It's actually going to happen.
Sony x Fromsoft
Other urls found in this thread:
>every fromsoftware game with bloodborne budget
why is this a bad thing again
Kadokawa is never going to sell FromSoftware
>implying Sony has any money to spend
No, it wont. Stop living a fantasy user
Kek I thought Sony was buying square a few months ago. What happen to that?
>Sony acquisitions Konami and Fromsoft
>Aloy and Elliechuds dead in the water
We finally won
Pros: Fromfags and PCfags mad
Cons: Snoys happy
Idort here. I’d love to see this just to watch the utter meltdown on Yea Forums
Based. From to sony is like Mario to Nintendo
Elden Ring sold most on PC
I don't see why From would shoot themselves in the foot after such success.
Prove it
>implying most Playstation Studios games don't have PC ports anyway
You ok there user?
fack you, snoy.
you will never take away from softs creativity and unique game design.
Na Sony actually likes From unlike Nintendo who just soullessly deploy mario for brand recognition
here's why i dont think its going to happen yet. generally when a company gets out we see the parent company in a position of strength over the one getting bought out. Bungie, Activision, and Bethesda were at historic low points in consumer confidence shortly before their buyouts. Fromsoft however just had it's most successful title.
>you will never take away from softs creativity and unique game design.
Ofcourse they won't
... when there's nothing to take away in the first place.
Souls games? More like Soulless games.
It's almost literally a rehash treadmill. The amount of actual innovation is threadbare and basically what little innovation and change that actually is there, more often than not backfires in practice.
I endorse this just for the meltdown it would cause on Yea Forums. Many keks will be had.
Is it confirmed or just a rumor?
It's been BUNKED
It's just snoy's latest wet dream
They wasted too much money on fucking Bungie to buy From software
I honestly think sony doesnt even want to win
I love how no one fucking knows Fromsoft isn't an independent studio, they have a parent company
Nothing remarkable because Japan Studio is ded.
Why the fuck would bandi sell off their money maker
After Bloodborne flopped i don't think they're going to make any more sony exclusives.
Keep dreaming. Elden Ring is too successful for them to make anything exclusive. It's more profitable for them to be independent than to be bought by Sony.
>Kadokawa selling From
>Right after they released a game that sold 13m in a couple of months
they're fucking owned by Kadokawa
Even if FromSoft were up for grabs the chances of Sony being able to afford them at this point are extremely low. They paid 3.6b for fucking Bungee of all studios, Kadokawa would wring them the fuck out.
i.e., multiplat and free to do what they want, not forced to make 15 FPS games for the Snoybox.
We'll never get new games or sequels to older series if Fromsoftware is bought. Just Souls and Souls-lite.
>dude Sony will buy FROM
Remember when people here were saying that Nintendo was going to buy Atlus?
Keep dreaming snoy
speak english retard
i hope so you want all the turds in the same bowl when you flush. the bungie aquisition was a bigger deal and a better studio. and it too is irrelevant.
Why is Serkan Toto so certain of it then? Reputed gaming journalist extraordinaire
How to ruin an entire franchise in one easy stop
source for this 13m horseshit? its sales have all but stopped
Instead they made Elden Ring a 15fps game on PC and 60fps on PS5
dont you 3rd world nigger pirate half your shit?
My mistake, it was 12m, not 13.
>snoycucks are as gullible as retardera trannies
I thought the first thread was enough but apparently not lmao
i like when games are made with a single hardware in mind because i'm not a underage unable to own all platforms
Retard here, can some please explain how it benefits Kadokawa to own Fromsoft? They aren't publishing the games, Namco and Sony are, so how does it financially benefit them?
thread died already lol. even if this were real no one would give a shit about this aquisition. fromsoft is still very much an irrelevant studio, and for people that know how to follow stats 12 million is dismal. i really hope sony does manage some weird aquisition.
aquiring gearbox would be a bigger deal even though tt wonderlands didnt sell for shit.
ok, snoy.
>randy pitchford will never buy fromsoft
>randy will never defile the entire franchise
what else will it take for fromdrones to realize their favorite game is shit?
It won't but i literally cannot fathom the state of this place if they did holy shit. Bethesda and activision would literally not even matter. Microsoft could absorb both EA and Sega and it STILL would not offset the loss of Fromsoft to Sony as news. This place would be impossible to browse for a year.
>Elden Ring sold most on PC
No it didn't it sold most on consoles.
Bandai own Dark Souls not Fromsoftware.
what are you basing that on? sales? ... do you think souls games outsold the combined efforts of blizzard(wich has cod btw...) and bethesda? wich has doom... i mean. help me understand user.
Elden Ring will have been their last game I ever play in that case.
*citation needed
>what are you basing that on?
Sonyfag behavioural patterns
So what was the reason they spent billions on a relatively small company like Bungie?