>have been gaming for 20+ years
>thousands of hours on a variety of platforms
>probably only played less than 300 different games
when did you realize you barely scratched the surface of all the games there are to be played?
Have been gaming for 20+ years
Other urls found in this thread:
There are a lot of games, but then you can drastically reduce that by removing any genres you just don't enjoy. Then you also have games that are shit and not even worth your time; Rhythm/dance games, Sports games, Puzzle games, Battle Royale etc.
>when did you realize you barely scratched the surface of all the games there are to be played?
what a retard faggot nigger take, 90% of games are complete and utter trash why the fuck would I worry about playing different games if they're bad you fucking nigger faggot retard
There's like 5 games ever made that are actually fun and worth playing. And even that depends on what genre you like.
I guess you guys haven't realized this yet
you haven't realized that I am going to fucking kill you
>hey guys, do I fit in yet?
It's okay, video games aren't important
it's just weird when I consider the time to quantity ratio it's absurd compared to something like music. I've heard somewhere between 100k and 200k songs in my life probably but only played about 300 games. If someone only heard 300 songs or even 300 albums I'd consider them to be new to music. but 300 games is lifelong gamer territory.
The same time I realized that 95% of game aren't worth my time.
I keep a list of every single game I've played, I'm at 328 right now and I've been playing every since I was a kid, now 25 years old
there's too many games to play in an entire lifetime, but the thing is that you don't have to: certain genres can be put to the side entirely, for me that would be horror, traditional racing, 4X, management, farming sims, fighting, sports
on top of that remember that the vast majority of games are shit, or at least not as good as people make out
the list: pastebin.com
you guys are so closed-minded. thinking that you know what would be worth your time in advance in all scenarios (don't post that dumb shit eating comic not what I'm saying) and not expecting the types of games you enjoy to change or even grow over time. as a big music fan I know that it takes time to get into new genres and I think the same applies to games. if you avoid something because you think you don't like it that's just creates a self-fulfilling prophecy where you'll never come to enjoy it because you avoided it.
you sound like a fucking commie kill yourself
when you've played hundreds of games you start to understand what you're looking for, and can usually tell within an hour or so when a game is going to be enjoyable going forward or not since the major mechanics don't change far beyond that point
I can watch a game I haven't played for barely 3 seconds or just see some screenshots and know whether I'll like it or not, I can tell when it's bland and not worth bothering with
anyway, if you've played 50 horror games and know you hate them, why would you bother playing any more?
I agree that after playing a lot of games you can get a sense of what you like and can tell with high accuracy if you'll enjoy something, but I don't ever think it's right to just write off a genre. to bring it back to music, I don't really like metal. I couldn't see what anyone saw in it outside of masturbatory guitar skills. heard around 50 metal albums before finally listening to early metallica and black sabbath albums which I liked a lot of stuff from. if I just gave up on metal I'd never find out I like them. similar thing with jazz for me, didn't care for it much until I heard flying lotus and branched out from there. maybe I just like treating my taste in games as something to be expanded rather than something to be pandered towards so I don't really care if I waste some time playing stuff I don't care for if it means I'll start liking new things
I've beaten 389 games since I started logging that shit less than a decade ago. Also, only the surface is truly worth playing.
>when did you realize you barely scratched the surface of all the games there are to be played?
Don't care about this anymore. Just play games which I want at this moment.
>I should watch 1000 anime to be able to shitpost on Yea Forums
>There are so many games and I should play all of them. Finish game, don't do extra stuff, don't discuss this game, just tell everyone you've completed another game, start new game
Stop turning your hobby into routine.
that's 1 game every 9.38 days if it was exactly a decade ago. since you said less than a decade it's even shorter than that. I don't believe it, unless you just play really short games or include games you quit early
This was my first videogame, after that i played many thousands of titles and i still feel like there is a lot of stuff i wanna try or even replay
>I can watch a game I haven't played for barely 3 seconds or just see some screenshots and know whether I'll like it or not
This. You simply haven't played enough games if you can't do this
I only include games that I beat, but of course there are a lot of short games there. Not like it matters, there are plenty of short games that provide a very fulfilling experience, moreso than bloated AAA open world games. There are also games like Rocket League or WoW, which I've put several thousand hours into. If I were to include all the games I've given a try over the last decade, it would be well over 1000 games.
Let's disregard the fact that I've been a NEET for 30 years, okay?
OP is right but for the wrong reason. You need to play thousands of games in order to shit on them with authority.
>gaming for 20+ years
If you're older 25 and still have any interest in video games seek immediate help, because you might pretty much be a clinical loser
This but with films and books instead.
>posts on Yea Forums
Le irony
over a decade ago while watching AVGN and seeing his NES library, only for the reveal that about most of the games are just shit and the "classics" we all know comprise like 5% of the library AT BEST
hell, half my steam library is filled with games I got in bundles over the last 20 years that I have tried only to find they aren't worth the storage space they take up when installed
quantity is no replacement for quality, there's a million shitty games I could be playing right now, but what's the point?
good games are few and far between, and to spend your time playing things that aren't good just means you need to find a new additional hobby
>because you might pretty much be a clinical loser
yeah I'm probably gonna kill myself soon
>using AVGN as a standard for anything
Your whole life is a meme. Also there are millions of videogames, so even if 0,01% of them was good it would still take you a lifetime to play them.
