Elden Ring lore thread.
Who do you think moved Godwyn's carcass to the Edrtree's roots?
Elden Ring lore thread
It's the standard burying method in the Lands Between that's why
They also hoped it'd complete his death but it didn't
Alfreyd of Wolnirdom did it
It was D
D what sir
yup this, end thread, all people of high status get an erdtree burial
>It's the standard burying method in the Lands Between that's why
>They also hoped it'd complete his death but it didn't
Where did you get this from? Is it just your personal conjecture.
I can't see why they would they give a Erdtree burial to someone they know had died only in spirit.
No matter how you look at it, a walking mausoleum would have been more appropriate for Godwyn.
the walking mausoleums and the demigods inside aren't really explained at all either so I don't see how you can claim that
brainlet speedreaders above
>Who do you think moved Godwyn's carcass to the Edrtree's roots?
Miq had some slaves do it
Could have been Morgott who wanted to honor his brother's memory.
D's nutz lmao
What I meant is, there are two methods of burial for high-profile royals.
One is Erdtree burial and the other is walking mausoleum burial (only for demigods?).
I'm not sure Marika and co. would just deposit Godwyn at the Erdtree's roots in hope that his corpse's malignant condition would be improved, and maybe even cured, by the tree.
Elden Ring is Elder Scrolls VI
It takes place following a Kalpas in which Miraak half-succeeded in mantling the godhead. Miraak's image of an omnipotent god, a cosmic (Aetherius) dragon-like (Akatosh/Alduin) eldritch beast (Herma Mora), resulted in him becoming the Elden Beast. Alas, Miraak was unable to fathom a being as great as the godhead effectively. Miraak became a great and powerful hybrid of the concepts of Akatosh/Alduin and Herma-Mora but was still a mere concept of the Godhead (greater will)
>While the Tarnished left the Lands Between with their Lord, one boat alone was said to have been left behind.
Who was the one left behind?
Dagoth Ur
The mausoleums were invented as a deathblight countermeasure once Godwyn started spreading
That actually makes sense to me.
Still, I feel like there's something amiss in the whole story about Godwyn.
Lke some key players in that sub-story still missing, especially the ones backing Fia, because I don't think that she could have planned all that Prince of Death thing by herself.
Is it just me or is there an interesing yet unexplored theme of "body parts and internal organs" in Elden Ring.
Several seemingly inorganic objects/iteams in Elden Ring seems to be secretly organic things or by products of living things, specially the more rare and unique version of certain iteams.
Like the Lands Between is a sort of Gaia like entity.
this actually makes the most sense.
godwyn was first to die so also likely first to be buried.
the other demigods may or may not be half dead like him but they might've been too afraid to risk it. if they were dead in soul only perhaps marika removed their heads to kill the body as well?
>Lke some key players in that sub-story still missing, especially the ones backing Fia, because I don't think that she could have planned all that Prince of Death thing by herself.
Of course not, she had historianchad Rogier simping for her
That was my bet too. Godwyn's body is essentially clogging up the drain of the erdtree for bigger deaths like demigods and such, but smaller things can likely sift through.
Rogier is good for intel but only for that.
She also has a number of devotees but I was talking more about a backer with huge power.
The only other character who wanted to help Godwyn was Miquella, and he would surely disapprove of Fia’s methods
Sorry if it's a bit off-topic, but I'm looking for a torrent of Dark Souls, and some thing called a "codex" keeps coming up instead of the actual game. What is that?
apparently his corpse is causing deathroot though, which is blocking normal dead people from returning to the Erdtree for a proper death
That doesn’t make sense because the dead in soul only thing was a result of two demigods dying at the same time. They’d be dead dead, not half dead. And their bodies wouldn’t mutate as a result.
The Mausoleum knights were protecting those demigods from Destined Death, which is different from Godwyn who was killed with DD incorrectly.
The notion that they died the same way with Godwyn is nonsense.
What he meant is that they're keeping their corpses in mausoleums to avoid exposing them to unknown diseases.
A better safe than sorry measure.
You're assuming that the Godwyn problem is due to being half dead, and not that a demigod died at all. Marika fucked with the Elden Ring when she made Demigods immortal in the first place, and since they're not supposed to die it seems like one actually dying is causing a paradox thats fucking everything up.
Ranni's body was burned to a crisp despite also being stabbed, it could be that also happened to her, but that side was just smarter about burning that shit out before it could spread
This is what Mogh took from you
>The notion that they died the same way with Godwyn is nonsense.
I didn't imply that at all.
Ranni’s body isn’t like that because her body was slain but not her soul. Actually, on that topic, how do normal people die in this game? Is it just demigods that can’t die? Do corpses decompose?
>You're assuming that the Godwyn problem is due to being half dead, and not that a demigod died at all.
Rani dies and this doesn't happen. It's because the body is still alive that it keeps mutating and doing weird shit
>Marika fucked with the Elden Ring when she made Demigods immortal
That's not what happened. The RoD was sealed away so the GEQ and the Godslayers couldn't use it to kill the gods, it didn't make them immortal obviously but much harder to kill (you can still unseal RoD and kill them with it like the black knives did)
>Ranni's body was burned to a crisp despite also being stabbed,
her body died but not her soul.
