Xenoblade 3 is releasing on July 29

Xenoblade 3 is releasing on July 29

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omg... she is so attractive...

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What's the point this one doesn't have big anime tiddies


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Holy shit, 6 party members and the opposite of a delay

I don't give a shit, these games are like a mediocre version of Star Ocean.

>Need more time?
Nah bro we're already done with it here you go

>That battle UI

I wonder if this means Splatoon gets pushed?
7 actually

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Yeah my bad, did not finish watching it all

I know right, way better than 2's

So what new party members have we gotten from this?
I saw
>Nopon duo in one slot

Finally some good fuckin boobs

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To the moron saying that the two nopons were just "non playable joke characters": GET FUCKED.

yeah make that 8 party members, nopon girl isn't there

>get to use the whole ass squad at once
gat damn

Guess they had pushed XB3's release back, but then realised they had fuck all to release in the summer actually ready, so pulled it back.
Now if only they could delay Gen 9 Pokémon, because we know for a fact, its not ready at all


Check the trailer again, nopon girl is playable too.

hahahahahah what the fuck thats not september...

I know, hence why I said nopon girl isn't in the pic making the squad total 8 than 7


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That's much sooner than expected. That's actually somewhat concerning. They may be rushing it out the door and doing some serious crunch to do it.

Ok and? We do not care.

Nopons are both the jews and niggers of xenoblades

Summer is gonna be full of awesome Nintendo games!

XenoCoin going to the moon

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I sure hope he doesn't commit any war crimes. Would be a real shame if he used nerve gas on all his comrades huh

What the fuck is thay message at the beginning of the Japanese trailer?

Guess we'll have the 6 main ones and a guest party member that'll change around

>rushing it out
I bet they didn't even reveal it until QA was done.

are you fucking retarded? thats a good thing, it means that they're way ahead schedule and decided to push it back to fill the summer games slot since it makes sense to sell it in that time period.

you should be concerned about BOTW 2 being delayed a fuck ton of times

I love the jrpg trope that jrpgs party members never stfu in combat.


Attached: Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Release Date Revealed – Nintendo Switch 2-9 screenshot.png (1280x720, 1.55M)

>3 days after my birthday

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Nah lad, maybe they want to avoid the Titanfall 2 and BF1 mistake so people can Buy whatever new Game they are selling on spetember or october. Nevertheless it is weird that xeno3 release is un July, Ithought ir was going to get out in September.

That the trailer is for a game that is for those over 15 years old

Seems that characters can change role since Mio and Noah (from what I’ve looked at) are both tanks and attackers at different points in the trailer.

I mean, they've clearly been working on it for something like 3 years now. Nintendo seems to be going for not revealing information on new games until they're close to release. Assuredly bitten in the ass twice by BotW was the driver

Is this series good or not? I have never played it

>fusion system turns you to the requisite "KOS-MOS"-type character
I wonder if you can fuse anyone with each other

Attached: Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Release Date Revealed – Nintendo Switch 1-15 screenshot.png (1280x720, 1.42M)

yes, the first one is the best one but the rest are good too

What ths fuck I haven't even started XC1 yet. Can I beat XC1 and XC2 in 3 months

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>Tactics button
Fucking finally, hated how the AI could only be really influenced in the previous games, not directly controlled.

Please don't run like shit.

Or tried to drop a giant rock on the planet.

Neat, so what does that mean for Splatoon 3?

What the fuck i havent finish xb1 yet

Definitely has Gears vibe

>This video introduces a game software for ages 15 and up.
>Please use caution when viewing the content.

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1 is great, 2 is shit. X is a single player MMO exploration, which is either the worst or best thing ever according to your tastes

I hope so, the advertising is showing the specific pairs of characters a lot though so maybe not.

Nopon party members confirmed, I'm ready for more Jewish kino.

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Get Monadoing, bro

>Myopic Screen

Wait a second, that Art is from X

>releasing games when people actually had time to play them

Finally a company that isn't retarded instead of doing what every others do and get ignored because people can't choose witch game to buy on holiday season


A game releasing earlier, when was the last time that happened? I guess they finished QA earlier than expected but the additional time is not enough to develop additional stuff.

If you marathon them, yes.

Hasn't even had it's Testfire yet

Probably delayed, I highly doubt they’d want to release two heavy hitters in the same month.

it really feels like a MMO now having 7 players in your party fighting raid bosses

100% delayed kek

I’m pretty sure the game’s been done for a while, remember the voice actor leak from a year ago? Not to say X3 has been 100% ready to ship from a year ago but I think Ninty was waiting for a good slot to release X3 in a packed year

>No mechs but you get mech forms

Maybe you'll ultraman at some point to fight mechs and titans

what does it mean

which looks the best

Attached: Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Release Date Revealed – Nintendo Switch 1-30 screenshot.png (1280x720, 1.26M)

>Can I beat XC1 and XC2 in 3 months
Both games are 60-120 hours long to beat depending how much sidecontent you dabble in so it's up to how much of your life you're willing to dedicate to beating them in 3 months.

