Serah. Serah Farron
>XIII trilogy
What went wrong?
Noctis and Stella
what went right
The PS3 era was a disaster for Square-Enix.
The reason they made two sequels to FFXIII was because the first version of FFXIV was trash and turned into a moneysink. They had to pump out some quick cashgrabs to stay afloat.
She's kinda cute but she ain't got shit on Claire.
Claire looks like a manlier Serah
That's okay, since Serah is magical girl tier girly girl shit.
Lightning obsession. Serah couldn't even have her own game with her on the cover because it had to be All Lightning All The time.
Hell Serah dies in her own game but it's okay because Lightning's fine.
>All Lightning All The time.
The way it should be...
Well Serah is not the one turning into a goddess, is she? She's a fucking plot device at best.
Why is there 3 parts of one FF game? Why is plot of 13 so big?
For me? It's her brother-in-law.
Conan O'Brien.
Say what you want about FFXIII-2. But it did two things great.
1. Noelle was a better partner for Serah than Snow.
2. The ending scene of her dying and Noelle calling out her name is KINO.
the ending where they kill the anti-spiral is kino tho
The Knot
The trilogy itself was great. It just didn't get the recognition because they fucked up all their other development so badly.
The whole trilogy is kino as fuck.
>that moment in 13 when you reach a hill and you see the other side of cocoon in the sky curving on itself
Lunafreya coming home from a hard day of oracle-ing to find Claire and Noct lewd hand-holding!!
>of her dying
I thought she died in the beginning of part-1.
was it too ahead of its time?
13 is a horrible mess in absolutely every way other than looking flashy and having a decent OST, it set SE back years and 13-3 is the lowest selling FF of all time despite being marketed to hell and back. FF fans hated it, casuals hated it, only a select few retards and later contradictory faggots actually like the game. It is objectively shit.
Ruined. A big part of Lightning's appeal is her ice queen bitchiness.
>A big part of Lightning's appeal is her ice queen bitchiness.
13 has the best combat of any mainline FF and the best story and setting after 12. I'm aware it filtered many people because the start was too slow but it's an amazing game.
Dilate faggot.
Basically nothing to do but main story
Improved on XIII in every way. Legitimately fun to play
>Lightning Returns
Only real issue is time limits but as long as you're not retarded you'll 100% everything and have multiple days left. The most non linear Final Fantasy since you can do the story in any order you want.
>Only real issue is time limits
What? Is that Way of the Samurai of Final Fantasy?
I wouldn't say the best but I do agree it's an amazing game with a rough start that rewards you if you stick it out. It definitely has it's flaws but the hate for it is beyond overblown. Regardless, to me, it's got a lot of honest to goodness heart and dare I even say SOUL that I can always appreciate when I go back and play from time to time.
So why did it get so many hate. I thought cut-scenes and graphics were supposed to amaze players.
agree 100%
There are initially like 3 or 4 days before the end of the world. You can extend it to a maximum of 13 days by doing the main story and side quests but once the time limit is up you have to fight god then get isekai'd into the real world.
For me 13 was the last FF that still tried to be a spectacle and technical marvel. All downhill from there
Memes. People exaggerating it's flaws. People who dont know how to properly use the battle system and just spam auto-battle and complaing about it. English localization fucking up the characters. etc etc... That last on is especially egregious because for example instead of your typical bro dude, Snow rarely actually calls himself a hero and actually is a lot more endearingly boyish in his inflections and stutters a lot and you can hear how uneasy he is sometimes compared to troy baker making him sound confident and suave nonstop. There's also his line with serah instead of some generic romance our own private heaven shit he tells her lets watch the fireworks next year too to try and give her some bit of hope of a future when she feels her life was basically over.
>hype the everlasting fuck out of FF15
>have an entire event dedicated to it
>make an anime for it
>make a movie prequel for it
Things were fine up till this point
>changed the opening from you playing through the invasion of Insomnia to car troubles and varmint killing
>changed the combat to 1 button because Tabata is a fossil who can't comprehend more than 1 button during combat
>empty open world
>stamina bar
>royal weapons drain hp
>cancelled DLC
>took numerous patches to fix annoyances with the game
There's a lot to be worried about FF16
is that snows last name?
