Other fanbases like this?
Other fanbases like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Persona but mainline SMTfags are even worse about it
not a series but it's clear the demon souls remake autists very clearly don't care about the actual game
I love the music, characters and style etc but I couldn't imagine sitting down to play it
Live a live
>Any popular indie horror
>Any visual novel with a popular anime adaption
>Any indie game that had a lot of e-celebs played it
Anything I'm else I'm missing?
Megaman Legends and Ace Attorney
I don’t get where this meme came from. I watched the AVGN episode, decided to play it on my 3DS and enjoyed it immensely. Once mother 1 came to switch I played and beat that as well even though end game is horribly unbalanced.
This, like 2 people play the games
You don't need to like something to be a fan of it.
Elden Ring definitely proved this is the case for Fromsoft. I'd say it's the case with a ton of japanes series. People romanticize them but don't actually play them.
Touhou is the main one.
Don't blame people when the fanart quality and quantity at its peak was so insane.
>Random Dude Plays a Video Game
Why is gaming journalism so stupid? This is like if ESPN reported on backyard touch football.
Why is that? I've only played the remake and wouldn't claim to play the original but I can't imagine how the original would be better on any level. The game is literally less clunky than the entire from catalogue. Did they change anything objectively for the worst or is it just muh soul bullshit.
>the game that sold as fast as GTA5 and managed to retain its playerbase is proof that its fanbase don't actually play it
i dont think touhou counts. i play touhou but I wouldn't get mad at someone saying they're a fan of touhou and never touched the games. I get how people like the designs and stuff. I really don't think people are claiming to play the games and pretending they play them so its fine. on the other hand there are actual franchises were people pretend/lie/whatever after they watched a youtube video on some pseudo obscure game. i think thats the bigger problem
STALKER. zoomers fuck off
He looks like he really didn't want to take that picture.
You just proved my point. How the fuck were there so many from fans before?
No, they would never actually play it, even if their life depended on it.
Came here to post this
>huge fan for years
>playing it only now for the first time
So what is his reaction going to be when he realizes he hates it?
Im like that with stalker shadow of chernobyl
I've never played it but my friend did and told me about it back in 2008 and then every time someone brought it up ever since I would be like oh yeah, great game, super hard, get out of here stalker hahaha. i like the idea of the game but ill probably never play it.
stalker is super playable
Persona definitely
Any game I have TB's of porn really.
Never played it
>Tomb raider post 2013
Horse goes neigh
>Loli games
Nobeta, Carol + Hat kid
Have no intention of playing anything other than the lolibooru DLC
I've played both and although they made changes to the actual art (changing designs, not everything is 100% trying to be the original) most of the changes are pretty subjective. subjective to the point where you wouldn't really notice, "wow, that's BAD. why did they change that?" if you were just playing the game normally.
what's funny is the cope i've seen trying to shit on the game. seen anons talk about how the game is shit because they made castles more castlelike instead of being square for muh historical accuracy in a game where you fight dragons. or when they post concept art and claim it looks too much like world of warcraft.
Deny hating it, but at the same time, quietly latch on to something in its place.
yeah to you, the type of person to post here
>idiot doesn't immediately recognize satire article on sight
God, you're pathetic
This is me with the Iliad and the Odyssey.
This board really is becoming massive poorfag cope. I think general maturity is plummeting. The salty making up lies about video games being bad was literal third grade behavior when I was in school. Now I see people in their 20s doing it for imaginary upvotes on an anonymous board. Third worlders were a mistake.
looks like generic pixelated rpg shit, what's the appeal?
But I played 6 7 and 8 long long ago
6 is fantastic, 7 sucks ass, 8 is amazing, SA is godtier, every other game in the series is either a one trick pony or horse shit.
Warhammer 40k
because living in a small town there's like two other guys who play and it's near impossible to get them to actually play a game
I'm too busy playing infinity friend.
Lotsa words for saying you want to fuck the little girls.
Final Fantasy VII and Kingdom Hearts
Hate to say it because I love these games but Undertale and Deltarune.
It's a shame because Toby is such an oldschool nigga with all the inspirations and callbacks but its wasted on a mostly zoomer audience.
Then again, if it wasn't for them Deltarune wouldn't get made.
I have spent a combined dozens of hours over the past decade jackingoff to Etrian odyssey and Fate grand order hentai.
I don't play gacha and I don't even own a 3ds.
Big fan of them
Someone post the portal one
>find friend at uni that builds and paints wh40k for relaxation
>ask if he's ever had a game before, which he hasn't
>pack up the table and bring my necron army
>realize that motherfucker has every single unit of spacemarine in existence times five with all the wargear
>impossible to even win
>decide we share his army to actually play some decent matches
It was fun, but I believe you need atleast 3 people/armies to get some hype running. All I got was a stiffling feeling that urged me to spend a months pay on nothing but plastic just to stand a fighting chance.
literally "secondaries- the franchise".
What if I have hundreds of hours played in a game but have never actually fully completed it because I just end up stopping my playthroughs before the end and playing something else?
>400+ hours in civ 4, 5 and 6
>barely any achievement for any kind of victory
I always start a new game after playing give or take 6 or so hours.
Next boot up and I don't even want to remember what I was aiming for in the save.
Me but with Total war, Skyrim, and fallout NV
why would you do that?
it has always been that, my story:
>start using Yea Forums hardcore at 15y old
>become fat poor piece of shit shitting on everything cos im poor
>later get some student money and start building a videogame collection
>realize over 80% of comments here is retards stuck with no money on one system
>ostracize myself from this place
>come back at 27y old cos my life is shit again socially and i have too much time and money
>realize people are still poor coping hell and back
people, just dont pay attention to games you cannot afford
for example i got money but im not buying a ps5 just for demons souls remake, that would cost like 800e or something
Some games like totalwar peak mid game and become a slog late game
you are wrong
MML is so obscure anyone who is a fan has higher probability to have played the game
Okay fine I really, REALLY want to bury my face in Cirno's pussy.
genshin impact
technically Soul fans as most of the "git gud" clowns are not good themselves
I've got 300 hours on Skyrim across various platforms and only killed Alduin once at launch.
Games like EU4 have a set end date, but depending on the situation you'll achieve your goals way before the end date.
jet set radio
I can't blame them though, the story is interesting but only the third game is not a torture to play
anyone has the game journalist version where it says "game journalist excited to play the game he just reviewed" with a bunch of journos getting butthurt afterwards?
I have never finished a soulsborne game
yet they are some of the best games I know
I love the lore and world, just cant be arsed to play them myself
But Touhou is one of my favorite games!
Samus is my absolute most fapped to character of all time but I don't like Metroid games or Metroid-style games. I fucking hate backtracking.
I like Dark Souls. I've played it five times only up to Nito because the game is boring at that stage
I think you might be legit mentally retarded
God Hand