Nwm, I figured it out. Pretty cool, didn't know things like this were possible.
>>Rani dies and this doesn't happen. It's because the body is still alive that it keeps mutating and doing weird shit
headcannon, you don't have any proof for that. His body was filled with Destined Death, and it leaked out through the Erdtree root system and sprouted Deathroot everywhere, which are little chunks of DD.
Ranni's body would be affected the same way, the body would just be 100% dead
>>Ranni's body was burned to a crisp despite also being stabbed,
>her body died but not her soul.
demigods don't self immolate automatically when their body dies
Is Godwyn's body turning lovecraftian because of remnant crucible energy?
wew lad
sadly codex doesnt exist anymore
Sorry then, this thing is a bit confusing.
Is the crucible associated with marine lifeforms?
I think there's something else influencing his form.
Crucible scale talisman
>A talisman fashioned from a scale that embodies the aspects of various creatures.
>Said to have grown on the human body long ago.
>Reduces damage taken from critical hits.
>A vestige of the crucible of primordial life. Born partially of devolution, it was considered a signifier of the divine in ancient times, but is now increasingly disdained as an impurity as civilization has advanced.
>March south
>Defeat Godrick in battle after he calls you mean words
>make him lick your smelly feet
>Continue south
>Attack Radahn in Sellia for seemingly no reason
>Nuke Caelid killing thousands
>Refuse to elaborate
>Faint and get princess carried home
>Fast forward some time
>Filter shitters, redditors and game journos for WEEKS causing them to go ballistic
>Turn into a pretty flower
I love her so much
Huh, I thought features influenced by the crucible were more in line with terrestrial lifeforms.
Godwyn's influenced traits on creatures etc. seem extraordinary compared to what we see on omens and the like.
>Raya Lucaria scholar robes say that with unending life they forget old vows
Why the fuck are people immortal again? Is it because of Maliketh sealing death away?
I think it covered all, horns, tails, feathers, and scales.
Kek, that says nothing about marine life.
Isn't Godwyn's actual corpse in the Deeproot Depths? It looks to me like deathroot is spreading out of him and slowly reaching its way under everything. The corpse under Stormveil could just be something that grew off of a deathroot vine.
I remember when I first learned how to pirate... Godspeed young user.
yes, you are correc
I want to know more about the Prince of Death shit. What the hell is it. And who are the two big skelingtons sitting in their big chairs?
Also all those mandibled centipede things come from the stars. Do you think Radahn ever had to deal with them while doing his star shit?
Why is Tarnished so small? Even Roderika is taller than you.
Random schizo thought, spitballing an idea about some stuff I've not seen discussed much. Godfrey grafts Serosh to his back, he has to forcefully rip him out which is a bloody process so it does look like the same kind of grafting that Godrick uses to get his dragon arm. Godefroy is also a grafted monster, and the grafted scions have equipment of the lineage and the faces in them wear crowns. Royal Revenants also have some kind of graft business, as far as I know they aren't directly linked to the lineage but they do seem to be undead grafted scions rather than their own thing anyway. Revenants aside, grafting as a process seems to be inherent or exclusive to the Golden Lineage, all the way back to Godfrey, which brings us to the schizo thought
Is this how Godwyn has all those different body parts, like the fish tail? Is his body grafting itself to whatever it comes into contact with? Is it drawing random things from the Erdtre to graft to itself? Is the (apparently) innate ability to graft what actually allows him to merge with the tree roots at all, and re-emerge elsewhere? Could it be that this was even planned, and why he was chosen in the first place?
So you don't block the camera. Where did all the idiots asking this question come from?
Not even a lick of lore on it? That's lame.
>And who are the two big skelingtons sitting in their big chairs?
Ancient rulers or prominent members of those cities?
The tarnished need to be tenacious in the face of overwhelming odds, they need to be people who will never put their foolish ambitions to rest, thus Marika chose manlets because manlets never learn.
>It is said that this pustule came from the visage of the Prince of Death, he who used to be called Godwyn. As First Dead of the demigods, it's said he's buried deep under the capital, at the Erdtree's roots.
It's just Godwyn. The big skeletons could be former experiments of the Nox or the Night Maidens that Sellia communed with or both or neither, we just don't know. Radahn probably had to slap them around a little.
Why is one chair empty?
This makes me smile. I will take it.
Because nothing is sitting in it.
Where did it go?
Lucaria sorcerers have their own form of immortality, you can learn about it through Sellen’s quest
this is why they all wear BK hats
I wonder how a third generation albinauric would look like.
So you are saying an outside entity was sitting in the chair and then left?
second gen was perfect already
Rykard also used grafting for his hand monsters, so no
Where is this ever said or suggested? Ringed Finger says nothing about grafting and they just look like he cuts them off or sheds them when the snake sheds and they scurry away on their own. Where does grafting come into it?
Look at them user, no creature in the game has like 20 fingers. Rykard’s snake hands have seven fingers.
They’re enchanted grafted hands of dead giants.