They won't nerf the nippon weapon
do u rike??
are you literally retarded
almost every spell and weapon art was buffed
they also gave a huge buff to the already broken strength builds by increasing their attack speed
They barely nerfed anything. Instead a ton of shit got a shitton of BUFFS.
you get it now, right?
if you think this is "op" you are retarded
People who use this are ALWAYS vigorlets who I one shot. Same with moonveil
>nerfed madness buildup universally, as well as nerfing the stun time of madness proc on top of nerfing status scaling from the dragon communion seal
>also nerfed shabriri howl buildup specifically for no fucking reason
so frenzied flame builds are dead and you will never see a madness proc lmao, all they had to do was nerf the dragon seal they didnt need to knee-jerk gut the entire status effect across the board fucking retarded gooks
I imagine it got put below the threshold for being able to chain procs together. Its a buff for my build, spear is unchanged, poke a madness proc and then follow up with the weapon art, its a kill almost every time
they actually nerfed the madness buildup of almost every frenzy incantation
epic simply epic
>bleed is ok we don't need to touch it
>rivers of blood is fine because shitters like it
>stars of ruin is not problematic even though you cant dodge it by rolling
>bloodhound step is fair and balanced
>Fixed a bug where the damage of Inescapable Frenzy was affected by right hand weapon.
what the fuck does this mean, what damage does it do now, it needs to be an instant kill to even exist.
probably scales with your seals spellbuff i.e does absolutely nothing and is now worthless
nerfing status scaling on the dragon seal already puts it below the stunlock threshold, they didnt need to specifically nerf the buildup on every single spell as well
>just made a madness focused character
Well cool I guess
With 40 faith on a naked silver tear it does about 1500 damage, not enough to kill them.
where are patch notes
thx. Weird I am downloading on steam rn but no patch notes there
op here, i am trans btw
>the buffed everything
So are melee only builds viable now?
Always viable. This is an across the board buff, basically ER is now easy mode.
nigga they buffed a ton of shit and only nerfed frenzy. Actually really like these changes, looks like instead of nerfing everything into the ground they want to buff other shit to make it more appealing.
>main character uses Colossal Weapons
>already beat the game
>now they decide to buff them
What really makes me laugh is they think Seppuku is also fine, when you can use it on almost anything to get a bleed proc on every hit which also stunlocks. I made a level 20 rapier PvP character and had to stop because it's like cheating. Im perplexed that bleed is untouched when its 90% of the meta
Nice, literally useless. Landing it is already so dogshit and inconsistent. Glad i made my low level madness gank compilation video already
Honestly though might not be too bad, im going to invade with my RL 50 madness build for a few hours now and see how it feels. Ive always used the incantations to punish people either running away (Burst) or as a mixup/bait (Flames ). Otherwise pokes into madness -> Vykes spear weapon art is almost always a kill which seems mostly unchanged.
It had the same glitch profaned flame did in Dark Souls 3, where if you had the seal in your left hand and a high AR multi-hit backstabbing weapon in your right, when you two handed the seal and cast it, it would do the weapon damage for each tick of damage the grab does, which would always oneshot
you will be a real woman OP :)
Im aware, but unless it does around the same damage now its unusable garbage where it was funny garbage before
It already was easy mode with all the OP ashes and powers that feel like cheatcodes.
Are colossal normal attacks viable now?
Everything got buffed lol based
This is like miyazaki approved journalist mode now for pve. Looks absolutely fantastic for pvp
Sorry I was at 50 Fai, also a +7 Frenzied Seal.
It comes out a little faster if it's any consolation, might be something to work with there.
>frenzy (which is easily dodgeable in all of its forms) nerfed decently hard
>rivers of blood untouched
how. I dont even know a good faith weapon to use that isnt vykes because the rest of them are shitty great axes or polearms.
>Quests were still broken
How does that go through release?
It's not OP if everyone uses it.
Well the madness time was lowered so you might not even be able to use weapon art in time anymore
Gankers bitched about burst snipers in the snow area.
>Added some event phases for the NPC “Patches”
How much am I cucking myself by using a normal sword with Double Slash and casting Bloodflame Blade on it, effectively just giving me a DIY Rivers of Blood? My sword is 2 units lighter and I believe it's cheaper for me to cast the buff and use Double Slash one or two times than it is to use Rivers of Blood's weapon art, but I think Rivers of Blood still has more range and damage.
i don't even know why from bothers nerfing anything it's so fucking retarded and they always overdo it, fuck pvp, pvp has been the worst thing about souls games since their inception and have consistently resulted in the removal of fun for the other 90% of their games, incredibly retarded and hard to image that a studio this retarded could ever have made such great titles as the armored core games and chromehounds
they dont build up as much stagger so youre still better off just spamming jump attacks
>dont stand still for 1 second and you'll literally never get hit
My brothers of the Frenzy Flame, the incantation's were just a crutch. They are all a distraction, a lie. We never needed Frenzy Burst chains to win, we never needed the Dragon Talisman, we never needed the inconsistent Frenzy Flame or the simple dogshit Unendurable Frenzy. From has given us a gift, a beautiful hidden gift. They've taken our sins from us, but delivered unto us true salvation.
