Where is the endgame content?

>hit level 70
>wow lets see what new things are there for me to do
>7 new mythic+ dungeons
>world quests
>1 7 boss raid 3 weeks after launch on 4 difficulties
>no new spells or interactions with how your character plays

Literally DOA, I find it so funny that this is not a big deal for people - there is literal no new content to do. The profession shit will be pointless, the UI and dragonraiding is not content. Thats their 3 flagship "features" this expansion.

Holy shit even shad*wlands had more new things to explore in the first month of the game.

Comical that the modern retail fag uniornically enjoys the same 2 forms of rehashed content whilst playing the same specs and same rotations for 10+ years.

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the expansion has been known to the public for 7 hours you fucking faggot, they don't even have an alpha available yet
>duuuuuRURUUR but they saID--
shut the fuck up
you don't even play wow
we know next to fucking nothing about the expansion so far but people are already fucking doomposting
I don't fucking care
it looks fun
I'm going to try it out
suck my fucking cock and hang yourself
>inb4 mazed
literal tranny reddit meme

>A--user they just forgot to introduce their new end game features on the most "hype" day of the expansion.

Cope harder. You enjoy your world quests and spamming mythic+ with retarded pugs like you have for the last 6 years.

>it looks fun
What fun have you seen? You have seen a new talent tree, revamped professions, GW2 flying, 5 extremely meh zones(1 of them being used exclusively for Evoker) and a new class(without seeing how it actually plays). Where's the fun?

kill all wowfaggots and cremate their bodies

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This retard just grasps onto whatever MMO is popular. He even made a GW2 video the other day

Ignore autist like this. This is the type of player thats still playing 1/2 through the expansion.

Yeah that is what sticks out to me, it is an easy no-buy right now based on that alone. There is nothing enticing for the amount of grueling bullshit I know they are going to put players through. If they put in a rated matchmaking LFG system for RBGs and M+ I will consider it. Screw having to socialize with these troglodytes, tryhard fags have classic for their arbitrarily clunky 5-hour group forming experience that still manages to produce an antisocial community.

>grasps onto whatever MMO is popular

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>Guild Wars 2
I wish it was......the devs seem to be in touch with their small community too, an don't tolerate millennial faggotry

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Ranked matchmaking would be great, but honestly I’d settle for the ability to filter out LATAM players (especially Brazilians). M+ would become so much more tolerable overnight.

She attacked a popular GW2 content creator because of his gender. It was a lawsuit waiting to happen.

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When will you fucking faggots learn how to stop playing shit games?

>7 new dungeons

Lol, i think there will be less this time and one of them is Uldaman

We have, most people that post about this shit game just play it for a few weeks on launch when its relatively "enjoyable" and quit. Only turbo autists stick after. The money is irrelelvant unless ur a poorfag.

Maybe just play single player games if you need endless grind and can't talk to people

Haven't touched it since Shadowbringers came out. That doesn't mean it isn't fun to laugh at the utter shitshow it has become.

You sound like every person from every other expansion.
>It's just alpha, bro. It will be fixed in beta.
>It's just beta bro. I will be fixed on release.
>It just released, bro. It will be fixed with the first patch.
>Etc, etc. for eternity.

kill this onions norf irishcuck

keked. Its so easy to spot actual wowfags.

>no new spells or interactions with how your character plays
Source? I imagine classes will change quite a lot due to the talent system revamp, just like they did when they revamped the talent system in Cata and MoP

>for eternity
But they have often fixed many of the problems. In the last patch of the expansion. After everyone has already done all the shit grinding and are finished with the raids.

Just in time for them to scrap it and start over.

It's one of the big 6 so definitely popular


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>the expansion has been known to the public for 7 hours you fucking faggot, they don't even have an alpha available yet
cope harder you fucking retard they literally said there would only be 4 new dungeons in season 1. that's the worst expansion ever you fucking tranny. rope yourself

>being mazed this hard

>don't tolerate millennial faggotry
the amount of faggotry in GW2 is too damn high already, they need to make a new game entirely

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>they need to make a new game entirely
Didn't they already try and it fell apart before they had even showed anything to the public.