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>7-8 characters actively attacking and doing shit with all sorts of effects at the same time
Yeah I don’t have high hopes, then again I don’t remember XBC2 running that poorly.

>releasing it earlier


Watch the trailer you giganigga.

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As an OLD Xeno fan, ever since Mythra and Pyra got into Smash, they should know better about their main audience.

is the sidecontent garbage fetch quests or actually any good?

>The nopons are the 7th party member

>8 active characters at one time during battle
OK now I can see those rumors of Monolith doubling down on making sure the framerate stays stable during battles to be true

the new mechanic
also it seems like you cant change them around

Or they started developing additional stuff and it spiraled out so they'll make it DLC content instead, like Torna.

Rip Euniebros, canonically blacked

So they were originally just gonna sit on a finished game until September? Wonder what happened that they needed a big release for the summer?

>game that will sell barely 3 million get launch earlier
>game that will sell 12-15 millions is left polished more and gets better launch window

c'mon guys it's not rocket science.

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I thought it was supposed to be released in September.

Right > mid > left

No, spoonfeed me

I've played 20 hours of Xenoblade, and what is this why is there fusion


according to nintendo, the reason for the release window move up is because QA went better than expected.

the characters look boring

Lanz giving me a Granzon vibe with that top heavy bulk

Let me guess Xenoblade 1/2 casts as DLC?


XC1 sidecontent is almost entirely garbage fetchquests, XC2 is mostly fetchquests but also a few worthwhile quests that give you new party members or helps develop the party members you already have, and if you have the DLC it gives you a pretty fun and sizeable combat challenge mode.

Yes yes YES

These fellas lookin like Legions from Astral Chain

this is probably gonna run terrible on emulators isnt it?

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Fetch quests and "beat this thing"

Fusion is new, now go fucking finish a xenoblade game you loser.

This isn't a westakek game faggot. Because they have to localize the game, ACTUAL development finishes much earlier leaving them aught to do but polish until release.
I wouldn't be surprised if the game has actually been finished since it was revealed

No! Xbc3 and LAL are gonna cannibalize each other!

Noah/Mio looks the coolest but Eunie/Taion is hot so it’s close
Side note but it’s weird how Eunie/Taion is so feminine compared to the others despite them all having the same gender ratio.

Yes xc1 took me two weeks, xc2 took me 3 weeks but I wasn't in vacation. Don't forget torna

Party members fuse together to form giant robots.

Probably giving it more time to sell before Splatton 3 nukes the market.

They both have good quests although 1's quests are hidden behind the atrocious community affinity and a million terrible quests hiding the good ones so that might not be achievable

The screenshots on the official website showing way better graphics and environment detail from the first trailer definitely confirms that was an old trailer that got delayed. Production must have been going well even even with covid effecting it.

Bullshit, they said Septem-
>it's real
Well, shit.

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What does Yea Forums think about new Zeke design?

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I hope this doesn't mean Splatoon got delayed

Which is funny to me as when I first saw the Astral Chain trailer, I spent a few seconds thinking it was an XCX-2 trailer. Very similar styles to the visuals for those games.

well they're not giant robots they're more ultraman-ish now

hope there's more than just those 3


>everyone will scream eva ripoff at the fusion design
>nobody did say anything when eva ripped off legendary cartoon

i fucking hate evafags

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The new Monado is a sheathe for another sword and can transform into a glove

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I wonder how complex the combat system will be.

Is that a motherfucking High School DxD reference?

post game cameos

>Buffs are field effects
Neat, positioning is more important than ever now
But holy shit, coordinating this with the AI ia gonna be cat herding

Nigga I was just about to say that

How do we know that it’s Zeke?

it uses same engine as torna? that runs fine on emulators already.

>Xeno 1 and X
>Exploration based, fun story to play through, unique gamepaly

>Xeno 2 and seemingly 3
>1000000, Waifus, pedos, story shoved in your face, overdesigned shit, generic J-rock music, menus menus menus menus

What went so wrong?

This guy has eye-patch...

So when does the CE go up for preorder?
Asking for a friend.

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Fuck off

What's the point is there's no big booba

Hey, its the humanoid generic blades.


Yeah it looks similar isn't it

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The trailer looks really good, don't know how the open world will look like though. It's either they managed to make it run flawlessly or it's being played on the upcoming switch successor.

Sounds like Xenogears to me.