Patch 1.04 buffed pretty much everything in the game

>patch 1.04 buffed pretty much everything in the game
if you didn't beat the game before this point, you never will

Attached: 1639179106845.jpg (1920x1080, 196.93K)

Bleed trannies are terrified of colossal chads ass raping them in pvp. However they were always gay so they may actually enjoy it.

and you will never have sex

>Fixed a bug where the damage of Inescapable Frenzy was affected by right hand weapon.

Attached: Elden Ring 2022.04.17 - (960x540, 2.84M)


>RoB barely nerfed indirectly
>powerstanced naginata still one shot shit


Attached: ghostrider2.webm (900x506, 2.9M)

I'm so fucking upset bros....

Attached: ghostrider.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

they also took away my rune farming methods

uhuh. yesterday i was getting buttraped by godskin duo and I beat them first try today

This is a bit retarded. Are they just going to buff every single thing in the game instead of nerfing what everyone knows needs to be nerfed? Fucking idiots.

>BHS magefag gets what's coming to him
Great clip.

Yeah I'm sad my Ghostrider build is dead but with the incantation buffs I can make a good Thor build now

cool :)

It nerfed the shield talisman so fingerprint is no longer invincible.

Attached: 1647003052756.png (200x200, 18.9K)

If you have a Inescapable frenzy kill then post it in memoriam.

Attached: Penance.webm (640x360, 2.82M)

>I move away from the mic to ignore Quality

>he posted it again
And you'll never truly be white

Nerfing things makes normies sad because they were using them to cheese the game and only appeals to specific PvP autists
Buffing things gives normies and PvP autists new alternatives to try out

dozens bro

Attached: ELDEN RING_replay_2022.03.28-22.082.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

no it can only block like....50 attacks

It just isn't the same...

What if I have to run some errands, put a rubber band around my block button and take more than 10 minutes?
What fucking then?

Fucking this, it's over.

>played on anything other than the pre-release 1.0 build that was missing chunks of assets and had broken animations for both the player and enemies

Attached: 1650367110304.jpg (500x499, 56.13K)

>Melee holy builds still fucked
Nothing has changed

>patch 1.04 buffed pretty much everything in the game

Did they remove staggering as a concept? Am I allowed to actually hit enemies with my colossal weapons? Do I die like a bitch every single time an enemy so much as farts in my direction? Am I actually allowed to land hits now?

No? Then they didn't fix the game.

Attached: peepee2.jpg (780x438, 43K)

>if you didn't beat the game before this point
i didnt even play it yet

Bringing everything up to snuff with the OP stuff is always more appealing than nerfing shit into the ground. This game in particular has so many ways of getting fucking broken, it seems like intentional design so I welcome more ways of being busted.

>nerfing what everyone knows needs to be nerfed
This is a game where you keep bhs on an offhand weapon to teleport around and use anime ashes of war to kill people. Some stuff wasn't working well with this setup so they buffed it. Only people mad are the ones expecting this game to play like Dark Souls where people slowly walk and roll around poking each other with swords.

Has there been a fromsoft game before ER that had this many large balance changes. I never really kept up with updates before ER, but I never remember this much shit changing between patches.


I'm not finding magic to be overly satisfying in this game. Should I drop my Dex/int guy and just go full on Dex?

>everyone playing with non bleed cheese was playing hard mode
As expected.

performance after patch?

Attached: 20220410172710_1.jpg (1920x1080, 707.35K)

>not playing the netwrok test with the kino ui

Yes the game is very bad, congrats for figuring it out

The game is bad and easy. Neck yourself perhaps

The game is just bad

Not everyone. Some were playing with greatshields+barricade+poke which is even easier

depends. Network stability has gone up, but now there is insane input lag while in multiplayer. Now if you were to hit your player would do the animation a full second after you press the input.

>he didn't develop the game
>he didn't set every enemy to have the maximum hp and atk and beat the game with the weakest weapon


Let me guess, you played with your dominant hand?

wait what was the patch? Just weapon buffs/nerfs? I hope faith wasn't slapped down too hard. I'm an incantation user for buffs, heals, and using that holy sword made entirely of words. I don't wanna respec.

People can use whatever they want.

The real problem are those people who rune farm or have friends drop them runes so they can be level 300+. So cringe.

I saw people buying souls from eBay and shit like that. No joke. People were using a hack tool to give themselves 99+ of the largest soul item and charge like $10 per stack.

Was praying we'd get a fucking stutter fix but everyone and their mother has to sperg about balance even though that's not nearly as important

Still crashes

Nothing is easier than bleed

Bleed is easy but you can theoretically fuck up and get hit. Greatshield+barricade+poke is like an invincibility cheat.

DS2 had that huge lightning nerf that killed faith.

>removed stagger on bleed proc
If you didn't beat Malenia before 1.04, you didn't beat the game.

I know it may not be much to most, but gold breaker is so much faster now, which is amazing since I love this weapon.

Attached: gb 1.04.webm (1920x1080, 1.22M)

DS3 like ER had a lot of patches that buffed underperforming weapons and slightly nerfed overperformers
DS2 had constant patches to nerf everything fun into the dirt

>Added some event phases for the NPC “Patches”
heh... my girl melina.. just needs more time

was the godslayer greatsword buffed as well? i remember it was fast as fuck for a colossal

If you haven't played any of the "Hard mode" mods, you didn't beat the game.

Do you have a webm of the Establish Order ash speed now? Not at home right now.

palace approach ledge is kill?

yes, even ds1 had significant changes.
You used to be able to use the flip ring with medium equip load, the game was full of ninjaflipping havelmoms

>I hope faith wasn't slapped down too hard.
Considering nearly every single offensive incantation got massive buffs I doubt that, it's ungabunga tier now, arguably worse than Sorcery in how brainless it is in 1.04, the only thing that was slightly nerfed is bees

lol glitchers get fucked