Yeah, I think I have flawless taste.
Yeah, I think I have flawless taste
you can put sekiro anywhere between BB and Das3
Dark Souls
Elden Ring
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Demon's Souls
i think bloodborne is only so overrated beause most PC fags nevr played it
BB has best lore and set of weapons
idk, i only think DS2 is slightly better than DS3 and Elden Ring. DS2 just had so much content and cool bosses, nice weapons, nice armor, and the game still holds up pretty well to this day
Most accurate for me so far
Great must play classics
Only for those who want more souls
>American DeS
>Elden Ring
swap ds3 with ER and ur good
nah, objective list coming through
best weapons, best combat, best lore, best art direction, best bosses, just saying
>best bosses
is this nigga serious
If Sekiro was the exclusive one this board wouldn't stfu about it
>best weapons
BB literally has the worst weapons, all 12 of them. What are you on gringo?
DS2 should be next to Sekiro then ur right
>Timeless Classic Tier
Dark Souls 1
>Great Tier
Elden Ring
Demon's Souls
>Good Tier
>Meh Tier
Dark Souls 2
This sudden worship of Sekiro feels incredibly artificial, no one was talking about it until Elden Ring launched.
100% agree
ER to DS1 is like comparing BotW to OoT. Both will be remembered as classics in their own way.
based and objectively true
ER and botw are completely soulless and empty, I hate how overrated they are
Sekiro is not a Souls game
>S Tier
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Everything else
I'm sure shitgimp says much the same
miyazakis games>>>>>>>powergap>>>>>powergap>dark souls 2
Dumb fuck.
>ER and botw are completely buzzword and buzzword
>Dark Souls at top
>Demon's Souls at very bottom
absolutely retarded bandwagon faggot kek
Actually true.
Demon souls,ds1,2,3
Elden ring
I honestly just like the feel of Bloodborne's basic combat a lot more than the others. I love trick weapons, the rally mechanic, using guns to parry instead of shields, etc.
Any random one versus one fight with a feral hunter felt more memorable to me than the giant boss fights throughout most of Dark Souls.
Sekiro truly is RPGfags' first real game
>empty is a buzzword
Objectively correct
it is. what would make their open world less empty, quest markers? NPCs that make jokes with pop culture references?
and the animations look superb, all of them
even though I'd swap all of A with S, I am OK with this list
only important thing is to accept Sekiro, BB and ER are all better than Souls games and from is one of the only companies that successfully managed to evolve and grow
Dont Know: Sekiro, DeS
E: DS2
Sekiro is not a Elsoulbourng.
Sekiro had dogshit enemy variety and no replayability. You need to fuck off.
don't make it open world to begin with? it only serves to pad out the game, fucking moron
XD upvoted my good sir!
Sekiro's combat options are way too shallow to be a tier above ER and BB.
>Elden Shit above Dark Souls 1 or Demon's Souls
here is your reply.
elden ring, bloodborne. sekiro
dark souls
demon's souls
dark souls 3
dark souls 2
>old good! new bad!
Are you retarded? The open world is the reason ER is one of the absolute best games ever made.
the world and bosses in DS1 and DeS are far, FAR better than Elden Ring.
small, polished experience > large, clumsy experience
but i agree it's subjective and the lack of content breadth drag sekiro down
There is no "world" in DS1 and DeS, you just warp from one location to the next.
but le kino boss fights
This is your brain on contrarianism.
>small, polished experience > large, clumsy experience
ER has both if you replace clumsy with epic
god what a fucking idiot, ER is literally ds3 but with a big empty field, it's only a huge success because of the reputation fromsoft had garnered over the years
>Elden Ring is big though!
name good areas in the world not named Stormveil.
Elden Ring
Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 2
Demon's Souls Remake
King's Field
Dark Souls 3
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls Remastered
bloodborne stomps sekiro on kino bosses
Yeah, I'm thinking you should get back to algebra class school nigger
Thanks for the chancopper, kind stranger!
It has the least weapons. All of them are completely unique, interesting looking and viable for a playthrough. Better that than 40 identical straight swords
everything other than the snow areas and generic catacombs. farum azula, haligtree, weeping peninsula, leyndell
>everything except over 50% of the game
>muh hecking scary mad frankenstein mutant #54644
Sekiro bosses have narrative weight.
definitely not, weighted for playing time.
>but with a big empty field
You mean with an immersive open world.
>name good areas in the world
All of them. Very much unironically.
>muh hecking scary mad frankenstein mutant #54644
huh?? god I swear every person who bashes on bloodborne hasn't played it
ah yes I loved the snow area then the snow area with dense fog, very great zone! worth 2 secret medallions!
you didnt played it
Honest opinion.
here's mine :)
completely unironic btw
It's more like-
>S-Tier: The Holy Trinity
Dark Souls 1
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls 3
Elden Ring
Dark Souls 2
if you nitpick the 2 commonly accepted as worst ones, compare them with the worst ones from older games.
the shit fog snow area was also bad in dark souls 2. it's even worse in this game cause it's a "secret area".
>you warp from one location to the next
>dark souls 1
Okay, so you didn't play the game. You don't get warping till like 70% of the way through.
doesn't get more accurate than this
>Essential for all souls fans:
>Fantastic, but fundamentally flawed in the sense that they require DLC to truly achieve greatness, and show blatant scars of compromised visions:
Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 1
>An outdated relic best appreciated for its seminal innovations, creative ingenuity, and historical value:
Demons Souls
>A game that reflects its muddled ambitions and strangled development woes, but isn't entirely without virtue:
Dark Souls 2