They actually fixed the performance, at least on PC. Go to any previous laggy area and look how smooth it runs now.
Elden Ring Patch 1.04
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh they removed the 60fps limit?
>corpse piller and RoB didn't get nerfed
well i just thanks that swarm of flies didn't get shat too much
no patchnotes?
Nah but with mods you'll get way better framepacing at high fps now.
mind copy pasting them? getting cucked by the company firewall here
>no bleed nerf
>no rob nerf
Who cares
Go 41% you're self, PvP troon
its a pretty huge list, can you see Yea Forums images? I can just screenshot the page
>blasphemous sword untouched
How the fuck do we avoid every balance patch, bros?
fuckers also fixed the invisible enemies too... after two fucking months, holy shit.
Bros, blasphemous sword is a good weapon, but it's far from being broken
Can't wait to shit on these bleedniggers later.
>Go to any previous laggy area and look how smooth it runs now
not even shitposting, but other than the tree sentinel at the beggining I never had the feeling that the game was running dogshit
where should I go to see how smooth it runs now?
We still winning dsp bros.
yeah, an image would be fine
thanks user
Stormhill was always laggy as fuck
>Events have been added for Patches
>Nothing for the cut content
Did anyone else also not have MAJOR issues with stutter and crashes in the beginning, but start facing these problems regularly after patch 1.02?
>Still no fix for invisible enemies
fellow PS5 enjoyers, how's performance looking? I'm too lazy to check for own
I beat this game almost 2 months ago (holy fuck it's almost been two months)
>Nerf madness to the ground
>leave bleed untouched
What did Memehackzi meme by this?
>buff the fuck out of pure STR builds after I beat Melania on NG+ with two colossal weapons
I spent 8 hours over 4 days on this bitch, Yea Forumsros...
Yes. But those problems have gone away for me with this patch..... after I have already gotten 100% in the game despite the stuttering.
Colossal weapon buffs, and a Faith buff, who would've thought
that’s what happened to me, on launch I was fine other than the issues everyone had with the loading zones but then it started going to shit as they patched it, hopefully this new patch sorts it out
Play the game again. That's what I'm doing.
>Faster swings
>Faster recovery
>More damage
>More blocking stability and damage reduction
>Giant hunt buffed
STRchads, we made it...
>Increased Colossal Swords/Colossal weapons attack speed and lowered their recovery time. Jump attack not included.
>Increased the two-handed attack damage of Colossal Swords/Colossal Weapons. Jump attack not included.
>Increased physical block rate and guard boost of the Colossal Sword, Colossal Weapons, Great Sword, Great Hammer, Great Axe, Great Spear, and Halberd weapon classes.
I don't get it. How is anyone supposed to beat the game now that the only way to do so legitimately, a vanilla greatsword build, has been casualised? There's literally no way to actually beat the game left.
Is it faster with dual wield?
Is the colossal weapon buffs actually noticable?
Fist weapons and daggers without bleed are still pure
I actually am really curious to see whether or not they fixed console's framepacing issues as well
bro your dagger build lol?
>tfw my favorite weapon got massively buffed
Godslayer is so fucking sexy now
>ridiculously fast
>2h buffed
>art made significantly safer while still hitting like a nuke
Only if you finished the game before this update. STR is now invalid and you can't beat the game with it.
What the fuck, this shit is swinging faster than a claymore now.
you will never be a woman faggot
Dualweild pls
idc about any pvp shit but after the patch i cant go into inventory and drag my mouse to my second monitor. now the game is fully full screen, shit!
They nerfed arcane scaling on spells at least.
I did too. But putting shadows on med fixed that. Now it works perfectly.
I'm sticking with the old versions
can't have them nerf my boy mimic
I notice that the vast majority of the balance adjustments are to increase the speed of most offensive moves. This is at least an important acknowledgement that the player is way too damned slow compared to most enemies. ROB didn't get nerfed because if you make everything else faster then it becomes less deadly in relation.
Hell if they would remove rolling and put free quickstep on the button instead I think that would solve a lot of problems but whatever.
>Increased Colossal Swords/Colossal weapons attack speed and lowered their recovery time. Jump attack not included.
>Increased the two-handed attack damage of Colossal Swords/Colossal Weapons. Jump attack not included.
>Increased physical block rate and guard boost of the Colossal Sword
Guts bros, we're back
>Swarm of Flies - Decreased blood loss buildup on enemy.
Glad I beat the game already, now I can uninstall it.
Increasing weapon swing speed means that you can have more frames for you to initiate dodge rolling though.
Don't want to be one.
They nerfed Swarm of Flies and the dragon communion too...
y'all who last saw Patches at the Shaded Castle might wanna check Murkwater Cave. there's a fog gate again for some reason.
i thought this shit game was already perfect whys it getting patches. flush already fromsoft.
Still no ultrawide support.
>plays with female avatar
you are a troon in the closet faggot.
Cope bleednigger. Your days of cheating in pvp are over.
So how many more months until his questline is actually finished?
Lmfao just buy a tv
>fullscreen is now cursor locked
>the whole combat is now can be enjoyed more by simply decreasing the recovery time, increasing swing speed and allow ani-cancel for weapons and its WAs.
so they really didnt playtest the whole things
new gesture
>Colossal weapons buff
good, they were useless before
>Sorcery/incant cast time nerf
k I guess they thought it was too fast?
I might try an unga bunga build now
>Fixed a bug where the damage of the weapon arts "Carian retaliation" was increased by weapon and status
Wow they took away my easy mode
If it's indeed fixed I'll buy it again.
>STR buff
>Faith buff
Thanks Fromsoft, now I have a reason to do a new game ++
You never will. Game is being balanced around PvE fuck you pvpshitters.
