Pokemon Reborn completed before YandereDev finished his game

>Pokemon Reborn completed before YandereDev finished his game

Mega link: pkmnfan.games/reborn-win-mega

Attached: pkm reborn.png (549x312, 114.98K)

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Was this the really edgy one?

Never mind.

this is the very edgy and bad one that's been in development for 6 years now.

What's yanderedev up to nowadays

I'm not remotely good enough at Pokemon to ever play it myself but I'll be sure to watch an LP. Reborn is chuuni kino.

>Hackingu instead of hackingnu

Streaming on twitch

i started and finished a phd before eva released his game


For anyone thinking of playing this game, don't let this scene turn you off. There's a flashy gay character as one of the main npcs, but otherwise this is really the only SJW thing I remember (other than the lesbian water gym lady if you count that)
Also I heard this scene got done over / reduced to be less obnoxious, but not sure on that

>don't let this scene turn you off
Yeah there are like one million more scenes that can turn you off so don't worry

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Holy fucking shit, it's been a while since I've laughed this hard

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I can't imagine someone older than 13 wrote this

Lmao true, but it's still enjoyable overall. The shitty, rundown city makes you appreciate areas like the island with the dojo (where your gif takes place) and the natural, forest / open areas outside the walls
But yeah it's laughably edgy and over the top a lot of the time, still worth a play through

and betting on saltybet. If he spent all the time he did saltybetting learning to code, he'd have it done and run fine instead of having the most saltybux out of anybody.

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>For anyone thinking of playing this game, don't let this scene turn you off.
Certainly, there's no need.
As the other user said, there's many more scenes to pick from.

>Playing Pokemon Romhacks in 2022

I'd liek to play a real Nintendo product not this Chinese mockoff bullshit, thanks.

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this is a cutscene, you can stomach and mash A through it
the real "fuck you" is the Factory Gauntlet
>6v12 that leads into 6v6 WHICH IN TURN leads into a 612; you get healed but the second time dead mons stay dead, and you still have to deal with all of this with the same team of six

why the fuck would i play this?

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How far into the game is the sewer where you work with their edgy rape victim that uses an aegislash as a sword? The game basically ended there when i stopped and I'm curious how much more they made

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>mega link
what's the point of this retarded site again?
you have to use their weird download system before the file actually gets put on your PC. I have lost bunch of downloads at like 90+% a few times because you can't continue them anonymously.
that was update 15.
previous one released in 2020 was update 18 and it ended at the second to last Gym
update 19 took forever because they also wanted to do postgame, so it's more like two updates in one.

Sick burn, except Reborn is not a ROM Hack but a native Windows game.

Isn't reborn like ballbusting hard and not even the fun kind of hard?

>tranny game

Pokémon romhacks I don't have a problem with Nintendo nuking out of existence. All of them are completely autistic edge fests without exception.

>All of them are completely autistic edge fests
Based retard.

Unbound is way better than anything gamefreak shat out in the last decade

looks fun
thanks user

So aside from being edgy what's the draw?


So it's woke trash uh

Is this the one that starts with a train bombing?

Really good map and world design and scale (compared to pokemon releases) in the sense of what do they eat.

No, it's not woke trash. It's the most edgy grimdark mid 00s sasuke edge with a few trans characters inserted. I hate gaslighting over this game because that's the least interesting fad outrade of the incomprehensabily wide and horrible tapestry of characters and plot points.


You have my full interest...
... and you have lost my interest completely.

Ok groomer.

Why did it take so long to finish?

Endless drama, incompetence, feature creep, adding new pokemon gens twice and it's really fucking long. But I'd hesitate to recommend it to anyone. If you think it looks interesting or fun, go for it but you're on your own. This thing was made by crazy people for crazy people.

sorry user you don't seem like a trustworthy source on this

Did the writing improved during those years?

Trans wasn't even a thing when this game started developing you dumb fuck. At its core, reborn is 00s edge we used to shitpost against for years, but then you got a thread full of newfag trash that never even heard of the game but because of a single trans update in 2016 it's suddenly a troon product making its threads identical to any other modern day outrage fag. I fucking hate you. Your lack of knowledge of old timey properties and your single issue outragecoom brain destroy the variety on v

No, it got more convoluted and even worse. It's amazing

That's a joke right? That doesn't exist in the game right?
FFS not even temtem went that hard...

The shitty writing must have been on purpose then if it didn't improve after all these years

And it got more edgy. MCs slicing people with final fantasy swords, twins turning to the dark side because they hate each other, doctor mengele experimenting on lgbt little nonbinary children of MCs, more bombs and death and vore etc.

''Because of one trans update they call it a transgame'' you must be the kind who sucked a dick once and complains that people keep calling him gay because it was just a one time thing...

If you are over 13 years old and still play Pokémon, you deserve to be locked in a mental institute.

You could go for any of a million problems. Pedo storyline, artificial difficulty, autistic writing in general, grindfest, horribly designed puzzles, emo edge of the likes that you've never seen before etc etc. But no, you're a single current issue newfag who never heard of this stuff before and you make these threads identical to a million others for no reason. You don't know video games, you have no taste, you're a pol election tourist and I'd like you to 40% too.

Pokémon? Video games???

>because of a single trans update in 2016 it's suddenly a troon product
that is so

>autistic writing in general
as a certified autist, the beach part is absolute dumpster fire even for me.
apparently they're redoing that part of the game
>horribly designed puzzle
please remind me because I have forgotten all bad puzzles in favor of that one optional magic square puzzle except it has Thunderbolt TM and some Mega Stones as a reward, so fuck you

Finally a fucking ending to this shit, rejuvenation is better IMO.

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retarded edginess is just nostalgic user

Who's the canon protag this time?

>made by westerners

Is this one of those romhacks where I have to play it on my PC? Or can I load it onto my 3ds?

For me it's Radical Red.

All I know about Rejuvenation is that some rando got pissed off at it and made a shitpost version with some commissioned porn in it.

>doctor mengele experimenting on lgbt little nonbinary children of MCs,