
you've got to be kidding me

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superior lewdlegame.com/

imagine playing this game when the word "slave" isn't in the dictionary.

guess slavery never happened, huh JEWyorktimes?

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>easy mode

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more like not shit mode

>but I KNOW the letter is there, why would I try words without it, they clearly aren't the answer!
are you autistic?

>trying to guess when you've got a dozen valid possibilities
Weak strat

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yurts is not a word you cheater

This nigger shit ended my 45 day streak. Adding to butthurt I got _O_ER in two attempts

Farmcucked whitoid

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>he doesnt know what a yurt is

ebin :DDD

One of the words I tried before foyer was FUMER. I don't really even know if it's a thing, but it's apparently in the dictionary.

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Something/someone who fumes?

Git gud
Should've used 5th attempt to type out 5 new letters

I guess. It's just so vague, I've never heard anyone use it for anything.

>just play easy mode

>someone who comes

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skill issue

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you fucking retard

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I got lucky. But man, I really need to pay more attention
>fucking hell, what is this word...
>Aha! I got it, this one for sure!
>use the same wrong letter placement as I used before
Every goddamn day.

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you play the game poorly

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>yeah i'm just going to waste my knowledge of 3 greens to not rule out other letters

My shitty initial guesses helped rule out a bunch of consonants, feels good man

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>not eliminating all possible vowels

Where tf was your mind at with these guesses? Its like you hate yourself

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>being such a tryhard that you force yourself to lose

Haven't played it since the sale.


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>easy mode

I just fucking lost a 100+ day streak to this shit

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>wordle? not on hard mode? pshhh... it's the only not shit way to play the game!

You chose to limit yourself.

garbage game

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Your post made me realize why hard mode sucks.
>make a good guess that reveals 3 letters
>game punishes you for it
Actual bad design.

>Choosing a mode that literally reduces all strategy to guesswork
Nah, I'm fine.

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>>make a good guess that reveals 3 letters
>>game punishes you for it
Hmm... almost sounds... hard?

That's fine, easy mode is more suited to your ability

Sure it's harder. But as Yea Forums used to say, it's artificial difficulty.
Basically the "correct" play for hard is to use the shittiest possible words first, as they have the least chance of locking letters out, at the same time hitting those rare letters (by chance) basically wins you the game.
But none of the hard-mode cucks do that. They're using luck-based normal mode strats and getting filtered by meme words.

I'm fine with being a casual because this approach is unfun, and I am a fun enjoyer.

Imagine playing hard mode

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Stop spoiling faggot

>starts with 4 letters instead of full 5

what the hell is a foyer anyway
t. esl

You can play it. It’s just been removed from the possible answers so it’s a wasted go.

Same thing happens with plurals.

I always start with Furry because why the fuck not? Otherwise I'd start with Crane and shit on anyone else who didn't start with Crane, too. Metagaming wordle couldn't possibly be a sadder concept.

Another word for lobby

Quordle is where it's at.

it's like the loading screen for buildings

玄関 - the place just beyond the front-door.

fucking bullshit gobble isn't a lewd word

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It’s a small entry area

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start with xylyl next time

I didn't hear about it until the sale.

I've been starting with crash lately, but I change up my starting words pretty frequently.

No, lobbies are something businesses have. You wouldn't call the lobby of a hotel a foyer. Foyers are the entryways into homes.

"goggle me willy, gov'na"

fucking britfags making up words again


Took me til 4 to get this. Fucking insane.

Behold my superior intellect

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