Why do they always model this one black woman? Also who the fuck thought switching to realistic facial models was a good idea?
>no black woman will ever negligently discharge a bullet that grazes my perineum
How dare they create such a hideous racist stereotype, I'm calling the ACLU.
Just make them attractive then boom, no one cares that a jogger is in a game.
She does motion capture for all her roles, ugly as fuck
That would be sexist and racist
ook ook ook
Imagine being so correct, so just, so unapproachable in your goodness that you have to apply the heaviest censorship ever seen in human history to push your narrative and dissent still breeds...
>first words out of this black characters mouth is a racial slur
It's so tiring
>nooooo it's just a white woman with dark skin!
Her first word was "just," white boy.
Because Mad TV went off of the air
Why did Yea Forums hate this? Felt like a stereotypical 1970s to me.
Why are his eyes so tiny?
Damn that's powerful.
Devil's curliest hair
crazy voodoo bitch
So if BJ had said "just who the fuck are you, black girl?" it would be cool?
I thought The New Colossus couldn't get any worse but then I played youngblood
Ngl I wanna make my ESO necromancer look like this
...ice woman forced to do bad things due to the Nazis
Americans woke up, here's the nigger defense squad.
Yes and?
It's what Debra Wilson actually looks like, except for being bald.
That is not "a white woman with dark skin", that is clearly nigger features
Let me try again.
hear me roar
>Kreisau Circle leader dies tragically
>sheboon comes on board of a bleeding edge sci-fi submarine
>has no qualifications except running a tiny urban guerilla group
>takes Caroline's cabin without asking
>emasculates second-in-command
>takes command of the sub while ignoring dozens of people who've been running the ship for months
>everyone on board just goes with it
>20 years later
>Becomes leader of the FBI or whatever
>make white woman
>paint her black
What did god mean by this?
BJ is a soldier, he doesn't care about running the logistics etc., never did, all he wants is to kill Nazis. She managed to preserve a Resistance cell inside a Nazi-controlled America for 20 years, that's impressive enough.
disgusting fat lips, eyes too far apart and too big, nostrils too big, overall a 6/10 too black for me
try again
>not liking DSL
Youngblood needs an expression that's worse that one, it's one of the worst, most cringe and insulting games I've played in a long time
>BJ kills Hitler off fucking screen
>The third reich still controls the world, but for some reason it's the forth reich that's a threat now, everybody acts like the third reich is barely an inconvenience any more
>99% of the characters are women, the only men that appear in the entire game is the main forth reich bad guy, the standard Nazi soldiers and BJ who is barely in it
BJ has nothing to do with it. It's Wyatt/Fergus who get sidelined and humiliated immediately. There is no attempt to integrate the two groups or earn trust, too powerful for that shit. Her first order of business is to fuck with nuclear arsenal she knows nothing about.
>Calls Fergus an Englishman
>Never even apologizes for it
>Doesn't immediately get stabbed to death
He's a kid. Also he delivers the final speech while Grace watches. Kinda rayciss ngl
Imagine ever picking Wyatt over Fergus
I actually played this game and ironically the weird marxist anti-white subversive jewish writing is the least of the games problems.
you mean negromancer
What's the worst problem?
>15 years in the resistance
Right. For some reason he still feels like a "kid" character. Guess that's how he's written in TNO.
Tbh , I played Young blood because I found it for 5 bucks.
I got WAYYYY more than 5 bucks of enjoyment out of it.
If any of you stupid dumb "gameplay above all else" niggers actually PLAYED the game, you'd know the GAMEPLAY was completely fine. It's literally just more New Colossus, which is more than fine.
The story was very cringe, don't get me wrong, I didn't like it much at all, but the GAMEPLAY, which I thought you stupid queers held above all else, was totally fine and more than serviceable.
In fact, I'd say about 85% of the game is pure gameplay, there's barely any story at all. It's running around Paris and shooting or stealthing
desu, wolfenstein has always been shit
>b.j. is a bad ass nazi killer the whole reich fears
>tries to kill deathshead
>"finally i have you ultra nazi killer" - deathshead
>b.j. escapes but collapses from his injuries
>"let's not hunt him down and rip his heart out to make sure, but instead let the ultra nazi killer be listed into a polish asylum" - also deathshead for some fucking reason
- b.j. is wheelchair bound for over a decade
- one day just "snaps out of it" without any lasting defect to his motor co-ordination and full muscle upkeep
the series is nothing but jewish wish fullfilment
dogshit taste tranny
What's your order?
My favourite is the super secret advanced Jewish technology which was the only reason how the Nazis won the war and rule the world, like that somehow makes the Jews look good, hoarding all that technology for hundreds/thousands of years that could have helped mankind and save millions of years. They STILL kept the vaults hidden from the US government until the very end of the war when it was too late to help
The pacing of the game for sure, probably more straight hallways and cutscenes than a JRPG at points, especially bad since the game came out 2 years after the Doom reboot.
el ogro de la TV loca
>thread rightfully shitting on the negroes
>discord trannies rush in to spam the same pics of the same niggers to try to damage control
Trying to convince someone that the negroes are human is an impossible quest, no idea why they insist on it.