Blizzard hired a literal furry artist to work on these disgusting looking things. Have they completely lost their minds?
Literal furry dragons
Right person in the right place, what seems to be the problem?
Fuck off, you deserve to get shit on for playing MMOs anyway faggot
WoW is a furry game.
Remind Blizzard and everyone who Kero the Wolf and Snake Thing are, and what they have done.
Just wait until you hear about the kinds of things that Japanese people did during WW2, I hope Twitter will finally give them what they deserve!
That’s because the only people still playing WoW are also furries and degenerates, so of course they would pander to them.
yeens could have saved wow
>Furry artist
>Claims drawing furries is hard
I think you may be a bit confused.
It's like hell and earth are merging at an increasing rate with each year.
Non-furries are not welcome on this board, fuck off.
>the troon in the presentation isn't the furry artist
disappointing tbqhf
I don't know how you didn't notice this when they added worgen
and pandas
and vulpera
dragons have no fur.
/pol/ btfo
based, still not buying it
Just because you say taking the entire shaft is hard doesn't mean you aren't gay user
I would unironically play World of Warcraft (either version, idk), if you could just buy the game up front without having to pay a subscription fee. The races and classes look fun.
>playing wow
wtf right is cute, how the fuck did she downgrade?!
right is objectively better than left
>Blizzard hired a literal furry artist
>screenshot of a Tweet where she actively admits she is not used to drawing furries
You dont know how to make a compelling argument do you?
You have no idea how badly I want a hyena gf with a big penis.
Drawing X is hard =/= Not used to doing it
My penis gets hard, but that doesn't mean that I don't know how to use it.
Lots of artists began tapping into the endless money furfags seem to have inexplicable access to. Making drawings of furry dicks or making furry dicks in Second Life earns a lot of cash.
wow was also always a furfag game. they had the cow people from the start, and then added the wolf people and the panda people.
Last time I played, you could easily buy a WoW token from the auction house each month. You didn't need to hardcore farm on anything, just with the gold you made playing the game normally.
When Microsoft bought Activision, they banned boosting advertising in-game so I don't know if the price of tokens increased or decreased because of this.
Furry artist or not, the humans can be considered acceptable maybe (the male one with the black beard seems pretty cool, and so is the Monster Hunter-looking chocolate lady)... but the dragon forms are terrible, holy shit. They look like puppets with fake wings attached.
>complaining about furry shit after Cata or Mists
Tell me you've never played or gave a shit about WoW without telling me in those exact words.
Just admit it, you're one of those no life retards that just witchhunt on Twitter for women and trannies to harass and subtly drag to Yea Forums in hopes for le epin user raid.
warcraft has had furry artists on board since my nigga samwise.
fucking tourists. everywhere I look.
cool and based
its like gays, they always have a lot of money
Nobody cares about pandas and worgen, they are furry from the start
The dragon race had potential to be a lot better than this... pretty much every dragon option currently in the game is better than the drag queen/fur suit combo
Those creatures are so disgusting
How on earth do those miserable things manage to get through a day is simply beyond my understanding
not even remotely true.
It's not that they have a lot of money, it's that they don't spend on the things normal people do so it only looks like they have a lot.
Gays are a minority but they are loud and disgusting
No need to add that theyre also mentally ill retards like furries
Its like some type of autism or aspergers gone very wrong
these are the 10% of the people who post on twitter
are there big dragon tiddies?
>furry "artist" to make scalies
This will not stand.
Twitter is infested with freaks and women(who are freaks on their own)
How come people dont realize this, well I guess its becoming more apparent with every year
I usually try out every wow expansion for a month or so, but im not even going to bother with this gay ass shit
WoW became shit at TBC. Then tasteless zoomers who played good wow joined in and thought it was good because they never knew better and people used to say that wow was good. Little did they know that they had shit tasted because they never tasted a decent MMO.
