Reasons why i hate cyberpunk
>and Tr00ns
Reasons why i hate cyberpunk
Basically. I legitimately just want a rundown of 2077's story and then suddenly the video guy went on a 20 minute rant about how this empowers trannies.
>transhumanism bad
Retard take.
Based, transhumanists are degenerate faggots.
t. ranny
stfu tranny
Twist trannies heads off
>t.guy that wants to transition
Dilate, tranny.
We were "never meant to" x and y
Says who? Why did our brain evolve in a way to grant us amazing problem-solving skills if we were never meant to use it? Why did someone find out that mixing sand and water and then putting a fire under the result would give us bricks to build houses with, or heating water will generate steam which when pressurized can generate enough force to power a dynamo? Why do you get to arbitrarily decide what humanity is meant to/supposed to do and know while our god-given (if that's the way you want to look at it) brain capacity decides otherwise?
It's such a low-iq take I'm not surprised it shows up on a shithole like this but I'm genuinely curious
>tranny projection
Can't make this shit up.
I agree sis now split that dick
Says me
Seethe cope and dilate
Hey anons I think you've got me confused with someone else I'm a guy and I like being a guy, easy mistake to make! It happens!!! :)
There is no god, and evolution is a matter of coincidence; it does not have intention; people are not meant to do anything.
>there is no god
Cope with what?
why is that floating head saying "transgender flag" though
Literally every one of those talking points overhead applies to trannies, though.
>There is no god, and evolution is a matter of coincidence
Name one Cyberpunk work that simply says "technology bad" and not "capitalism bad and technology won't fix it, technology good if and only if society good"
trannies != transhumans
You will never be a woman, current technology and medical advancement can't make your transition real, it's just an illusion a big cope, any being capable of thinking will do anything that he ca do and discover but that doesn't mean it can't be wrong thing, like when atom was discovered thinking it would revolutionize the energy production but instead it was used for creating weapon of mass destruction.
Cyberpunk doesn't care about either of those things, the genre is designed purely for trannies to live out their deranged fantasies.
We were "never meant to" x and y
Says who? Why did our brain evolve in a way to grant us amazing problem-solving skills if we were never meant to use it? Why did someone find out that mixing sand and water and then putting a fire under the result would give us bricks to build houses with, or heating water will generate steam which when pressurized can generate enough force to power a dynamo? Why do you get to arbitrarily decide what humanity is meant to/supposed to do and know while our god-given (if that's the way you want to look at it) brain capacity decides otherwise?
It's such a low-iq take I'm not surprised it shows up on a shithole like this but I'm genuinely curious
>amerimutts wake up
>tranny bbc cuckposting commences
*speaking in a low calm voice*
Um, anyone else hate trannies? Who's with me
That's the point.
They're actually deeply connected on an ideological level. More generally people using transhumanist technology to change their gender is an age old trope in cyberpunk fiction.
2064 Read Only Memories has regular troons but then also has people who are literally splicing their genes to become furries because it's "who they really are". The game tries to portray this in a sympathetic light, and portrays a single father negatively for not being able to accept his wife's "transition", but the entire analogy somehow ends up making trannies seem even more selfish, poisonous, and deluded than they actually are. And that's saying a lot.
idk why but i thing you are obsessed with trans.
No arrow therefore you say that and you look like that
this is barely fucking related to video games and i know none of the replies will be. this board is so shitty why do i even come here
easy way to feel superior to other people. It doesn't matter if they are a NEET if they can find other losers to obsess over.
You can never leave
Are you a tranny
are there any better options? maybe if you go to Yea Forums and you make a video game thread people would talk about it but not here.
Do I really need any other reason?
I wish mods would rangeban americans.
'Cado board
i literally cannot stop thinking about trannies and cut penises
Most mutts can't. You're not alone.
Transcend != transition, you stupid fucking nigger. Becoming a biohole is downgrading to even lesser state of human. Uploading your mind to computer transcends any definition of biological gender.
Do you also like big veiny musky fat bbcs
I'm not American.
Are you joking or really racist
I'm racist towards americans if that's what you're asking.
>Transcend != transition, you stupid fucking nigger.
lol @ making up your own etymology to attempt to separate transhumanism from one of its most obvious applications, transcending gender
Cyberpunk dystopia looks better and more appealing than what we are heading into
>people collectively do x and y
>all-time highs for mental illness, obesity, depression, loneliness, overpopulation, political polarization, etc.
>also increase in natural disasters, rising sea levels, and literally the 6th great mass extinction
>natural resources quickly depleting so this charade can't continue and will become even more hellish if it does
Humanity wasn't supposed to do those things.
May I point out you're cringe
Funny how Russians, SEAs and spics shit up boards with flags then go crying about mutts on boards without.
Oh well, at least I'm not kneeling to nogs, sucking jew cock or spamming this board with BBC tranny cuckposting.
Hush up and suck a bbc
All of this is just a natural consequence of material processes, not divine punishment for transgressing. Modern society can be bad for us without supposing we deviated from a non-existent grand plan.
Also, again, all of those are consequences of capitalism. Modern technology could fix all of it.
>t. ranshumanist
why is everyone so obsessed with trannies? Transhumanism (using machines to go beyond what is biologically possible) just seems like the next step. Who cares about changing your gender? It's about going beyond and taking evolution into our own hands. Not living out your sexual phantasys with the help of progress
modern technology is a consequence of capitalism
without capitalism you get stagnation because progress upsets the status quo
Who TF hates Cyberpunk as genre because of trannies?
Me kind of
I only come here because I know if I try to move to some other site, I'd still see Wojaks and everything else plaguing the modern internet.
ah yes, modern socialist technology. A world where everyone would be happy
>why is everyone so obsessed with trannies?
It's right there in the name. Nobody cares about the rest, because everybody knows it's just a smokescreen. Cyberpunk is a globohomo genre and always has been.
Most people who aren't neck deep in degeneracy. But you wouldn't know that, you've been in that pit so long you don't even know what normalcy is anymore.
Only Americans are.
Capitalism is the status quo m8, and it has outworn its welcome
Obsessed with trannies and BBC cuckposting? I know you are.