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Rika is for flushing!

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Umineko was better

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is r07 just trying to cram all his middle school novel ideas into his game

3,1,5 were the best
4 was _____good_____
2 becomes better because of 5.
6 is were it all went downhill. Great moments, but the start of things getting more outlandish.
7 had some good moments, but was boring as sin.
8 was a dumpster fire yet somehow the best ending higu got.
Oiishi is the best character, k1 and shion tied for second place.

This young girl... is a racist

Yeah, seems to be the case

>but the start of things getting more outlandish.
The entire village dying from a gas leak was also very outlandish

>the best
>2 becomes better because of 5.
>8 was a dumpster fire
Holy shit

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>yet somehow the best ending higu got
No, that's Sotsu, by far.

t. exposition-loving autist
Kill yourself kid

You umiclowns are to VNs the equivalent of a stupid underaged kid that loves Harry Potter proselitizing to Borges, Dostoevsky, Dumas and Shakespeare fans.

Lmao, true!

Irony won't make you less retarded.

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I am agreeing with you, though. Umineko is trash.

Le.BWC girl!

>The entire village dying from a gas leak was also very outlandish
*volcano gas eruption
I get where you're coming at, but within the confines of 3, you could reasonably think that a volcanic eruption could kill everyone in the village,like what happened in Cameron, even if k1 surviving was a bit of a reach. not that it matters because you are right, the reason behind the gas attack is outlandish within itself.

Nigger what...

BWC girl on fage 1!

>volcano gas eruption
Wasn't it a swamp gas leak? Or was the volcano underneath the swamp?

As I said, 8 was somehow the best ending higu got, unless you like an extended recap series where satoko is superficially the coolest character, while rika still acts as the biggest retard there is. And if Not!Featherine tickled your fancy while she's laughing at every little thing, while satoko does her epic sharingan eye.
Yeah, that's what I said, wanna share your thoughts?

>volcano underneath the swamp?
Yeah, that was story they went with.

I-I don't remember...

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Incredibly based, couldn't agree with you more on where the series went downhill. I really wish the entirety of the Answer Arcs could've been like Meakashi, which actually built upon what was eluded to in the question arcs while maintaining a consistent tone, and satisfactory explanations that built upon the characters, rather than calling on a bunch of third sources to glue the story together.

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Auuu auu auuu~

Who is this cutie and what can I do to her?

Shion is given more depth, becomes a compelling protagonist that journeys into becoming an antagonist, the sonozaki's get more explanation as to who they are and how they run the village,you finally get to see satoshi, so the mystery cracks down a bit as the mysterious enigma for the last 4 chapters has been revealed, without destroying everything like hanyuu. Also the only chapter were rika chooses to do something with her fate, cause of her experience in the watanagashi loop. First instance of You being played, making it both a heartwarming and tragic piece. Ending is gut wrenching, I could genuinely go on as to why I find it good.

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>First instance of You being played, making it both a heartwarming and tragic piece.
Just a reminder, the filename of the opening song is "THANK" and the filename of the ending song is "YOU." One of the most kino easter eggs I ever learned about.

What are the peaks of the genre in your opinion and objectively?

Haven't read any of the faggot VNs, but Kai is by far the worst part of the anime to date.

>Shion is given more depth
While Mion gets fucked and never recovers.
>Also the only chapter were rika chooses to do something with her fate, cause of her experience in the watanagashi loop
The fuck? Did you read the other Kai chapters?

Meakashi is the most contrived story where coming up with shit as he went along really bit R07 in the ass. As a result we have retardation like Shmion, Shion coming back in the end and then dying because she fucking slipped e.t.c.

>hating on Meakashi
Explain yourselves

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>Shion is given more depth
>While Mion gets fucked and never recovers.
What are you talking about? Mion got a massive character exploration in Meakashi.

Like what?

why the hell did we have a rapidshare board anyway

It was a different time

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>>Also the only chapter were rika chooses to do something with her fate, cause of her experience in the watanagashi loop
>The fuck? Did you read the other Kai chapters?
Ok, my bad, i worded it badly, what I meant is that that this and chapter 8 were the only chapters where she does something about her fate, and not let someone else do the dirty work like in chapter 7.
The shmion bit played well to how it was played up in chapter 2; you never actually knew who it was at any given moment, so chapter 5 played with that narrative by having shion take control of the story. Unfortunately, you are right, the contrived bits are contrived, and that can only be chocked up to L5 bullshit. She hallucinated stuff, therefore she's going to kill k1.
Despite this, still find 5 to be one of the best ones. Though I'll say that I prefer 1 by a lot . Unironically the perfect intro, and could work as a stand alone story by itself.

People are gays

I was meming you idiot. The entirety of Meakashi is about Mion. That being said, I do think what they do with Shion in it is absolutely brilliant, revealing that the more submissive wife material twin when given the privleges of her higher birth got along better with the yakuza structure of the family, showing just how hypocritical their Granny was.

le /kwah/ bbc girle

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Le BWC girl looking at my BWC near her giant tbp cuck...

>is about Mion.

>He doesn't know

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give her a headpat, man

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these guys look cool I'd play a boardgame with them

doki doki literature club

Why do I like Rika the most?

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>TFW No GF with headpat fetish

Of course people like him never answer when they get called out lest their preferences get critiqued and be forced to drink their own medicine.

It's hilarious how superiors Sextoko is.


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I hate lesbians so goddamn much

Here's something more to your liking

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So does Ryukishi. Why else would Satoko hook up with Kimiyoshi after all that yuribait?


Brain parasites