Beats boss without spirit summons like Yea Forums

>beats boss without spirit summons like Yea Forums
>beating a boss is way harder in coop because more hp
>makes Yea Forums seethe

How does he do it?

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Based. Reddit wins again

>sucked in the gut
>man tits
lol lmao

>Yea Forums cries about "unreasonable bosses" and "bullshit combos"
>reddit loves it
when did the script change? why is reddit telling us to git gud now? what happened?

I completely unironically authentically genuinely believe that reddit niggers are more 'skilled' than Yea Forums at this point and the shitters are usually honest with themselves instead of trying to cope

>reddit celebrates randoms beating the game for them

don't care

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Because that's a women retard

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>literally no waistline

Imagine getting mogged by a fucking woman LMAOOOO

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The reddit hugbox plays on easy mode

>lived long enough to see fromsoft become reddit
damn shame. can you imagine how 'accessable' and pozzed their next game is gonna be? they had an OK run I guess.

>refuses to use tools at your disposal

i dont understand why this let me solo her faggot is such a huge meme on reddit isnt anything new or special

He's a huge fag because he's stalker level.
If he was in elden ring, the guards of malenia would be on the look out for a sick fuck like him.
He wants her bro, he wants her sooo bad it hurts. Dude, probably licks his screen when Malenia shows up.

>has never seen a woman before
touch grass

Because they unironically turned the YDNBTG into a reality by letting someone else beat their game.

>i-it's in the game and it should be used!
Sure, console commands are in many games. Think bethesda titles. Cheats are also in many games, and other games have obvious exploits/ways to make any encounter trivial.

To equal someone who 'beat' the game using these methods to someone who didn't is stupid. You can godmode your way through any hard game... So what? So you beat it?

If you used spirit summons, summons in general, dual kats, busted 1.0 weapons, torrent, etc, you didn't beat the game. Sure, you can bitch and moan 'its in the game!!!', doesnt matter, not the same thing.

What are you talking about? Are you really upset that he used the pot helmet? It's an excellent piece of armor, so get over it already.

Beating Malenia in co-op is WAY easier, you can dodge every attack with ease, including waterfowl dance.

i know you have only looked at traps so you dont know any better, but that is a woman

I thought she had a massive cock from the thumbnail

Eat shit and die you fucking reddltors

>beating a boss is way harder in coop because more hp
>Uses a bleed, frost and fire combo to repeatedly deal max hp% damage
>more hp

Souls players have this weird thing where they pretend to make the game harder but also easier. Like this webm is a LEVEL 1 CHARACTER but does it really look like the game is harder? lol

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That's not a woman. That's literally a trans. A failure of woman pumped with testosterone. Yuck

Yea Forums doesnt actually play games they just whine about minorities in them

kek true and trannies

>thats a woman
sure, honey, whatever works for you

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Femboys or “traps” give better head it’s just a fact femoids just do it as a service.

that’s literally a man

>he hasn't met a woman who loves sucking dick
dude they're out there.

Be me try dating women for 23+ years get nothing

Go on Grindr and get a fem to empty my balls day and nights in just 2 weeks as I said Femoids are overrated.

>Go on Grindr and get a fem


It’s just slang for fem presenting can mean anything from Trannys to femboys to crossdressers

Grindr is loaded with CDs, my dude. Gay comes in a lot of flavors.

Well grindr is primarily for hookups and not dating so really no wonder it's easier to get 1 night stands.

If that's an actual biological female than she's had extremely high testosterone levels since puberty, likely due to a very severe case of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. The skeletal proportions and ESPECIALLY hand size could not scream male any louder. I am a character artist, I know what proportions men and women are supposed to have and spend all day paying close attention to them.

>when a 'syndrome' makes you physically superior.

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>rivers of blood
>is a summon in the first place
literally everything wrong with the game

yeah all those women with PCOS are thrilled to have giant ham hands, a tendency to grow beer guts like randy from trailer park boys, deep voices, and like three times more body hair than other women.

Or maybe she's just on anavar like every other gym broad nowadays

Maybe if she's been on anavar since she was 11. No amount of supplements will inflate the bones of a woman's hands to man size, or make her pelvis more narrow.

yes, and?
being masculine is fucking awesome.

you're retarded.

No, you're a midwit. And you probably think that because people have variable proportions, I'm just some idiot who sees trannies in all cases. That isn't the case, I'm a character artist and I know that human females don't come with barrel chests, or hands that are proportionally that large compared to the rest of their bodies, unless something is medically wrong with them and has been since puberty.

I wouldnt dare to attempt to cosplay a fit character with a slob belly like that

Theres not even a proper ass to compensate it, mission failed

those all sound like good things

what a weird looking woman

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Let me fuck her

>i'm a character artist

So you have no qualifications? Well I fap to alot of muscle girls and I can tell you roids are a hell of a drug.

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>Yea Forums points out legit broken bullshit and bugs in the game, complains that the balance is all kinds of jank and fucked and its the worst in the series
>reddit loves it and supports it because it's The Current Thing™ just like le heckin' Game of Thrones
>NPCs have NPC tier opinions

she posts on gonewild/onlyfans, doesnt she?

Fuck I liked how much Elden Ring sold but it really is normie shit now isn't it?

>why is reddit telling us to git gud now? what happened?

Redditors are celebrating someone using what is clearly the most overpowered mechanic for PVE and PVP both(katana bleed procs) to literally beat the hardest boss for them.

When I saw people freaking out about a jarheaded helper I assumed it was going to be a fun gimmick like some of the PVP videos that someone here had been making of their jar-focused pvp build but someone becoming a minor celebrity for dual-wielding katanas is genuinely baffling to me.

People can play how they want but there is genuinely nothing impressive going on here.

Every time I see a message it's always
>Oh you don't have the right, you don't have the right
Fucking missed how these game's community used to actually try to help other players.

don't think so, her insta isn't very lewd. she has a twitch tho.

>Be Jarman
>Like Malenia fight because you're not a shitter and want to do it over and over
>Try to set up on social media summons where you get to fight her 1v1 again
>Some time passes
>"WAOH, TAKE MY BOSS, JAR-MAL" *pays out reddit money*
>"HECKIN' EPIC" twitter trannies draw snuff pictures of you decapitating her
>Unironically gets a game journalist interview
>People still think you're a god when you admit you're using cheap as fuck weapons to beat her percentage health
>Jarman decides to just take advantage of the situation
He's based but reddit/twitter are cringe af fr fr

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>ranni spam
>zanzibart spam
>"you didn't beat the game" spam
>pothead spam

I'm getting real tired of the eldereddit troons shitting up the board.

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imagine simping for a bitch with turbo herpes lmao couldnt be me

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No better way to stop elden ring spam than pointing out how reddit it is.

New wheyfu, thanks Yea Forums

she's a big girl

for you


>>zanzibart spam
That was all the shazam/discordtrannies
they got so buttblasted over Elden Ring's success, they keep making threads to shit on it

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winds of zanzibart threads were kino. I liked making up bullshit lore and game mechanics for it

yea the zanzibart shit still makes me laugh, it's funny because it's real and it gives a good catchall for shit like godfrey tearing off his zanzibart and shit
best thing that guy ever wrote, makes me want to try out borderlands

coop with 2 people is absolutely harder than solo with a summon

>Yea Forums still things Zanzibart is not real
>Yea Forums doesn't realize let me solo her is a scripted NPC from a stealth patch

U fags

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we genuinely love cock