No wonder wow is shit, its only played by people with shit taste. The more they added bullshit and made good thing shit, the more players with taste left, leaving behind only the biggest autists, sunk cost fallacy addicts, retards and trannies. Thus from then they could add more and more shit, and they shiteaters would love it. Wow is now fully realized, a shit game made by shit devs for players with shit taste. Anyone with remotely decent taste stopped playing during TBC or maybe WOTLK. Everything is new wow is shit. armor design, item stats, pvp, pve, dungeon layout, music, UI, environment art direction, players mdoels, players animations, NPCs, stories, the setting. Literally everything has been butchered. It's like in a sect, you brign retarded shit on the frontline so unretarded people get filtered, and only the most stupid get in, from then you can manipulate easily, a bit like keith raniere saying he has 240 IQ. Once only the palyers with shit taste are left, you dont even have to work or hire competent devs. Just lather shit music, dungeons, settings, stories etc etc everywhere and they ll be content with it.
>Have they completely lost their minds?
They re giving exactly what their retarded audience wishes. They have shit taste, they will fucking love this shit. Only trannies and faggots still play it. You are the one who lost his mind for caring about this incredibly shitty MMO that died 15+ years ago and has been a perfused walking carcass since then. In fact I'd say losing one's mind is mandatory to have a wow subscription (unless you play vanilla)
>it's okay when japan does it
Hyena looks cute, the dragons dont.
or you know, she drew a bunch of furry stuff in preparation to design the furry race, she said right there she found it hard
Yes. Because that's hot.
would've subbed for hyenagirls
huge blunder by blizzard yet again
Yes but unironically.
They have more taste
Like they arent stupid they design their shit better than ugly retards in the west who just want to jerk off to the though of being an animal or some stupid disgusting retarded shit
It looks better but its still gay
If you ask me western furries look so ugly because they only people pushing for it to be a thing is a bunch of ugly fat retards
Japanese furry design looks good because its designed by an artists with a brain looking for it to be appealing, not satifying his fetish
How soon we forget.
i don't really get what's wrong with them, they look fine
Is she a furry porn artist?
If not why are you upset
The DOS2 lizards were received pretty well. also I think they're pretty hot
they look like they're ripped straight out of deviantart
such game
much fun
Wasn't Blizzard cancelled for rape culture and abuse of female staff? Why is it okay now they're horny?
artists shouldn't be blacklisted just because of the things they've drawn. Lots of furry artists are very skilled at drawing in general.
In japan many official artists at big companies got their start drawing loli doujins.
how much dragon on elf porn are we gonna get?
>Japanese furry design looks good because its designed by an artists with a brain looking for it to be appealing, not satifying his fetish
God you dumb faggots get more retarded by the day. Have you even taken 10 minutes to research the things you're spouting? 80% of japanese artists are exactly the same as their western counterparts and draw deranged shit to satisfy their fetishes. But seeing as how you're trying to push a narrative you either willingly ignore that or don't even care enough to figure out otherwise.
>screencap of ECM
I know your wants, user
Reddit's that way.
Glad they added a skinny retarded drake as a playable race when they have this fuckers in the game already that look like a threat and not furry shit. But hey guess i'm not the target for that shit
>hire furries
>anthro designs aren’t attractive
How does that happen?
Need yeen
>Hire literal furry for your new race designer
>Don't allow her to make the race look furry, or even good despite her artstyle being decent unlike 99% of furries
It's just fuckup after fuckup with these guys, huh? Maybe they shoulda asked the french instead.
user... jp has been mastering this craft since the 60s, deviant art only got popular from 2004 on, don't even try to compare
I've known the WoW artists were furfags for a while
Do not click btw
bad modelers? focus test gutted designs?
WoW's been furshit ever since a pinup of a Tauren girl by a furry artist got featured on their main website in vanilla
You just know...
>don’t like game
>don’t buy game
>don’t obsess about game on social media
Am I the only sane one left?
Yeah that’s what I figured lmao
the social media outrage algorithms have mindbroken a generation of autists
And you think that matters? Nigger, all modern nip furry artists do the same thing. And the overlap between east and west means that the time differences between when Japan started and the rest doesn't mean anything.
Wow has been a furry game since Pandaren came out like 15 years ago. Why are dragon people suddenly what breaks the camel's back?
>What could have been
>jap artistic skills is genetic
I remember fapping to it, yeah
yes Reddit is where the faggot animal fuckers hang out, go back there
congrats user, you're neurotypical!
let me redesign worgen plz blizzard