I really don't agree with this "only play it if it's good" mentality. here are some reasons to play bad games:
1. to increase your knowledge of video games
2. to be able to discuss a game commonly talked about
3. to try to expand your taste in games
4. to see if it offers any unique experiences
5. to familiarize yourself with characters that have a lot of porn fan art
6. to see the original context of video game memes
shut up nigger
I try tons of games.
But in terms of finishing them, only 325. 325th game was Resident Evil Village.
>tfw 3 games ahead of you
Burn that shrine to Moloch
when i put all the games i beat since like 2018 and holy had beat like 60+
to be fair i did play longer rpgs most of those years
Years ago. I only like a handful of genres and specific kinds of design within them so I think I'll cover most of what I'll like.
I have played nearly 1000 games in the 1 years and Emma Wallson
>noooo, stop liking things I don't like
Kill yourself.
I have a whole backlog of games I've still not gotten around to playing yet.
From NES all the way up to PS4
Hell Atari too.
I'm playing various games on rotation right now, Azure Dreams, Fallout New Vegas, GTA Vice City to name a few.
Then there's some procedural and sandbox-like games that can be played forever, like Cataclysm DDA which I am playing as I type. Just escaped some strong zombie fucker on to a roof.
300 is small as fuck number for 20+ Ive been playing that long and with emulation Ive played that many just on snes..
for every console there are like 500 - 1000+ games and usually about half suck. so its not that bad of a list.- also if there was a number that I was getting close to complete that would be weird- the appeal is that I never know what Im going to see or experience because there are soo many games.
What? Nobody had to 'realize' that, you fucking braindead NPC. I can't even imagine the kind of mental illness you'd need to have to think you need to do more than 'scratch the surface'.
Reminder that objectively bad games are rare as fuck and you should judge games by your experiences instead of "some dude said x is shit so i won't play it", judge it by yourself
There are only a few games worth experiencing, certainly less than 300. Not only that but revisiting games you know you enjoy is a good feeling you'll miss out on if you endlessly search for new games to play.
>here are some reasons to play bad games
>3. to try to expand your taste in games
Why would I want to have a taste in bad games?
Objectively bad, sure, but there are 1000s of mediocre games simply not worth my time
Most of the best 1% of games aren't worth playing. Fuck that nonsense. There are 8 centuries of books and 100 years of films to watch.
Can you kill me for me
He literally didn't say that at all are you retarded?
Is this a poorly landed joke? Why would anyone want to do any one of these?
Besides #4 those are all awful reasons to play a game
The real reasons to play a game:
1. You're interested in it.
There are anons on Yea Forums who haven't played more than 100 games in their entire lives, not even booted them, and that number's only going to get higher as more and more kids who grew up playing only sandbox games and battle royales and open-word survival games grow up, because those are games you can play constantly without having some sort of proper closure like the average videogame, so they stick to those games and dump thousands of hours into them instead of picking up all sorts of different games, which stunts their tastes and affects the quality of their opinions.
you ever seen the Yea Forums most played steam games threads? hundreds if not thousands of hours always in the same games
CSGO, TF2, Crusader Kings, Mount & Blade, DotA 2, Terraria, LoL, it's disgusting
It's rather sad to be honest.
I do like games like that, but I don't let myself get stuck playing them forever, just them and only them.
I like the variety of other game styles, other aesthetics, other genres.
I'll regularly have a variety of games I play through the week in multiple genres from RPGs to horrors to rooty tooty point and click headshotty, as well as playing more open-ended games alongside them, but it's never either-or.
I've played and beaten over 1000 games according to my spreadsheet not counting random shit I played as a kid and dont remember. If you spent 20 years and only beat 300 you are an uber casual
how many of them are great?
Now redact the flash games
Play SkyGunner and Unreal Gold
You don't just "beat" Unreal Tournament
you’re a child ironically because only children are concerned with looking childish
A fair amount but most of them are mid 2000 era or old school horror stuff like Waxwork or Harvester (i fucking love mid 90s FMV games). I actually just finished The Prisoner of Ice that was a really enjoyable point and click that took me by surprise with how much I liked it.
No flash games but I have played some shitty shovelware games
You're missing out, flash games were proto-indie games and are really creative as long as you ignore the fact that most of them have the production quality that a teenager would conjure.
I played stuff on newgrounds, stick death, Adventure Quest and others way back in the day but honestly dont remember a ton outside of stupid shit like those love hina dating sims and pico ones
Kongregate used to have a pretty healthy selection of games but then the rate of flash games slowed down and more and more idle games started appearing, but at least it has easy-to-search categories for games to download via Flashpoint.