Continues to operate in Russia

>Continues to operate in Russia
>Not even truthbombing vatniks on the frontpage

Money steers work, huh

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Vatniks can't afford computers, much less internet and games.

are you complaining?

Why do I keep seeing Russians bitching about not being able to buy games on steam in the steam forums?

it has to do with payment providers, not with steam.

Because Russia is cucked from swift meaning they can't buy anything on steam

The irony is that valve niggers are okay with boycotting supermarket chains that keep providing their services in Russia so they're okay with your average gopnik starving to death but their beloved DRM company can do no wrong when it comes to selling something as insignificant and irrelevant for survival like video games. Fucking valve drones, hate every single one of these niggers.

There's a ton of russians in Deep Rock Galactic, it's annoying.

It's almost like punishing the general population for the actions of a government is retarded

I kneel.

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Government represents the people

meanwhile in russia:
>"there are so many non-russians in deep rock galactic, it's annoying"

Lol who cares what those orcs think, they aren't even human.

Look at this fucking retard
You must be an adult to post here you know?

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>Oh no russians can't play video games
>Meanwhile innocent ukrainians are getting bombed and babies are raped

Slavs are truly straining my racism based on skin color

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Oh you sweet summer child. I bet you think presidents are elected into office too.

why does everybody on reddit speak like they are the president of modding and speaking for all modders and mod users

Any cute russian girls who applied to be my girlfriend, thank you all for reaching me, applications are over and I have decided on one. Check your dms for more details

God I wish, but that's obviously not the case.

>ban them
>affects nothing important as the breads and circusses will just be free and russian "devs" are useless in society as a whole anyway
Why bother with the symbolism if they can't buy shit now anyway? This way you fly under the radar on both sides which will help after the war is done.

All payments from russia are blocked as far as I am aware.

US hegemony, now and forever

You can still pay via online payments and Kazakhstan


>banning people from consooming bing bing wahoos will stop the war
The absolute state of w*stoids.

phew good thing that reddit shut down paid mods, now we got monthly fee mods paywalled by patreon, and big mods taking several years to complete then turning into a standalone paid game

>if you make your enemies pirate all your products you win

Just pirate them.

They should be on the streets

Also, if your goal is to weaken the country, banning videogames is just not the way to go. To put it lightly.

To foreign country yes

Innocent ukrainians were murdered and raped by other ukrainians for 8 years before that.
Do you think banning them from playing video games would prevent that?


Literal retards

Thank god this is not true, or else only low iq idiots would be in my government

Rus shit detected.

Dota 2 and CS:GO are both hugely popular in Russia and both are free. Denying them access to servers & matchmaking effectively makes both games unplayable outside of LANs

I can't believe there are people who actually believe this.


Yes, and?
Thankfully I'm not a mutt like you

It's fucking videogames, it's not exactly any sort of critical component. If Russians want to buy videogames from steam then let them

There are far more important industry's that would impact their economy

What the fuck do you think you are changing just by punishing civilians on russia? Of course, this is just entertainment, but not letting them use payment services sending for example artists, code monkeys or anyone that works online into bankrupcy just because there is a war going on. Do you really think this helps the west be the good guys? There will be a time after war, this is basically a nato vs russia war and the more we keep fucking the normal russians the lesser our chances are of reconcilliation just because putin and kremlin high command decided to invade who knows why

if you were reborn and had to pick a father and had the choice between biden, putin, merkel, trudeau and macron, who would you pick as your father?

>Thankfully I'm not a mutt like you
>says the mongol rapebaby
Ah, the irony is palpable.

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is there any evidence that putin even uses steam?

>Russians scared shitless about losing their Steam libraries

fucking kek try not being a mongol horde maybe you'll get to enjoy being allowed to exist

Valve never ever cared about politics. Gaben is a pure capitalist and only ever intervened in the free market of his platform in absolute edge cases where he could be sued (like some of the CP games).

Because punishing your average joe for the crimes of their government has always worked out well in the past

see: Germany post ww1

Thanks for the (you), but I'm right.

That's French bitch is probably right, Russia will just distance itself from the West permanently. It's technically preventing NATO from getting closer to China, too.

Those "civilians" are collectively responsible for Russia's illegal war in Ukraine. Suck it down, Ivan.

>the people
The people in government, sure

just an other shit hole country being destroyed by war. not even the only one currently going on right now. why are we supposed to care exactly?

he knows that if you take russian students' vidya they'll riot, and if there's actual rioting on the streets of moscow putain will nuke everything to remain in power


Who says we want reconciliation? The russians should all suffer, fuck them. Hope russian babies starve to death, hahahah.

You are genuinely retarded.
That's is the fucking reasoning that drove europe to ww2 and you are repeating it like an illiterate nigger.


Attached: russian poo in loos.webm (640x360, 1.24M)

Except no one is on Russia's side this time. They will be gangraped, the country disintegrated and then russian slavshits will never pose a threat to civilized countries ever again.

Care that edge boy, your mummy will get angry if she sees you post stuff like that

There was a tiny bit of ukraine stuff in the form of a game getting featured on the front page while it had a big ukrainian flag on it but that's pretty minor compared to everything else, it's based

>All this vatnik seethe

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>Continues to operate in Russia
So what you're saying is that valve is outside the globohomo framework and isn't a political actor.

Back to rebbit/imgur

In America this is true.

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True that's your average American

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>collectively responsible
Yeah, I can't even comprehend this trick. Even ignoring whether or not a thing is bad or not, I didn't do it, so fuck you. It's that easy.


