are talking to. Its not a hot take, your just a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian. Think before you type my kings. We would all benefit from it.
Healthy gamers
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Go back to twitch.
Rajesh what you thinking to touch your face with the wiping hand..?
As a pitta dosha I am physiologically inclined towards being incendiary
I feel like this guy is a hack who runs a channel where he talks down to others to make himself feel intellectually superior to other people and stroke his own ego, nobody he's lectured has actually improved their lives following his advice. Reckful literally anheroed.
>literally preying on depressed people for streambux
>haha this isn't therapy btw ;)
How is this legal/allowed and how the fuck do the woke retards tolerate this?
He's a LIDL Jordan Peterson for Zoom Zooms
Of course a pajeet woud be cope expert.
Sad for all those retards giving him money.
Why are there so many poojets doctors in the USA?
This man KILLED Reckful
>how is this snake oil salesman allowed to ply his wares in the online equivalent of a coin-op peepshow spot with sticky floors and a drag queen manager that can't wait to throw you out for getting a little too excited around the merchandise.
Because a nigger dreams of being a gangster or a rapper or a serial rapist (Or any/all combinations).
Indians exist to force their children to become doctors.
> I feel like this guy is a hack who runs a channel where he talks down to others to make himself feel intellectually superior to other people and stroke his own ego, nobody he's lectured has actually improved their lives following his advice. Reckful literally anheroed.
You aren’t wrong, modern psychiatry is inaffective at best and a huge waste of money at worst.
There is no way to “reparent” someone as doctor k thinks you can. People are the way they are, their personalities largely fixed and no amount of talking is going to change them. The best thing someone can do is understand their personality(IE the big five) and structure their environment to suit their personality.
They are addicted to arguing . Yea Forums is great for it because you are anonymized. You can do something that would get you socially ostracized and then despair and do it again.
Imagine if you could see other user's posting history and just block anyone that spends all their time being negative. The lack of any sort of way to identify douchebags and filter them makes this place a haven for douches.
He offers generally helpful advice to normalfags but when he comes up against someone with actual issues like Reckful, he doesn't do as well.
Wtf I love pajeet now!
Because the US normally shows preference towards the highly educated when allowing immigration.
>There is no way to “reparent” someone as doctor k thinks you can. People are the way they are, their personalities largely fixed and no amount of talking is going to change them. The best thing someone can do is understand their personality(IE the big five) and structure their environment to suit their personality.
Even though I don't believe in free will I don't really agree. I do believe people can change, that is apparent. But it really is a waiting game for some people, and some others may never get better. I still think it's worth it to try.
I agree with you that psychiatry is largely snake oil salesmen, but people definitely CAN turn their lives around.
It takes more spirituality than psychology, though, which is something the modern world is not willing to accept.
He's not a hack but it's youtube so it might as well be
kiwifag here, Indians are like people from new jersey. They shit tier on home turf, but when immigrated and westernized are actually good people
>Imagine if you could see other user's posting history and just block anyone that spends all their time being negative. The lack of any sort of way to identify douchebags and filter them makes this place a haven for douches.
And its still much, much better then e-celeb updoot blue check mark faggotry because at least people here are honest with their shit takes and opinions for the most part instead of endlessly virtue signalling
Spiritual counseling is just emotional counseling.
You say that but the well known attention whores keep getting attention despite of that
>he didn't delete his channel and resign his practice when Reckful 41%ed
> I do believe people can change, that is apparent
The research is clear that personality is genetic and relatively fixed.
What causes change if anything ? New information.
Is he still shilling hinduism? I tuned i once and found the whole thing hilarious. An Indian dude shilling hinduisam to a bunch of Christian-born atheists and all of them eating it up like crazy. Based Pajeet.
And? The biggest scam sold to modern man is that he is rational. We are emotional first, and then we justify our actions rationally.
If people were truly rational, marketing would never work.
This is the part that makes me laugh. I like that he at least clearly says "This is what I believe because I spent years in a hindu monastery". But having him talking about redeem the prahana yoga every stream got old real fast.
A handful of people will change. Maybe not wholly switch personalities, but if there is trauma altering someone's behavior, that trauma can be healed for the most part. However I don't believe everyone is capable of healing or changing.