>buffs to magic hammer canrian grandeur and mlgs
>cast speed and recovery time buffs for all magic
pure sex
The game is actually playable now I can't believe it
didn't you got just laughed at in previous thread?
why you doing it again
Imagine working on this amid all the other complaints.
It is genuinely fixed this time.
so wheres patches?
Slav squat
>>Sorcery/incant cast time nerf
Learn to read, faggot
9 years, but at least we back in business
I've been destroying bleedniggers with the zwei even before this patch. Now I'll actually be able to utilize light attacks because you pussies always attack in groups. Weeb tranny homosexuals and your kitanas. Even in History it's a shit weapon.
Exactly. These pvp people are lowlife scum ruining the game because they want to blow each other.
Do people actually let the arbitrary opinions and constructs of others dictate how they play a single-player game or are people on this board just that weak willed?
It still stutters.
Yes but I'm just musing about going full Bloodborne rather than being chained to Souls dodge mechanics. If they buff Malenia's rune and the other equipment that allows you to lifesteal / rally then that would be perfect. The first part is not happening anyway.
I would have much preferred if they made animation speed a visible scaling stat to make large weapons more viable the further you invest into your stats. So if you were 99 STR you could swing the GS exactly like Guts does. This patch is a nice improvement but I can see them now constantly going back and forth over how fast certain weapons should be. That guy showing off the current speed of the Godslayer UGS is a good example of something that may end up being wiggle-tuned in future patches.
Never made sense to me how using two hands on a big sword wasn't any faster or sometimes even slower than one handing it, despite the entire point of using two hands being to make wielding a long weapon easier and faster. If anim speed were a scaling stat then the 1.5x STR boost from two-handing would have been a perfect way to seamlessly integrate it.
>physical console release gets the one true experience as the devs intended before soi whining for nerfs
Is it good now? Tried it with the black fire monk in Volcano Manor and didn't get stunned
I was already shocked when I found out it was a colossal weapon pre-patch cause of the speed. All I needed was more damage
well, hell. looks like he's leaving again
Kek sorry Im retarded.
I read "increase" and thought It meant increased the time it takes to cast not increase speed.
I beat the game without mimics it magic with a skill based weapon. Therefore I'm better than you at the game. Not into that but I was still able to bear bleed shitters before this patch. Now it's an even fight.
what area? all the areas I previously stuttered on are smooth now.
For once From did the sensible thing and actually buffed the weaker builds. Also STR bros keep winning. I was already using the Godslayer with pure str build. Now I can go back and tear Malenia a new one.
Godslayer scales better with dex. Go for malikeths for an alt
is this a placebo or did they really do something? maybe i wont fucking crash anymore
>killed him for his set in this playthrough
>on the day he actually gets a complete questline
Have they patched the 50 year "getting up" animation? So many bullshit ass deaths while my guy just lays and cries about his poise my god
>Godslayer scales better with dex. Go for malikeths for an alt
I'll have to try that. Thanks for the advice user.
jesus dude, you werent kidding, gonna have to take lunch just to read through it all
>remove rolling and put free quickstep
Please don't get my hopes up. Open world bloodbourne, and now all we need is trick weapons.
>Wave of Gold massively buffed
Holy fuck. I've literally one-shotted so many people with that weapon art because it deals stupid damage. I never saw this one coming.
It looks like they fixed the performance completely. I checked the Tree Sentinel at the start (worst offender by far) and got now zero stutter.
did he beat mohg
How good is Carian grandeur now? Does it just justify its 20 FP cost now?
Asimibros... Melinabros... s-soon out time... will come... right?
>they’re STILL buffing spells
INTchads, will we ever stop winning?
Bleed trannies on suicide watch
what cut content
the dream shit?
Enjoy fren. All colossals are good now and with your faith you could start using incantations too which were buffed. Notably dragon incants have big poise now
>increased cast speed
>decreased stamina cost
>increased cast speed
>decreased stamina cost
>increased cast speed
>decreased stamina cost
>increased cast speed
Friendly reminder that if you haven't beat Elden Ring before this patch you will NEVER beat Elden Ring. This is unironically the most gamechanging patch they've ever made for any Souls game.
>Lion's Claw and Greatsword hit almost twice as fast now
STRChads were are home. Time to show DEX twinks what it ireally is all about.
is it any good now?
oh shit is whore a loo's skill now good?
Maliketh's arena especially lagged bad for me. If it isn't fixed I'll come for you as well as fromsoft gooks.
It's stellar. I just did 1.1k damage at full charge with it on my RL1 Character with a +12 Broadsword vs a Gargoyle
You might just have Parkinson's disease.
Get yourself checked out.
>>Nerf madness to the ground
How so?
I'm playing on 1.0 with Mimic+10 AND hoarfrost stomp.
Blocking on most colosal weapons was already pretty viable, but glad to see they really wanted to encompass the "blocking with a giant slab of metal" like in MH or something.
Pretty tempted to respec my Fist Wizard build into an ultra greatsword wizard one.
A simple area to test is to run around in and out of the different rooms of roundtable hold, i can always trigger it with that.
I killed him for his armor set lol
>Added some event phases for the NPC “Patches”
What the fuck, it was already over! He literally died in front of the Briar boss room and gave me that dancer item.
Imagine how fast the crouch poke is now
>incantations got speed and poise buffs
>already played through the game with an Incantation build
Forced easier mode, but w.e. let pve be chill, I'm just happy we can finally have fun builds for pvp
My only regret is that I got bought into the Carian Retaliation cheese and wasted Astel's boss fight.
The game is actually playable now. Kill yourself
Here is the new Lion's Claw speed i recorded. Shit is twice as fast as it used to be.
yes they do, the average poster has
>Lowered the speed of madness buildup recovery
well that just means your pc is that awful, i never had any stutters before there
Holy, magic knight's back on the menu.