>Frenzyflame Thrust – Decreased FP cost, decreased recovery time. Decreased madness buildup on self.
Join me, raise up your Alexander Jar Shards and rejoice, for our jumping attack madness procs will be rewarded by the glorious buffed hyper armour weapon art. RIP Inescapable Frenzy, never forget.
Why did you type this when almost everything in the game got buffed
Gankers spend hours standing and waiting, they have time to bitch on reddit and not play the game. Which is also why it's easy to snipe them since they're all tabbed out.
it was basically impossible to get that quest right without a guide. the whole Vulcon Manor is a clusterfuck.
the issue for me is I can have the grab animation pass through an enemy at point blank and it whiffs, and sometimes it lands through fucking attacks. It's such janky shit. If it had hyper armour and had decent tracking the cast time was a good trade off. Ill still test it
Like get a load of this clip that I took (
then why do i see nothing but nerf posting
The only thing madness really had going for it was Vykes spear having a really good running R2/L1 on powerstance. And by "really good" i mean it was really good if they only rolled backwards. Roll sideways? Free punish on the vyke user. Well time to find a new build RIP.
You are right, O Brother, as always. I am merely decrying the ineptitude demonstrated by FromSoftware as they nerf Frenzy into oblivion, when it was never the status itself that was the issue, but rather the overtuned arcane status-scaling on the Dragon Communion Seal. Those of us who remain true and use the Frenzied Flame Seal will find only nerfs in this patch. They fear our power, which rivals even that of the Rannifag hordes.
>Last quarter of the game untouched
>Still feels lackluster and unfinished as fuck
Maybe next patch..
Read the patch man it's a huge buff to everything.
>Faster colossals
>Poise on some incantations
>Reduced FP and cast time across the board
>Reduced recovery time across the board
Somehow theres a lot of madness users in heere and we may have gotten royally fucked while the most undeniably overtuned and broken shit is literally untouched.
I thought madness was pretty honest build wise, like Deathblight. You have to work and play decently to make it work. The Frenzy Burst was pretty zesty but its not like it isnt piss easy to dodge and you spend a long time screaming and glowing. Glintstone pebble weapon art is still a 2k+ truecombo and almost impossible to dodge in a lot of situations
What's the glintstone pebble truecombo?
literally just the weapon art and its follow up. the most braindead shit in the game, yes even fucking worse than rivers of blood
Yeah it's jank, I have better luck with grab when I unlock the camera but it's still a toss-up.
Seems to work better the closer you are to the player.
This is just a band-aid, but you can always use the poise physick to hyper armor through r1 spammers. Do some tests with the increased speed and see if there's any hope left for it. Godspeed.
Its not a true combo whatsoever what rhe fuck are you saying? Ive been dodging that shit for weeks. The only true combo might be from that dagger with the art built in, but else piss easy to dodge
Currently the most braindead build, duels are so saturated with it. Its hard to dodge and good players can use it as an instant kill punish in a lot of situations while remaining completely safe. I find the variations in a fast base cast time + generally high ping really hard to deal with. You can be absolutely pissing on someone and they'll instant 180 while casting and do 3k damage to you.
The entire game is jank cancer. I don't get why Yea Forums adores it so much. This board is filled with retarded plebbit casuals.
They did nerf it somewhat:
>Fixed a bug where the animation when inflicted with blood loss and frostbite was bigger than originally planned.
I'm hoping you can roll out of the bleed animation early enough so that things like double Cross-Naginata don't true-combo upon applying bleed.
If you get hit by the pebble you cannot recover from the stagger in time, it is a true combo even on the massive rapiers. Ive tested this extensively.
Pvp faggots and YDBTGtrannies seething
I never even found him.
user i think this is literally just the visual indicator.
u wot
they nerfed swarm of flies and two madness incantations, that's literally it
That's the animation of the blood splatter and frost ice particles, not the hitstun
Dude. Ive been hit and not taken the followup. I dont know what you tell you. Maybe its terrain, maybe I was perfumed, but it's absolutely not a true combo
ok but did the nerf the dogs? thats the single most important question
I didn't see it anywhere in the notes, why don't you go find out for us
t. Dex Baby
>just spam the weapon art and don't ever use the miracles
Spoken like Miyazaki
Not mentioned explicitly but could maybe be included in
>Other performance improvements and bug fixes.
go kiss one and find out
breddy hard to miss tbqh desu