>why are we supposed to care exactly?
you aren't supposed to care, it's just media wanting you to care. you can accurately measure how much you are influenced by media by just looking at how much you care about ukraine.

>Russia is... le bad because MSM said so!
Meanwhile you can see civillians casually talking to Russian forces in areas occupied by them.

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>Be gov
>Do something stupid
>Sanctioned to hell
>But muh proles user
Not my problem

having one global payment processor is obviously bad
Russia = Alex Jones
This will escelate until average people are being denied payment processing for wrongthink.
Enjoy getting canceled

I thought the leftist narrative was putin is a dictator
are you now going to go extoling the virtues of revolt while also thinking people should not be allowed to own the tools of revolt

>russian government is the problem
>i know, let's just make russian people weaker so that they have even less venues to do anything against that government

>Russians keep shitting up Yea Forums with their shitty dvatch memes
>People get tired, tell them to fuck off
The muscovite mind is truly a strange thing.

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so the same, but worse, end result as if steam had paid mods all those years ago

China and a good many random countries could easily side with Russia in the event of a world war.

This is just an edgy contrarian baiting nigger

you really beat the shit out of that strawman huh?
who even said that?

was waiting for the rape. disappointing

Pretty sure an average russian doesn't buy video games and only uses steam to play csgo and dota.
There is a reason why all the major pirate scenes started by ruskies.
Banning them from buying games is the most retarded shit ever.

Russians are responsible for allowing their leaders to stay in power.
>B-but we are powerless to change anyt--
Irrelevant, just as germans were collectively at guilt after WW2, so will you.

>first they elect a retard, twice
>then they elect a nigger, also twice
>then they elect a con artist
>now they have a senile old man in power
What is wrong with mutts?

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>Irrelevant, just as germans were collectively at guilt after WW2, so will you.

Nobody wants reconciliation with Russia anymore as long as it's current government exists.
All the shit they do that no one paid attention to the first few times - the war crimes, the filtration camps, their state media and parliament constantly threatening the Baltic states and Poland with nukes - all that has come to light.
The US has toppled governments for lesser crimes, the only reason that Moscow isn't under siege right now is because Russia has nukes. So the alternative is to suffocate the country until Russians have had enough and force a change of government. Russia needs the post-WW2 Germany/Japan process where their government is essentially a puppet of the allied forces for 60 years until they are sufficiently defanged

Fucking selensky getting uppity af with his little mini "wins" while getting literally every resource available from the west. Then he goes on and shits on german politicians and uninvites them because ???. Hope that fucker and Ukrainia gets bombed to ashes and that jew faggot right with it.

good one

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LOOOOL! Is that what the russian state propaganda is staying now? China doesn't give a FUCK about Russia, they'll just sit on the sidelines and once you have been crushed, they'll take the entire eastern part of Russia for themselves.
> good many random countries
See pic related, LOL! Puny, irrelevant useless countries that won't make one bit of difference.

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everything. the world needs to sanction the USA until they get their shit together

>everyone i dont like is X
why is this such a dominant tactic, it always thrives, i guess people are fine with deluding themselves into a corner where they aren't even open to reality anymore but imagine doing that, it has to be sheer desperation

If only there was anything left to buy, feels like every publisher pulled out their games from here save for indies. Not like it matters since there's no way to pay for the games anyway.
>It's fucking videogames, it's not exactly any sort of critical component.
If only. Japs usually stay out of politics and their publishers were among the first to restrict access. Bamco and Koei are still here at least, probably just haven't heard the news kek

China has zero reason to side with Russia. All their money comes from the US and the EU, and they've seen how untrustworthy Russia is.


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Honestly who gives a flying fuck about Ukrops

>Money steers work, huh
Of course it does
Why would anyone work if they didn't get any money

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>trying this hard
Shalom and welcome, is this your first day? Go back over the pamphlet you were given for proper post syntax.

No, see, if you want Russians in particular to believe this shit, you would have to throughly defeat and mindbreak them. Like it was done to Germans, actually.

Steam needs to ban russia and VPNs, imagine the ultra-seethe.

>Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in "what about…?") is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy, which attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving the argument.

>Edward Lucas's 2008 Economist article associated the tactic specifically with the Soviet Union, stating "Soviet propagandists during the cold war were trained in a tactic that their western interlocutors nicknamed 'whataboutism'. Any criticism of the Soviet Union (Afghanistan, martial law in Poland, imprisonment of dissidents, censorship) was met with a 'What about...' (apartheid South Africa, jailed trade-unionists, the Contras in Nicaragua, and so forth)." Lucas recommended two methods of properly countering whataboutism: to "use points made by Russian leaders themselves" so that they cannot be applied to the West, and for Western nations to engage in more self-criticism of their own media and government.

Which means (You) are responsible for all the warcrimes committed in Iraq, Lybia, Afghanistan, Syria, etc.

>The russians should all suffer

No, this line of argument inevitably leads to "might makes right, so the US can do whatever it wants". It's very natural, I suppose.

whataboutism is completely valid because without it only the newest thing would ever be discussed in isolation and you would never arrive at a bigger picture

This. If you deny that Russians are collectively responsible, then you also deny that all jews are satanic cultists bent on destroying the white race, Western civilization, and are incapable of changing due to genetic malice.

It's not just Russians anymore who shit on how retarded Americans are.

>yes, banning Russian gaymers from Steam will surely bring peace to Ukraine this makes total sense and is exactly what I would expect Gaben to do
Literal retards