They aren't honest. They just go about being dishonest in different ways. People will pretend to like/dislike/care about/know about something just to force an argument.
The top threads on Yea Forums are bait were someone pretends to have a stupid/controversial opinion to get clicks.
I feel like Hinduism is one of the few religions that has changed focus on how it "markets" itself. Instead of being full force dumb cult tier stuff like Ramadan, it's like "just don't be materialistic", or "don't attach yourself to things" which is why it appeals with people
>And? The biggest scam sold to modern man is that he is rational. We are emotional first, and then we justify our actions rationally.
>If people were truly rational, marketing would never work.
I agree with you. Dr K does actually does incorporate spirituality into his practice. I don't find most of it compelling but some of it is interesting. I don't believe Judeo-Christian spirituality is working for people though. That is obvious. If it did, people wouldn't be turning from it in droves.
I'm a bad person and I'm tired of pretending I give a shit about anyone else. Why should I care about their opinion? I want a real, objective reason. Not related to feelings, not related to some hokey shit like trying to build bonds or anything like that.
Why should I be nice to someone? What does it get me? Because everyone else is out solely for themselves (don't lie and say they aren't either), why shouldn't I be as well?
>mfw I read in his voice
stay healthy kings
No it appeals to atheists cuz they are mostly contrarians and will go for anything but Christianity cuz that the default for them. Look how ocult and paganism is rising in atheist cyrcles.
People are more inclined to do what you want or give you things you want if they like you. If you act agreeable, it will be easier to pursue your own ends
You don't have to be nice but don't be a piece of shit either.
> but if there is trauma altering someone's behavior, that trauma can be healed for the most part.
The concept of “trauma” is largely hollow. We had young men charging into machine gun nests In WW2 and most of them came out just fine. Human history is one disaster after the next and people don’t all become emotional wrecks. The truth is you are largely born an emotional wreck.
Unpleasant life experiences don’t over generalize. Getting bit by a dog as a 4 year old doesn’t cripple you for life. Odds are you will be less trusting of dogs. You won’t be less trusting of people. There is no “talking through this”.
You sound like an /lgbt/ poster.
only lefty fascist faggots use block lists
This. Even serial killers are friendly for this reason.
why can't he do the same to Asmon
>why shouldn't I be as well?
Ironically, because everyone is so egocentric, being open and friendly with others is the biggest disarming weapon you can ever have.
I made it a habit to walk up to a random girl every day and tell her that she looks cute and just walk away. That plus being friendly, smiling and greeting anyone around me really changed my world upside down.
Now I have too many fucking friends and am two-timing girls.
Hell, how many times did someone compliment you on something, user? Your clothes or your looks or your personality. How would you feel if a random dude walked up to you and said "Damn bro you look fresh" And then walked away.
mrgirl destroyed him
Different people, different context. And it's just as likely the epigenetics of previous generations influence how susceptible some people are to traumas. Likewise, it's equally likely that many of those people who fought in WW1 and WW2 weren't actually fine, but because we didn't have insight into their lives and people were not as open, that trauma can be transmitted into other generations.
I have panic attacks and brain problems because of the way I was raised, and I didn't have it nearly as bad as some other people did. I also inherited a lot of that, but the people I inherited it from had to get it from somewhere too.
I'd say I'm atheist in the sense I couldn't disprove of god but neither could I prove it exists. It's almost condescending to think just because we are the smartest on the planet , it means we have the intelligence to perceive a higher being that created a universe beyond our comprehension. Therefore I just to take lessons from some religions that have helped us achieve such feats. Where is my place bros...
Shut up larping retard.
>destroying anything but little kids orifices
> Different people, different context
That’s exactly what I’m saying, the personality and inherited behavioral genetics are much much more influential than any external circumstances.
It’s not 50/50 nature/nature it’s more 90/10 or even 95/5.
So if you want to get to the root of issues looks at the personality and genes first, that is where much of the gold lies.
>We had young men charging into machine gun nests In WW2 and most of them came out just fine.
Poo in the loo bro.
unironic jew in the wild trying to get people on board with the "people are born gay, why not pedos?" argument.
>How would you feel if a random dude walked up to you and said "Damn bro you look fresh" And then walked away.