Where is your source on class changes? If they were happening they would've said it like they have previous expansions. The "new" talent tree will take passives form leveling and current tree longside this expac's borrowed power and bake them into one, it will not change the way you play your character or add new spells.

>I imagine classes will change quite a lot due to the talent system revamp
It's just gonna be the exact same spells/talents that everyone already has now, except that now you can sort of mix and match them. There's already heavy limitations on what you can mix/match and if something comes along that's extra fun, you can be damn sure that Blizzard will nerf it ASAP.

Please for the love of god just revamp the specs again. Everything got fucking ruined in BfA and I don't care how good anything else is if I still have to play these shitty fucking classes for another goddamn expansion.

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Project Titan was meant to be the WoW successor, but it failed hard, so they scrapped the idea and salvaged whatever art and mechanics they had to create Overwatch.

Talking about GW2. Not the diddlers at Blizzard.

>can't talk to people
there's zero talking though. if someone tries to join my group and theyre not high enough ilvl i simply wont accept them. if they are high enough ilvl and don't use MDT/know the dungeon im simply going to kick them without a word. theres nothing communication would help, its a waste of time when i can just get someone else or play a different game.

They're copying Skyward Sword's flight

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With the exception with a few minor reworks I can say that I am absolutely sure that specs will play the exact same as they did in Shadowlands. Sorry user, if there were big class changes it would've been one of their main talking points.

Let me guess, you think ragnaros is a brazilian server

I got through Nathria in Shadowlands and just couldn't do it anymore after that so if they really do just coast these dogshit BfA fuckfests into this one it'll probably be the first time I don't paypig a WoW expansion.

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You WILL play a Drakthyr
You WILL ERP with it in Goldshire and Silvermoon

It's weird seeing an entire economy of people that are desperately attached to this game for a paycheck act like this. just bizarre behavior to witness.

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Nothing but gibberish speaking monkeys come from Ragnaros.

Did you miss the "punch the bigot" quest?

It's not weird at all, we know they're completely fake.

The problem are the paypigs and the retards who think it's genuine.

The further away I stay from this dogshit game the more I forget people like this gaint fag exsist. I don't think I will be playing it.

you underestimate the liberalsoymen's autism.

for you, user

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How is it any different on paper from every single other pre-Legion expansion, besides Dragonflight also having M+?

I don’t, but they play just as terribly as Azralon monkeys.

I feel like a lot of people are going to be complaining this expansion is boring and there is nothing to do

it's back to WOD and being a raid logging game

S1 M+ is 4 new dungeons, 4 old dungeon reworks
S2 M+ is 4 new dungeons, 4 old dungeon reworks
The raid might come in S1 but could aos be at a later date. According to the devs exploration is a big deal so I expect alot of profession grinding to happen on the fields and a majority of gear to come from profession crafting while you grind M+ for extra mats to craft your gear with (failure rate included for maximum carrot on a stick).

>release game with temp powers and systems

waaaah remove them and go back to old system

>remove temp powers and systems

waaaah there is nothing to do

fucking make up your minds

Someone did it better in /wowg/. Your effort is appreciated.

They are a multi billion dollar company with like 5000 employees. Why can't they just make a game that both has a bunch of things to do AND doesn't have temporary powers/systems? Is that literally impossible?

It's not like all pre-Legion expansions were raidlog expansions, they've managed it before.

explain how to have regular updates without temporary power/systems
Exercise in futility, because the gear treadmill itself ( which the is basis of the game ) is itself about transforming temporary power/systems into gameplay.
You could have horizontal progression, but that just leads to another problem: bloat.
Horizontal progression + situational utility is still temporary power, you've just switched around when it's active or not.

It's popular among WoWfugees

Pretty much the instant that someone starts recording themselves for profit they stop becoming genuine

I seriously wish he would die in the most horrible way possible. Can't stay this fucking twat

Only retards disagree with this. Blizz doesn't show off class changes during expansion reveals, most classes don't even begin to get touched until halfway through the alpha/beta.

Dumbfucj fallinh for the same trick 4 years in a row

I'm going to resub for dragons.