Yea Forums
>whines how Elden Ring is too hard and unbalanced
>celebrates git gud hardcore gamer culture
What went so horribly wrong?
Yea Forums
>whines how Elden Ring is too hard and unbalanced
>celebrates git gud hardcore gamer culture
What went so horribly wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Reddit thinking they're hardcore for cheesing everything with summons and ashes doesn't make them hardcurr gaymurrs.
>What went so horribly wrong?
Normie game.
>>celebrates git gud hardcore gamer culture
>by summoning someone to do all the work for you
I see
>another thread for this normalfag console game
>learn how to beat one boss
>reddit considers this a monumental achievement in gaming
>mention that I beat Malenia with no weapon arts, melee only, solo
>People on reddit tell me it's nearly impossible without bleed or summons
They're idiots
>Yea Forums whines how Elden Ring is too hard and unbalanced
No, Yea Forums whines about Elden Ring being boring with making difficulty the only thing that matters. When Fromsoft make memorable enemies, bosses and locations, that's the shit that's good. Tell me user, what was memorable for you? Does it involve difficulty? Wow how interesting......
It's not impossible, just tedious. But that's almost every boss in this shit game.
He got a fucking wiki page?
Yea Forums isnt the "epic secret syte for hardcore people" anymore. Like Elden Ring, we attracted the casuals years ago.
Forget about hacking shit or trolling the Internet. Remember the whole Gamestop bussiness?
New Yea Forums cant do that. Even /b is shit right now.
You also didn't beat her, but at least you're not an idiot
Souls games are babby's first action game and are not hard. They're just popular with reddit because they're "hard" games which you can beat then use the fact you beat it as a way to gain clout and upboats. Mention king's field to one of these clowns and watch them fly into a rage as they don't understand how you could play a video game that doesn't get you upboats, but is just fun.
How hard do you suppose that is for someone to create a wikipage about something trendy?
I know it's simple. I'm angry that someone thought it was even worth the time of doing so.
Redditors in a nutshell
Such are the times. We live in an era where everything must be recorded, so nothing has value anymore.
I’m that guy
If you summoned you didn't beat her. This is celebrating easy mode.
I love how these astroturf threads don't even get much attention.
>whole original thread was pure copium saying only reason he could dodge triple slash with backrolls was summon delay
>danchou is backrolling them solo right now
Yea Forums doesn't play games
>Le Ghost of Halyigtree
>Elden Ring
Faggot, players here have to gimp themselves with no summons, no bleed, no frost to have any form of challenge.
Only redditors would be narcissistic enough to make a Wikipedia article about some literally who
Thing is that elden ring is actually easy. Plebbit just thinks theyre good.
>being able to solo a boss warrants a wikipedia article now
fromshit is easy in general.
Remember when Nioh came out and outed every soulsnigger as filthy reddit casuals?
It becams popular. It shouldn't be theirs it should be ours only
Everyone who uses the "git gud" argument in the Elden Ring case has no idea what they are talking about.
The game is too superficial to justify this. Imagine if Capcom releases a Megaman game but where all the bosses kill the player in at most two hits, people complaining about the difficulty and someone saying "git gud" as if Megaman was something where you could develop a very deep technique like a flight or race simulator (ironically, there is more technique involved in Mega Man than Elden Ring, but this is another story).
Elden Ring has a serious unbalancing problem.
You can get good in the sense that you will memorize what the bosses do and use iframes+punishment accurately enough to kill it and the game will still remain bad.
>take away waterfowl dance
>Malenia is now a shit boss
great designed boss, I killed Malenia by cheesing her, I would do it again, hell, I'll fucking rape Malenia while making Miquella watch
a bunch of websites (including reddit) did mass bans of their schizos and retards, those creatures became immigrants here, which is why people would rather talk about twitter or break reddit's rules to feel big. unless musk turns twitter into gab (he probably won't) we're gonna be twitter/reddit landfill.
>thread full of cope
Turns out normalfags (get laid) are more hardcore than Neo Reddit (incels). Wow!
>We live in an era where everything must be recorded, so nothing has value anymore.
That is the opposite of value and whatever cartoon you outsourced that logic from should be sued.
where's Yea Forums's wikipedia page
oh right youd have to actually do something impressive or noteworthy even once to get one, maybe in 5 years or so lol, if this board isnt all match 3 phone games anyways (only games Yea Forums can beat nowadays lol)
This might be one of the most cringe and reddit things I've ever seen. Not the fact that someone did this but that it became some sort of a heroic meme to the point of someone creating a wiki article for it.
Jesus christ.
Reddit shit: The Thread
What's the 4channel wikipedia equivalent? Profanity and slurs included.
Surely users can be banned for blatant vandalism like this?
we are too retarded to coordinate on something like that
Why are you guys so obssessed with this dude, its not even anything new, people have been carrying shitters for years
You don’t need to say all this shit. It’s just an ad hominem, it was never an argument
Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
>>whines how Elden Ring is too hard and unbalanced
lol yeah right
ER is literally the easiest game in the genre, and summoning someone else to do the dirty work means you didn't learn a thing about how the game works.
>Yea Forums has opinions
>Reddit is MLGkid cancer
Hiroshimoot phonetard purge when?
> guy wins thanks to, in part, latency
> reddit celebrates
So if I post a video of myself soloing a boss in a videogame I get to have my own wikipedia article?
>if this board isnt all match 3 phone games anyways (only games Yea Forums can beat nowadays lol)
Won't dispute this. The gachanigger problem is inexcusable when we have /vmg/ to contain them.
He's from Yea Forums anyway
It's not that the game is hard. It's that the game is shit.
Yea Forums is full of people who only use it to be negative about something just because this is pretty much the only popular place that allows it.
damn nice find, what a chad
>Wikipedia will do a page on some FotM meme but not Chris-Chan
considering how Yea Forums bitched about Malenia WFD is undodgeable bullshit and then this guy kill her without getting hit, yes
how the fuck does chris chan not have a wikipedia article yet? that website's moderation is so fucking picky with what is "notable"
I hope you die. You should die just for mentioning reddit. Go back since you like it so much. I really hate you, and i don't know if the people in your life hate you as well, but i hope they do. I hope everyone you meet from now on sees you as the attention seeking, hyperbole obsessed cock riding faggot you are. No one should have to be around you or interact with you in any way, and i pity whoever has to
>What went so horribly wrong?
From Soft releasing the same game 5 times in a row, each time with worse hitboxes for more epic PREPARE TO DIE xD memes, not realizing that the good part of Demon Souls wasn't how le ebin hard it was.
It's because wikipedia is very blatantly leftist. They don't want any "offensive" terms on the site anymore. Even if Chris is a granny fucker, he's still part of the tranny alliance.
>if everyone prints money, value of money must increase
1D chessmaster brainlet right here.
>If I make a false equivalence, then these things are equal
Recording and cloning aren't the same thing, retard. our system of value is literally based on records of transactions vs use. You gonna pay your bills with an abstract concept that your parents may or may not have had you stupid fuck?
someone post the "haha i can taste the SPICY" edit for me i didnt bother to save it.
>shitters ITT seething that reddit is better at vidya
You would download a car, wouldn't you?