Other urls found in this thread:
Fake, these are confirmed
are the wings cosmetic
I want to fuck that dragon
Previous thread
Laugh at wowkeks
>dragon worgen
an absolute trash show incoming
So what else is confirmed so far?
Any new class?
The best part is that this is praised as main content, a shitton of money will be wasted on those dragon animations and then noone will fucking play them except a few troon ERP players because human/orc racials are better
Are the villains Black dragons again?
2 more hours and wow is finished
Scalie futa porn where?
it is going to be Terrible, and i'm going to love witnessing the dumpster fire safely not playing retail.
>2 more hours and wow is saved
Fixed that for you, kid
>2 more hours and wow is shaved
Theyre arabic now so no
Scaliefriends, we're going home.
>You will NEVER get Vrykul
>You will NEVER get proper mechagnomes
>You will NEVER play as high elf
>You will NEVER get old spells and sound effects back
>You will NEVER get old pre legion fun class design back
>You will NEVER have no more borrowed power system
>You will NEVER get accountwide reputation progress
>You will NEVER have LFR and mythic+ removed
The way these leaks are being posted and the overall uncanny valley look of them seems like concerted fakes by one or two people.
The Alexstraza poster with Dragonflight logo felt real but not sure about these.
Seen it
Still better than NWO.
Emmy wished on a dragon scale
And that's what started Dragon Tales
Around the room, the dragons flew
But Emmy and Max knew what to do
They climbed on the backs of their dragon friends
Now the adventures never end
Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales
It's almost time for Dragon Tales
Come along, take my hand
Let's all go to Dragon Land
There's Ord, he's the biggest
Not so brave of heart
There's Cassie, so shy
Oh, so very smart
There's Zak and Wheezie
In these tales of fun
Cause you know two heads are better than one
Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales
It's almost time for Dragon Tales
Come along, take my hand
Let's all go to Dragon Land
user stop please
They're 100% real, the shitty textureswap on the demon hunter model is exactly how blizzard would do it.
Its real. Last time we go a new race complete with new skeletons was in MOP. NuBlizzard is too lazy to add an actual new race, just skeleton reskins
now we will get
>World of Warcraft
>Tranny Dragons
>year 1000+1000+10+10+1+1 and they still won't add Nagas as playable characters
>We have Au Ra at home
That doesn't mean anything. Fan modelers these days are better than Blizzard artists, so any of them can make a believable fake with minimal effort (the same minimal effort Blizzard themselves would use.)
Hell, we've even seen believable cinematic leaks over the past few years.
Oh, look! Appealing to the barra trannies! That'll save your product and company's reputation! Paraphilia fetish porn!
It's just sad. Instead of giving us actual drakonids and fucking Alexstraza hotties and that other model someone posted somewhere else.
>Never getting forest trolls, EVER
>We unironically got fursuit fursona character reskins
stop laughing Chud.
I refuse to believe that is real. Looks like some gaia online character.
Blizzard is too lazy to remove the leg armor
>>You will NEVER have LFR and mythic+ removed
LFR is for knuckle draggers who can't do normal mode. It's an accessibility sort of thing because people were complaining they don't get to see raid content. As for mythic content, that's literally the only thing keeping the game alive. 5 mans are easier to throw together and the mythic affixes changing every week with the higher lootpool isn't all bad honestly.
But I'm sick of them pumping out a mediocre raid with heavy focus on nothing but the autists chasing world first mythic raid clear, and then not other major content. Dungeons and raids only go so far.
>Yea Forums hates this but loves Pandas and Vulpera
pandas have fat asses
>Should we add cool drakonids that have been in the game?
Also, Vulpera might be popular with r*ddit but they're loathed by many Horde veterans. Pandaren are also, despite their memes, an old school race drawn and made by Samwise.
/They/ are laughing at /us/ again
remember WoWfags, they/them trees plz
I hate this time line like you wouldn't believe.
f-for azeroth brothers...
>These are the people in charge of the game
RIP, pack it up boys it's over.
The train left the station 5 ish years ago.
imagine playing wow when you could have this
this shit is why i wonder why anyone has any hope for this company
Not for the addicts.
Gender isn't really a customization option aesthetically -- and by that I mean beyond having tits or no tits, it's not really noteworthy enough to rage over.
Bruh, these people have been in charge for the past 10 years. You fucking retarded addict.
I’m glad I left at BFA launch. I know I deserve shit for sticking to it that long but I kept hoping for... something.
>year 2022 of our Lord
>there are people STILL playing WoW
I... why. Just why.
I try to understand and simply cant.
I get the sunk cost fallacy, but still, at some point you have to realize you're wasting your life away playing the same game over and over and over and over.
Putting effort into something that simply doesnt exists the very moment you turn off your computer.
Something that doesnt transfer into real life benefits.
I tried playing FF. I really did. Wanted to try a ninja out, so started as that boxing class. Made a real cool looking character and went out into the world. As I looked around killing ladybugs, my first impression was that combat seemed fine. Nothing special. Not super engaging which had me looking around. Something about the terrain was off. Maybe its because I was used to WoWs more cartoony look, but I found the world to be unattractive. Also the way the areas attached together really made the world feel small. I was set on becoming a ninja though because my character looked so cool. So did the story until I was able to travel between the cities. Finally became a ninja. Everything went to shit. I couldnt level. Wouldnt let me turn in quests. I guess I was supposed to grind monsters until an equal level? Well not in a world i dont find pleasing. Done.
Nah the tranny take over six years ago at best.
The tranny takeover was preceded by the numale and tumblr gender special takeover
>not figuring out leveling in the easiest MMO to level in
I stopped giving a shit about wow after MoP, is that a new race?
is this a pasta
>You will NEVER have LFR and mythic+ removed
Classic chads can't stop winning
i only love goblins
I mean the same can be said of literally every video game, they are all just time wasters that provide no real world benefit outside of entertainment/enjoyment.
