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Dead game?

What T3 mod for sentries?
I'm using armor break rounds, but I don't know it its worth over stunning bullets.

also damn rj250 truly is the best overclock in the game. fun as fuck

literal R*ddit game

i like the 3rd one, larger magazine

what do we think of the upcoming new secondaries?

>DRAK-25 nerf
nig nig niggers

any pics yet of some of the new cosmetic tree or the pass cosmetics?

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AR with bullets of mercy is infinitely more superior anyway

Im gonna gift cancer to insects

where does it say there's a nerf incoming?

Is Hurricane still shit?

Haven’t played since they gutted napalm.

faggot nigger

- Reduced base projectile speed
- Reduced base fire rate slightly

Overclock tweaks
Impact Deflection OC
- Changed from Clean to Balanced
- Added a rate of fire penalty

Fucking devs hate scouts.
Haven’t played scout since they killed the m1000

damn basically killed scouts best grunt clearer

It's literally still the best primary, you just can't be a shitter with it now.

I don't think it was ever shit. They buffed napalm, it's not OP like it was on launch but I think it's prefect now

where does it say this

how much slower can drak get
you can already watch grunts a few yards back manually evade your spray

I like goblins

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TL:DR from trying it all out
Engineer beamer basically makes hyper propellant obsolete when built for direct damage, otherwise it doesn't really compete with fat boy or the breach cutter, the area of effect perks for it are pretty garbage, the two green overclocks are it's best OCs and it's not even close.
The Scout secondary is bad, simple as but the best special bolt is the explosive one, the radius is huge and it oneshots slashers on haz 5+4
The Gunner secondary has massive AOE potential with its hellfire overclock.
The Driller secondary is bad unless used specifically with the goo gun/neurotoxin nades in which case its good.

Armor break is a solid damage boost on grunts. Assuming it isn't broken like every other armor break mod anyway.

M1000 gives you arthritis so no thanks.

For me it's Molly

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>from trying it all out

It's like she's bigger on the inside!

It's on the experimental branch.

me on the right

I love being Captain Hazmat with the goop and microwave gun combo. You can really lock down and melt bugs by shitting and spreading your CC around with that one mod.


I'll post the balance changes from the patch notes in the discord

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oh that's it. good to see the poo gun get some love, but I am very sad about my bouncy drak

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-1 fire rate(+1 on the fire rate mod)
~-25% velocity(velocity mod is now +100% so it’s about the same)
-2 fire rate on impact deflection
I can feel the velocity nerf hard, shit fucking sucks.

d-did they seriously nerf normal shot sludge gun and buff aoe

>Reduced base normal shot damage

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It seems like they reduced the immediate impact damage but it will do a lot more dot, so an increase overall. But who knows if it will actually feel better, not a huge fan of dot in a fast game like this

what about them axes

Nothing yet

Pretty sure that was just a joke.

Experiment and figure it out on your own

If I wanted DoT I could just use the flamethrower. I'm not too disappointed though, the buffs to sludge blast look cool.

>Generic samey maps, all the caves look the same
>Same boring bug enemies every time
Buyers remorse. Games too repetitive to be fun. Theres what 4 maybe 5 mission types?

She's spent a lot of time riding the rock carousel.

seethe. This indie game rapes your AAA pozzed garbage out of the water.

t. already 500 hours (for 10 bucks)

oh there were some more at the bottom. no axe nerfs, but they did buff scout's worst grenade

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why do you like playing the same 3 missions over and over? autism?

might as well post the other patch notes for completion's sake

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and that's everything so far

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cope you pointy ears cock sucka

DRG is peak gaming and denying it show that you you're not the kind that play game, you're the kind that consume game

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because while the main objectives are the same, the approach, the obstacles and tactics devised as well as positioning change from mission to mission, with obstacles coming in many shapes and forms, and some have more mandibles than the others.
only braindead retards see "same objective" and immediately think it's "the same mission"
i think you;re just shitposting to stir conversion to keep the thread alive

i take it back they feel really good so far

I don't mind DoT, non-facemelter non-stickyflames flamethrower is my go-to driller weapon for haz5, EDDs and serious play in general, it's pretty much NTP AC with lower range and ammo but infinite blowthrough wide beam.
But, the only build that I found okay with poopgun was focused on direct impact normal shots, I'm a little worried about the changes.

imagine using the D*ak not being an ASS M1000 chad
one mag, 8 dead grunts from any range
born ready takes care of the downside

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I like most changes

try sludge blast

what happens to my main game progress if i try out experimental?

nothing, experimental uses a different save and nothing carries over

>one mag, 8 dead grunts from any range
should be way more if you take the 3x pen

>roll full auto OC into the base gun
>turn full auto OC into a semi auto with more damage or something
hire me gsg

That’s pretty much all it needs, I feel its damage numbers(atleast with the flamethrower) is perfectly fine.