Probably make me feel insecure like he was laughing at me or smth
> what?
What’s confusing about this? Thousands of men charged up beaches with barbed wire and machine guns and most of them came out fine mentally. They weren’t scarred for life and emotion wrecks. Of what sense would evolution put that in peoples heads?
Killed more streamers than us, I'd say he's doing very well
>most of them came out just fine
You may be young so think your classroom of 30 people~, only 3-5 make it out alive.
>why are you all so mean
sir, this is the internet. what exactly were you expecting?
Didn’t this guy offer to help someone on stream then take it back a day later and the client offed himself?
Do you even know the percentage rate of PTSD among veterans to make an big claim that "most of them came out fine"?
> unironic jew in the wild trying to get people on board with the "people are born gay, why not pedos?" argument.
Yeah because Jews are so well known to call psychiatry a total scam.
More like it's 100% nature. Since the universe is deterministic, every event that unfolds was always going to unfold. But I get your meaning, and I largely agree. Except I believe that "trauma" is not hollow. Because we see more people with traumatic symptoms now. That's either because a) people are more open about traumatic experiences now, b) people are more susceptible to them now, or a+b) it's both. So I just disagree that trauma is "hollow", but whether or not someone is born an emotional wreck, I do agree with.
What you're doing right now is called lying.
> You may be young so think your classroom of 30 people~, only 3-5 make it out alive.
I’m talking about those that survived. It was hellish and extremely “traumatizing” but of those who survived they weren’t all emotional wrecks.
Cope and sneed, up until the mid 80’s 13 was still considered prime. Just feminism took over.
i would block nigger like you
just because it's inconvenient doesn't mean it's wrong
Id advise you biasly to be Christian even if you dont believe in the super natural parts. I dont believe that the most advanced countries in the world also happened to be Christian is a coincidence.
you aren't born gay, faggots, your dad or uncle did it
I was in cadets in New Zealand years ago, we have a public holiday (soon) on 25th of April to commend the soldiers of WW1 called ANZAC day. Most are dead now, but the look on the veterans faces as well as generation after them. Even after the years, you knew they never forgot those days. Which is why I will never forget.
>a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
agnostic, perhaps
It's also not a coincidence that Christianity is failing. If it worked for people, more people would be using it. That's just basic logic. But because it doesn't suit so many people's lives, it does mean another system is required.
>meds didn't help
>shrinks didn't help
>the only thing that helped is realizing i need to stop being miserable and take things into my own hands instead of letting retards "work" on me
>took around 3 years to get out of the retarded mindset i had that put me down from doing anything
but at least i made it and so can you with enough willpower to make a change.
that is unless you're some retard with BPD, then you'll never change, lmao
>If it worked for people, more people would be using it.
huge fallacy there
people and corporations dont think beyond the immediate future.
also all media and addictions are geared towards having people hold on to a belief that they wont ever die
> What you're doing right now is called lying.
Feel free to believe what you want. The modern psychiatric establishment has put all kinds of ridiculous concepts in peoples heads. There is always a grain of truth in it, but most of the time is way overgeneralized. Human history is one horrible event after the next and you don’t see humans becoming useless emotional wrecks. Humans in general are tough tenacious survival machines and much more tough than a modern psychiatrist would admit.
Its falling only recently with promotion of hedonistic behaviors in the media. Hedonsim breeds depression, depression breeds nihlism and nihslism creates atheists.
Saying a fallacy doesn't make it one. Christianity isn't some fringe, new system of thinking. It's been around for a while. It created the people who thought about it for half a second and said "Wait a minute, that's dumb".
You even said yourself that believing in the supernatural parts isn't necessary. Then what's the point of being a Christian if you don't believe God is a man in the sky who specifically chose the Jews to be his chosen people? You could just form your own spirituality.
Is BPD a real thing? It always feels like a cope so you can be mean to your bf
> your dad or uncle did it
You realize you are just parroting ideas from psychiatry, which is “Jewish”
And I’m saying you are an adult no later than 15. The west changed ages to keep men out of the workforce in the depression, lowered it in times of war, then raised it back up again to continue to delay it while also forcing women and diversity hires. And they are now trying to up it again to age 25 and everyone stands around and nods and says yeah you are a baby until 25.