Status of digital accounts when owner passes away from old age

This is predominately about Steam due to pic related being a public-esque badge of honor. What happens then? Will the account be deleted after maybe a courtesy confirmation email? Is Valve going to care when accounts exceeding the human lifespan are still active thanks to family/friends inheriting it?
>inb4 Valve wouldn't be alive in 2100
Just humor the possibility.

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Well, I havent died but unless Valve has a way of knowing when their users die, the accounts probably just stay there forever.

Probably just maintain their stance towards people with accounts who have died now. I think that's summarized as "we don't care".

I'm humoring it and the implications are grim as fuck. Roko... forgive me...

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>Is Valve going to care
Let me call Valve and ask them. Just wait here

Send courtesy email, lock/pass on the account to relative, and disable their billing information probably.

>Will the account be deleted after maybe a courtesy confirmation email? Is Valve going to care when accounts exceeding the human lifespan are still active thanks to family/friends inheriting it?
They haven't deleted any abandoned accounts so far, why would they start deleting them after people died? There's nothing on TOS that says you can't pass it on to someone after you die. Old accounts will be treated like windows to the past where people go to check out old-ass screenshots from games nobody has played in ages.

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The resale value on 7 digit steam accs is already high as fuck.
Imagine in 100 years, accs would sell for hundreds of thousands, if not millions

Why the fuck would they need to care about this?
Unless there's going to be some kind of EU law that requires services to delete accounts with a certain age, they wont do anything about it.

Some companies purge accounts if they have been inactive for x amount of time. The same automatic purging can be done when a account reached 120 years old.

The years of service badge made me thought about the subject. Given that these are suppose to be for personal use only, I wondered what course of action Valve would take when it's an absolute certain that most owners have passed away at the 100 year mark. Inversely, maybe they haven't done anything to abandoned accounts yet because there's still a chance the owner may return. There's still room for ambiguity, basically. This in particular reminded me of that one user who got his Uplay account deleted because Ubisoft thought his account was permenantly inactive or something like that.

The thought that digital records of my daily life will likely exist for the remainder of human existence terrifies me

Steam will not exist in 100 years. The world will be a vastly different place by then. I mean can you imagine trying to explain Steam to people in 1922?

they will be able to parse Steam much faster than people in 1922. Imagine your chievo list being scrutinized by aliens

The OP explicitly stated to humor the idea that Steam will last that long

>Imagine your chievo list being scrutinized by aliens
Kek I already scrutinize myself when I have a few games where I am 1 achievement away from perfection. I don't have them because they're normally hard shit like pic related.

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no one will care to remember anything about you shortly after you die
3 generations later you will basically be completely forgotten

Or do you know anything at all about your great grandparents?

it's still weird bro

Damn fampai. They are going to think you are the IRL Master Chief, a huge wannabe, or worse. Fuck aliens, man.

I only know that 3 of my great grandparents was involved in WW2, 2 died and 1 came back. Not only was all my great grandparents dead by the time I was born so was half my grandparents.

You have no idea how much shit you have done can be pieced together chronologically and how stupidly that can be interpreted

>user son there's one more thing you need to know before I go *cough* its my steam account and password *cough**wheeze* it has over 800 games on on son and continue to build the library ughhhhhh *dies*

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>his great grandparents weren't influential enough to have books written about them

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>sells it for 200 dollars

considering i have 10+ year abandoned accounts still on my friend list, i dont think valve cares

>ancient knowledge of how to decode and play these games are lost

>His family doesn't keep a highly detailed family tree, including information about every person on it
>His parents didn't teach him about his heritage/ancestry at a young age
Sounds like a you problem burger boy

I already have a steam account Dad. You were even the one who set it up for me.

>There will be a future service that buys up ancient browsing history from companies like Google to show your curious descendants your life and interests

I wonder what future generations with think of their grandparents, pulling duck faces and twerking on social media.

>hurr durr guis wats gonn happen to my account when im ded
You will be dead retard, who gives a fuck. Enjoy it while you're here.

>I havent died

>it's all meme pornography and clowning around

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once your years of service badge surpasses the oldest recorded human age your account deletes itself

there can only be one?

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All accounts will be deleted when Gabe's vitals cease and trigger the killswitch

>Will the account be deleted after maybe a courtesy confirmation email?
Why would they go out of their way to delete an account because they're dead? Retard.

then we are obligated to make fat jokes and force a lifestyle change

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Fyi. Nobody gives a shit about your achievements. I presume Aliens will be the same

Not with that attitude.

I imagine what would it be like if they didn't delete inactive accounts period.
Imagine a Steam account graveyard or a museum exhibit with accounts hundreds of years old.

Yeah unless they are neurotic fascists that write algorithms to do it for them.

That's already what it is. If Valve also keeps hosting people's screenshots forever, it will be quite a sight.

Lrn 2 rd

You got him there, but what if somebody accessed the account of somebody that should be dead? I assume there's a policy against sharing accounts, aside from family sharing. so you'd need to ban the account, right?

Personally I presume aliens will dig up what remains of our culture and try to understand it like an archeologist would
If cheevos are something they dig up on a computer somewhere they'll try to understand the cultural significance of it

What if it’s inherited?

yeah but it's not like they'd care if you 100%'d hollow knight. you could've used SAM or they just wouldn't care because they have no context of how difficult it'd be

He got killed by his neighbor with a plow after an argument over fence placement

They might care if you 100% Hatred though and they might fall on the Chris side of the Hitler hypothetical

>You got him there, but what if somebody accessed the account of somebody that should be dead? I assume there's a policy against sharing accounts,
Yeah but how will they find out? People do similar shit like this all the itme. It's like jaywalking. Everyone does it but cops don't give a fuck.

I can relate, fences are a nightmare when the borders of 2 plots aren't clear.

Where the fuck do you live where jaywalking is a real shit inconvenience? Sounds like hell

That's where the years of service come into play, no? Or better yet, Valve's own internal database. It's obviously a non-issue today, but think long, long term. If there's a 200 year old account still active then it's pretty obvious that somebody else is using it.

I wonder how many actually know what that even is or where to find it

Companies keeps record of everything. Sooner or later these logs will be leaked and future historians will know absolutely everything about you and who you were as a person.

and the same callous way companies filter out applicants

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Wouldn't the account become active then?

This is something yet to be seen as we are going towards this timeline where some people can begin inheriting digital shit from their elders when they die. Even if my dad had Steam account and died right now and I got it no one would know because what is the maximum age of Steam right now? 21 years old? I doubt there will even be any contact asking if this is really your account outside of shit the account holder should pass down along with the account. Once digital shit is still active way past 100 years then maybe we'll know.

If I have a son that's into vidya I'll share my steam account with him desuu

Jagex the fags who operate runescape did this for a player named the old nite, the mods helped give all the shit on his account to his family

>Daddy, what's SEX with HITLER?

>why do you have so many hentai games?

Pretty sure you can hide or even delete games from your account so that's not a problem

or you know... they'll fucking delete your account altogether...
That's why you never rely on any big company for fucking anything in life. You're just a fucking NUMBER to them