>you're wasting your life away playing the same game over and over and over and over
>Putting effort into something that simply doesnt exists the very moment you turn off your computer
>Something that doesnt transfer into real life benefits
you just described every videogame ever
I'm going to kill you all to the sound Mudvayne in a an epic Warsong Gulch pvp montage filmed at 18 fps on fraps and overlayed with the mortal kombat match announcer saying "finish him!" as I crit you with shadowburn to kill you.
>ITT retards don't understand the difference between a texture, model and rigging
It's real. I've seen the press info and it's real. 4 new zones and a system where you get a dragon mount that can be upgraded/customized as you progress. Really but much else other than the new race that can only be one class (new)
It's shit.
>New race can only be one class
(X) Doubt
not just that (because really thats all of us here playing video games) but the fact the devs just keep kneecapping the players, undermining their complaints and doing something no one asked for. I mean WoW was still pumping out content and it had something decently well written and engaging i'd probably still be playing it. also the big swaths of changes and retcons and whole mechanic overhauls exp to exp is so shit. Legion should of been the renaissance of gameplay but then they shit the bed 2 more times.
I’ll post my timestamped micro dick on Yea Forums if that retarded dragon race is real
thanks america
>one class (new)
>not mechaengineer
you had one job blizzard
>announcement in 2 hours and faggots are still spamming tons of fake "leaks" on mmo-champion
I don't want to believe they're retarded enough to restrict a race to a single class but it's so fucking stupid they would do it.
You'll see in a few hours then, chud.
Get ready to deliver faggot, that looks exactly like something Blizzard would do
If this turns out to be true, I will kill myself in protest
thats just the new rep grind race probably
>You will NEVER have LFR and mythic+ removed
god i wish this to be true, i fucking pray every day that this becomes a reality
>You will NEVER play as high elf
As a private RP server player, this is a very good thing. Those fucking faggots ruin everything they touch.
Everything I listed in my post are pretty much all the bullets points on their press release that was sent out last week. Maybe an extra item or two but it's really nothing good.
It's 100% real. Seethe and cope.
>never play as a High Elf
>both sides can roll Blonde, Blue eyed elves that use the model
In everything but name only. Void Elves were the biggest mistake. Nightborne shouls have been both factions and done properly instead of halfassing two races.
I wish they would have done that with Worgen. Always felt they should have been a class not a race.
Better get that dick out now user, you want to have it at atleast half-chub once the stream starts so that you won't look too pathetic.
>new race that can only be 1 class
>upgradable mount
yeah no, this is fake as shit lmao
blizz can't sell store mounts if everyone is being encouraged to use the "upgradable" mount
It won’t happen. that leaked model looks like it’s from vanilla wow
user you can't just say you want to fuck bunnies
you have to just go ahead and do it
Could be that Blizzard is intentionally putting out fake leaks. It's probable that their new shit is even worse than this garbage.
I don't think Void Elves can be blonde, and Blood Elves at least are locked out of Goldshire so they can suffer alone in their faggotry.
nigga have you seen vanilla's graphics?
>Void Elves were the biggest mistake
>High elves not allowed for "lore" reasons because there are too "few" of them left
>But for some reason void elves, out of which there are literally like a dozen in the universe is fine
Thank you Ion
>god i wish this to be true
why? LFR I can get behind because it's brain dead simple and hardly counts as a raid. Buy mythic+ dungeons? Why get rid of it? What fun is there in running normal and heroic dungeons again and again that they never change and the loot never gets better.
god I miss rapeface
Soul vs soulless
That's the system for this expansion. Knowing Blizzard you can only use them in certain zones. I'm just telling you what was on the press release.
I'll screenshot your post for the cope compilation after the embargo lifts.
I know, calling any of that soulless pixar shit anywhere near based goblin shit-eating grins is a fucking insult
And I'll screenshot yours for my cringe compilation.
>Blurry pic
Double fake. Modern phones take photos of screens just fine.
>dragon form wears no armor
fake. if anything it might be a new class that can transform into a dragon
>the new race that can only be one class
That has to be fucking fake, I refuse to belive that the devs are that pants on head retarded WHILE high on their own supply. Any one of the things leaked might be enough to kill the game but this would be the shit cherry ontop of the diarrhea sundae that is this next expansion if this is true.
WoW is unsalvageable and Blizzard is creatively bankrupt.
>he actually advocates grinding the same fucking drop 30 times for +2 item level
is the bottom dwarf a of mixture of dwarves and vyrkul or something? that's not how retail dwarves look in-game
>get fat fuck seamen instead of Vrykul
this is somehow different than grinding the same raid again and again for the same result? I don't understand. At least with mythic+, the affixes change.
will this be horde too? I don't wanna swap factions, but that shit is so fucking hot.
as a non wow player what are we laughing at here? is it the graphics? (yeah looks bad), that you play as a dragon or what?
Yes becuase you can get your item and then you are done.
Here you are forced to do it on every difficulty
10.0 is adding cross-faction grouping for PvE anyway.
It makes sense, this is nu-blizz after all, 0 talent in the building, only wokeness. They weren't competent enough to do anything besides rig the model to the Worgen skeleton and couldn't be arsed to make other classes' animations work with the giant fucking neck and wings it has.
Also how pathetic are you that you still follow this shell of a company? All the talent that made WoW left years ago.
I was Horde my entire time playing WoW. However it seems all the new players and shit kids join Horde now and on Thrall server, it was near impossible to get competent players just to do even normal raids let alone heroic. Swapped servers and over to Alliance and it's a huge difference.
You can never have BiS, you must stay on the treadmill.