Farron is Claire and Serah's surname. Snow's is Cuck actually it's Villiers
lol nah, Serah makes it clear she's still thirsting hard over Snow's dick to Noel too much including gushing over him and his hot bod and how cute he is and crying and clinging to him when he's peacing out and basically saying she's gonna come get his dick herself if he takes too long to come back and fuck her. Besides, be a little realistic, a sour little twink who's hung up over a loli could never fill and satisfy Serah's petite body the way 6'7 chad thundercock could. Look at that beast. You just KNOW he destroys her insides on the daily when they're together.
I loved 13. It had amazing story/characters/visuals/music and had more fun combat than the old turn based approach. It doesn't suffer from horrible voice over like FFX, and it suffers a lot less from cringy anime dialogue than other titles. The people actually feel like somewhat realistic people. It's great, I really liked it.
I do really fucking hate time travel though, so FFXIII-2 killed my interest in the story completely, and the horrible pc port made me never play it for the gameplay, either.
That's it! I've come up with a new recipe!
Unironically made me grin whenever he said it out of nowhere. I genuinely dont know why. Though late game when everything's gone to shit having him just chipperly blurt it out despite the somber mood was amazing.
>horrible pc port
Anyone who played any of the trilogy on PC didn't get a pleasant experience. Not only was it using the lower quality 360 assets, the audio code they used was fucked hard and it was barely capable of acceptable stereo. Hell, xiii-2 blasts static in the rear channels proving that they didn't even test it before shipping. Either get a PS3 and the real versions or wait for RPCS3 to get actual feature parity with a real PS3 rather than the zsnes-tier simplified rendering approach they have right now.
>Though late game when everything's gone to shit having him just chipperly blurt it out despite the somber mood was amazing.
It was a nice light in such a dark place... especially since he couldn't see...
>I do really fucking hate time travel though, so FFXIII-2 killed my interest in the story completely, and the horrible pc port made me never play it for the gameplay, either.
This makes me annoyed since I literally looked up the 13 games on steam to see if my PC can run them and saw that 13-2 was mixed and broken.
I played LR on PC for a little over 60 hours, saw nothing wrong with it.
It's perfectly playable, but the audio is more compressed, the surround support is non-existant, the movies are like youtube versions, the texturing and render target resolution is not quite right... Basically the PS3 is the "artist's intent" and they built the assets for that, then they trashed them to fit onto a reasonable number of 360 discs, losing the PS3 specific code in the process so the end result is missing some features here and there. And then they took that busted 360 code and ported it to the PC, forgetting even more of the console specific things that they now have the power, but not the will to put back in.
However the PS3 LR runs at such a terrible frame rate you can be forgiven for preferring the scuffed PC version.
>audio sucks
>videos suck
>surround or whatever
install the fucking mods that fix this, lad
>he didn't go to pcgamingwiki
>gets paired with a 10/10 time travel bf with 100x the chemistry of her actual fiancé
>Nooooo muh snooooow
>Nooooo muh Yuel
Man, fuck XIII-2. That was easily the worst aspect.
Well I loved it anyway. I'm just a shit eating pleb I suppose.
Snow cheated on Serah with her sister. Serah deserves better.
Cold-sweet waifus always get botched when imported.
Lightning is kinder in Japanese, ironically 2B got the same treatment and is just if not moreso as popular.
Yuel and Noel are meant for each other as friends
shut up Caius
Fang completely mogs every other FFXIII girl.
talk more Caius
He would never. If offered sex with Claire he would spill all the spaghetti on his way out but he still wouldn't do it.
Faith and Light are in a committed relationship!
The Lightning one is better imo
>If offered sex with Claire he would spill all the spaghetti on his way out but he still wouldn't do it.
It's not his decision
Lightning gets what she wants
Actually, they did it because FFXIII sold REALLY well.
I'm convinced a lot of XIII-2 was actually built on what would've been Chrono Break.
>create a boy
>change it to a girl
>change nothing else
>she's perfect
Nips make the best girls when they don't write them with kawaii desu tropes in mind.
>The reason they made two sequels to FFXIII was because the first version of FFXIV was trash and turned into a moneysink.
I know XIV 1.0 was terrible but do you have a single fact to back that up?
XIII was all anyone talked about on release and is why other games like NieR Gestalt were totally ignored.
>FFXIII is bad
Fattest way to know if someone is a celebrity-worshipping, YouTube-watching, reddit-bandwagoner, ffx-soifacer.
hurts my hands
Most FF girls, actually.
>Claire looks like a manlier Cloud