Poorly difficult spread

Nothing screams bad design more than a difficulty poorly spread, in this fucking game you can just mash the attack button on the highest difficulty and then when you arrive to the Jimiken battles the difficulty spikes like crazy. There's is more examples of this?

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Stop rushing and actually level/pick better skills and team layout?

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Nah, the Both Story games are bad Cyber is Shit and Hacke's is garbage. Survival is going to be shit too

Sounds like Jimiken is just too based for you

I literally have to use under-evolved digimons to make the game a challenge and at least have fun with it. I'm playing in Hard and I can obliterate everyone besides Jimiken

Post your skills for your main party and their types.

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My problem is not Jimiken perse, my problem is that the rest of the game is so easy that if I made a party of Champions or Ultimates based in Jimiken difficulty the rest of the game is like playing a RPG tutorial with a lvl 100 character. But if I make a party to make of rookies or champion for the others parts of the game to at least have fun Jimiken obliterates me.

SMT games expect you to use buffs and debuffs.

Yeah sadly it plays like an Idea Factory game, you need to break this game’s mechanics if you don’t want to mindlessly grind. It’s been years since I’ve played but there are a lot of exp exploits and O think you could “farm” the best equipment.

Right Now I'm using a party of pure champions because otherwise the game is too fricking easy even in Hard already defeated Jimiken in Chapter 7 so I degenerate my main party for the moment, I don't changed their skills to the most efficients set either:
>Angemon ( Degenerate from MagnaAngemon)
>Kyubimon (Degenerate from Taomon)
>Garurumon Blk Degenerate from (Weregarurumon Blk)
>Growlmon (Degenerate from Wargrowlmon)
>BlackGatomon (Degenerate from LadyDevimon)

I have been told that my nigga terriermon is terrible in this game and there is no way of redeeming.
Is this true?

Just came here to say Palmon is very cute

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Is the next game supposed to cover the Olympus guys, or am I making that up?

Is it true the female character is a super dyke because it was originally only going to be the male but they included her in at the last minute without changing a lot of the dialog?

More or less yes.

Yeah the game's difficulty is really badly balanced. Either you're cruising through everything or you suddenly do no damage to a boss and have to find some Digimon that specifically works around that. People defending it in this thread are beind disingenious, the game's balance IS bad.

I stopped playing this game when I got to the fight where you fight your mutated friend. I did alright up until that point but the difficulty of that fight fucked me over hard. All of those weird virus things were honestly kind of difficult, but things get like three turns for every one of yours.

Yes and then they made it canon

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The game wasn't the greatest thing ever but the active threads on here when it came out was a lot of fun, at least.

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I agree I also hate how every normal fight is a cakewalk but every boss is a Tanky damage sponge that almost requires piercing attacks.

jimiken filters every retard who doesn't pay attention on the gameplay and just mash. wished more turn based games did this. it is also cool how the game forces you learn it later on. my disdain for turn based games is because of easy and mash friendly they tend to be

Actually the game is easy the whole way through, I still enjoyed it though. Maybe you are just not good at video games and should quit.

the only thing we know about the next game is that it turned into a money sink and is getting rushed to release 2 months from now. they better port next order if survive turns out to be trash

This is the real filter

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>t. Salty PokeShitter

played this game and got about maybe half way through?(you go into the secret lab to save the special girl from crazy woman and turns out shes a digimon.)
I dunno, it feels like im missing some mechanics, at the moment im just evolving and devolving my digimon so that i can try and digivolve into all digimon.

That’s pretty gay honestly, literally and figuratively.

>I'm playing in Hard and I can obliterate everyone besides Jimiken
Play the PS4 and Vita versions, those were way harder.

Seethe and cope, pokefaggot

that's not Tentomon though

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Shut the fuck up you retard. Every digimon jrpg is mediocre at best. It only works in a virtual pet format. Stop enabling bad games just because you hate a separate series.

If you're talking about just terriermon alone then its the same for most low tier digimon, only megas matter with a very small few stand out rookies/childs. If you're talking about his evolution line then only for late to endgame and online is where he's going to have problems. Everywhere else is fine. SC battle system revolves around megas/ultimates with penetration moves and only around 20% of the digimon have moves like that. The neat thing though is you can make support digimon for buffs, debuffs, and heals so team building is very important.

I've preferred digimon since day 1. Fuck you nigger

I mean there's another dyke and gay people in the games

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>Go into a thread for a franchise you don't like
>Insult the franchise and the people who like it and say the next game in the franchise is gonna be bad
>Get insulted back
>"Shut the fuck up you retard!"
This board is such a shithole.

I like how the cop was there twice, best girl

why was it removed from the ps store goddammit. how the fuck am i supposed to play this game? is it pc only now?

Git gud

It's on the Switch

You got destroyed by Jimken! LOLZ

seethe, digitalfag

Was there an actual difficulty change on the PC version?

That’s true though. I’m a bonafide Dgimon fan and when I played Cyber Sleuth I hated it and I still do. It is a bad jrpg because it’s just the same Rock Paper Scissors bullshit Pokémon is. And there is now way possible Survive will end up good, I may be biased because I am not a fan of srpgs, but after 3 years of delays for a small VN with srpg parts in a franchise that has a bad track record for writing I simply cannot conceive it not sucking.

Jimiken fights are a test, learn type advantage so you can deal max damage.
After that, you'll be alright for a few chapters but
before you fight the eaters which is like chapter 8, make sure to have piercing skills.

Takumi is for Kyoko

If you're a bonafide Digimon fan post your TCG deck, poser.

the only issue these games have is that you need to have digimon with piercing abilities

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Arata's punch

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Many Digimon can be very cute user

To me it felt like SMT Digimon edition and I played my first playthrough on hard. You needed to abuse buffs, piercing and of course aeroforceveedramon. I practically 100%ed the game back then. Ask me whatever you will.

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The PS4 and vita version were the originals and had harder difficulty. The switch and PC ports came years later with slightly toned down difficulty along with gameplay mechanics and digimon ported from the sequel to the first game. PS4 and vita versions were a whole different beast. Sadly the site that listed all the changes is gone now so I can't link or remember everything from the orginals.

If you're already playing or played the switch and PC port then its not really worth dropping a game just to experience originals though. All it was was just slightly more grinding.

Good thing the best digimon had the best piercing

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That must be the switch/PC port. This is what the chad vita/PS4 version looked like for chads like myself.

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I don't know what's scarier, seeing that or getting used to it

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Fuck you. Though to be frank I never played a game, I'm just not a card game guy seems too luck-based for me.

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The fuck? I don't remember digimon cards looking like that

My god did I have a lot of these

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That is the new card game, you’re remembering the old one.

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Damn I'm old

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Now post her getting punched by Sanada


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How is the most current Digimon card game?

this is true! Palmon is very cute too.

Pokemon games are balanced pretty well when you consider the intent behind how easy they are is almost certainly to let you use whatever team of shitmons you want and still win
I wouldn't say CS is bad, but it's certainly mechanically shallow