>you just need to play 0 and kiwami 2 and 7, the others are bad brooooo
You just need to play 0 and kiwami 2 and 7, the others are bad brooooo
Wtf, I love reddit now?
yakuza 3 is one of my least favourite ps3 games ever. 4 is utterly average and it's STILL a billion times better than 3
haven't bothered with the series ever since
0 is peak reddit.
3 is peak Yea Forums.
how come they stopped putting them in humbleshit after 3
Having only played through the Hokuto no Ken spin-off and having watched a bunch of the other games, I can safely say that game is the most fun.
based user
based opinion
based photoshop
>begs for judgment port just as much as Yea Forums
holy based, let pc weirdos cry, they are literally ruining games with their cringey mods, and it is known that if game released on pc it automatically loses its worth.
They can play it. Just need to install stadia luh-mao
I wish Sega were better at balancing. Style switching would just be so perfect if it had better balance. It beats the hell out of just doing the same combos/Tiger Drop over and over forever.
>he paid $30+ tip for kaito files
Stop we're not making yakuza 3 into the new dark souls 2 those threads are already enough.
Yakuza 1 with english dub by Mark Hamil, Michael Madsen, Rachel Lee Cook and Elisha DUshku is unironically the best of all the games.
>you think you can beat me?
lol, fucking secondaries
Ive only played Kiwami, 7, and 0
that cover and gigachad is oddly fitting, they DID remove the cigarette in the color version
>and 7
I like all of them (haven't played 6 yet), but yeah 0, kiwami 2, 4, 7 are probably the strongest entries
5 is alright if you like 4
Yakuza 4 is terrible Yakuza 5 is the best game in the series.
I played every single one and didn't dislike a single one
Was only mildly disappointed by the shortness and lack of extra content that 6 had
Yakuza 5 is terribly balanced. I know some people will mock the idea of balance in a single-player game, but the problem is you HAVE to use every single goddamn character.
Let's start with Kiryu. His Dragon Spirit is incredible for dealing with normal enemies, but absolute trash at dealing with bosses due to its lack of of a guard break. The grab is unblockable, but it also doesn't do much damage and it also saps Heat really fast. As a result, there's really no reason at all to use it against bosses, meaning the one new trick that Kiryu has in Y5 is unusable in those cases.
As for Saejima, he's just whatever. Just mash the attack button and hold for the finishers. Repeat the same combo ad nauseum forever. Pick up a weapon if you feel like it I guess, but it doesn't really matter what you do. You can't lose with him, it's impossible.
Haruka's section is an endless series of rhythm games where you're forced to play the same few songs over and over. Akiyama is just meant to break up the monotony of Haruka's sections. One annoying thing about Akiyama is that all of his bosses have perfect counters against him. Also for some reason two of his substories involve playing Haruka's rhythm games.
Shinada is the weakest character with the dumbest attack animations. For instance, take his normal attack with the pipe. Due to the ridiculous angle he attacks at with it, it whiffs a lot. Most of his attacks have lengthy recovery for minimal damage and his Heat Actions all take an eternity.
Correct, overrated series
7 is shit
Lost judgement was so fucking good.
I want more koukousei kino.
It honestly is. It takes fucking forever to really start in full, you're basically trapped in one long tutorial for the first five hours and it goes on for too long. Job system is trash, skills are poorly balanced and Ijincho is fucking boring. There are literally no good dungeons.
Going from 0 to kiwami 1 is the greatest amount of whiplash I've ever felt playing games. Had to take a week off to unlearn the much better combat feel before I could continue.
Is Yakuza: Like A Dragon fun? How many Yakuza games do I need to play before I can try it
All of them
Stop trying this hard. Kenzan and Ishin are the best ones until they get translated.
if they stick with the rpg style for 8 i hope they put some serious work into the gameplay + add more interesting things to do
None, it's a turn based rpg and has a new MC.
It's all bad. You've played one, you've played them all. Literally the same map over and over again.
Just beat Yakuza 4. It is an average game in my opinion. The story was meh and was saved by Akiyama. One of the worst things was getting pinned down by two grabbing enemies in a fight and it made me seethe uncontrollably. The final boss fight was little annoying but not as annoying as Jingu in Kiwami.
It has the most beautiful landscapes of the whole saga, it has chill beach vibes
I like the Yakuza series, but fuck me, I never want to play one back-to-back again. I need at least 6 months of rest between them.
Is it worth it getting a PS4 for this series?
So, garbage?
All of the mainline games are on PC.
I bought 0 yesterday but I got filtered it wasn't as much fun as I thought. Only payed $10 so I'm not seething just upset cause I need something to fill my KH void
Are you serious
> looks up
Hot damn you're right.
if they perform anything like judgment, get them on PC instead. i've got a base PS4 and judgment chugs sometimes.
Seems reasonable senpai desu
Dude, you've barely started, be patient and get to Majima, after that the balls start rolling fast
What is it like creating strawmen in your head and then getting mad at them?
but that's what the retards here say? They will tell you to play them all
Wow, who would've thought Reddit was better than this shithole once again!
Yea i agree. Dungeons are some of the worst in a jrpg. Combat isn't much better and i thought the story was dumb. Characters were ok.
This except replace 7 with 5
Being a contrarian doesn’t make you cool or interesting, it just makes you look like a cunt.
>3 is peak Yea Forums.
It's peak actually.
Also the story is shit and all the characters are boring. This is the most boring cast in all of Yakuza.
>bububut Ichi is cool
Yeah the guy with the exact same backstory as the other two protagonists, very unique and interesting
B-but ichi has daddy issues like me!!
>tfw went from 0, kiwami, OG 2 and then the rest
>tfw I enjoyed all of them I haven't played any of the spin offs yet though
Why do you care what they think?
If you choose to play on PC, make sure you go 0>K1>K2. Kiwami 1 and 2 aren't replacements for 1 and 2, they're meant to be played after 0.
Seconding what the other user said, I recommend getting a little farther in the game. I was similarly underwhelmed when I first played it, however it quickly became my GOTY once I decided to put some more time into it.
Why are you so mad?
>KHshitter can’t into Yakuza
Imagine my shock.
I think Ichiban is a breath of fresh air in terms of personality and interactions with other characters.
Every single character in this franchise has daddy issues.