It's over

it's over..............

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good, now nerf rivers of blood and bloodhound

Uh, based department?

Carian retaliation obviously needed a damage nerf, but shit now it deals so little that parrying spells isn't even worth it.

it begins

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What was the nerf to the stability talisman?

>they're having fun playing our game
>let's nerf cool stuff

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>last thing I did ingame was replacing radagon's sore anus
too bad about none of my equipment getting a single buff though

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you are a brain damaged retard

the more powerful the shield, the smaller the effect. just tested it with fingerprint +25. it no longer blocks infinitely

Swarm of flies still staggers but for me it takes two casts to proc bleed now.
Has anyone else tested it? How bad is it now?

The amount it boosts guard scales down based on the guard stat of the shield

On shitty shields, it boosts guard like it did previously, on decent shields it does fucking nothing

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Before the patch, if you used it with a fully upgraded fingerprint greatshield, you don't lose stamina (as in you LITERALLY lose zero stamina) when you block attacks.

What about regular 100 phys 60~ stability medium shields? hehe

They patched out the farming method of jumping from the mountain cliff in mohgyn's palace grace. Lmao fuciing From.

How did you get runes from jumping off a cliff?

Does Carian still make it easier to parry melee attacks, that’s what I mostly used it for anyways

> Anti-Malenia tools nerfed

Damn guys, did we beat her?

The bird comits an hero

I thought you lured the bird with an arrow shot


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Why did they make the stupid fucking greatshield talisman a 10% boost instead of a flat one? I wanted to actually be able to block with a two handed sword and it doesn't even fucking help at all unless you're already using a mid+ shield

I just made a carian retaliation character over the weekend. Beat Margit then straight to Loretta. It was fun while it lasted

>don't have literally 100% stability
>shield is now useless
I fucking told you the stamina damage bosses do is busted
Niggers going "haha no it's fine you can just use a normal greatshield without barricade it's fine and balance :^)"
Now you see how it feels to try and use the second best stability shield which can't get barricade.

Here watch this
It's over runefarmbros...
How will i get enough runes to +24 my weapons now?

Almost everything got buffed, so there's more fun to be had now. Dont tell me you only used flies and carian glitch

Strength chads just can't stop winning

>one of the most fun ashes in the game to use in both PVE and PVP
Fuck right off.

>Almost everything got buffed, so there's more fun to be had now. Dont tell me you only used flies and carian glitch
buffing useless shit so that it's less useless does not change the fact it is useless

ah, this is a different Mohgwyn farming location, I was thinking of that bird you lure off the cliff with your bow

Just adjust the stats using Yapped if you're all so salty about the nerfs. Are you all console sheeple? Can't you access your own game's files?

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Holy shit what a bunch of assholes. It was the best method to start new builds quickly.

Wrong. Dragon cult incants were unuseable bc a dagger would interrupt it. Now even greatswords cannot poise through it

This game is unballanced trash. everything except broadsword and longsword is a gimmick. PvP is a joke similiar to SAMP no one takes it seriously.

Fingerprintshield its still the op guardboost shield of the game

>Most fun
>completely trivializes anything since it's 94% iframes
Just admit that you want an easy mode. BHS removes any kind of skill on both aspects of the game, PvE and PvP. Why learn patterns, timing, or spacing on anything when you can just press your immortality button?

anything multiplied by zero is zero
you idiot

Damn good thing I already beat the game 3 times and have no interest in doing it again

Now you can go back to the R1 spam you love

yeah it’s a shame. shooting the bird is so boring

You didn’t beat the game.

t. seething Carian Retaliation user, get fucked retard lol lmao

They added a fucking stone wall so you cant even jump there anymore ;_;

i'm very sad about carian retal... it was perfect...

>nuked Carian Ret
>nerfed Frenzy stuff
>nerfed Greatshields
>RoB untouched
From're really doubling down on the Kataniggering, aren't they?

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katanas are superior weapons. they should be the strongest

Is the dragon in Caelid still bugged so you can farm him indefinitely for runes if you make it back to the site of grace fast enough?

FINALLY the colossals got buffed

You can still farm the bird though right?

>no one takes it seriously
when did anyone take it seriously? it's not esports, dumdum. chill the fuck out


Yeah. See Dark Souls 2 patching

bleed builds actually got a huge nerf by no longer doing any meaningful poise damage when a bleed procs.

If you kill the old dragon and rest at grace while he's dying, you'll get the runes and he'll respawn.

What'd they do to flies?

yes. just tested it

i really dont get why they insist in nerfing the shield stuff, i never seen anyone in pvp use it and who cares about pve balance

>Say that colossals are shit because they're too slow and bosses dance circles around you for any attack that's not jumping or rolling attacks
>Faggots on Yea Forums tell me I'm just bad at the game
>Meanwhile, Fromsoft buffs the shit out of colossal weapon speed across the board because they were indeed too slow for the game's combat
Suck my dick, retards

is there a fast way to kill him?

they took a dump on its bleed build-up + bleed in general no longer forces a stagger

Why do you post this in every thread

Right, because FS buffing/nerfing stuff is a good indicator of balance and not just their retardation.

>no stagger on bleed proc
Going to dab on RoBniggers so fucking hard now.

The giant dragon in the dragonburrow in Caelid that doesn't move when you hit its tail. It's close to a site of grace and if you kill it, get on your horse and rest at the site of grace, the dragon doesn't despawn, but you still get the runes, so you can kill it over and over for 60k runes per kill.

I admit that colossal weapons needed a buff but every boss did have at least 1 or 2 openings get big damage in but you had to be very patient in doing so.

gimme five to claw his ass, get back to you


>needing buffs to beat the game

>all those buffs
At least they didn't suddenly turn my modest build into some overpowered trash. I wonder if it is even worth using a standard Greatsword now though since they changed Colossal weapons. Are Colossals just going to be the same attack speed and recovery speed as Greatswords but more damage? That seems like the opposite of balance and more about making the strongest weapons more of a crutch. At least they didn't reduce jumping attack recovery time.

lmao cope seethe and dilate glitch nigger

Does that mean I can actually escape a RoBnigger's spam now instead of being stunlocked to death?

fuck your spastic bosses with infinite combos

you can still do it. You just have to climb up that bloody wall thats in front of the place you originally jump off of for the glitch.

I used flies alot and yeah that shit was kind of stupid. Kind of happy that I'll need to use other blood spells now instead of forcing myself to not only use flies

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still works, good thing they fixed these obvious bugs

Yes, that is literally what it means for the devs to release an official balance patch for the game they developed

kys bootlicker

They just buffed blocking with larger weapons too.
>Increased physical block rate and guard boost of the Colossal Sword, Colossal Weapons, Great Sword, Great Hammer, Great Axe, Great Spear, and Halberd weapon classes.



I used Carian Retaliation to kill the nigger foreskin apostles, how tf am i supposed to beat those niggers now on low SL

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